• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

FRC Tom's reincarnated Z06

Is this the same blue Z06 that used to be parked over at AntiVenom?
Sure must be nice to brag about a car that is not paid for. A deal was made, and the party that is supposed to be paying Tom for the car is taking their sweet A$$ time making the payments, not keeping to the agreed upon schedule.

I personally think it is pretty tasteless to post about how much you did to this car and how great a car it is when you have not been making the payments that you promised to make. Tom signed over the title to the car in good faith, and now is getting screwed, pretty low in my book.

As Tom says in the above post, someone needs to give him a call instead of avoiding him. Do the right thing, pay the man for the car, he gave it to you for a steal, now do the right thing and pay what you said you would pay, when you said you would pay it.

If this is going to become a Board Of Inquiry style issue, please take this discussion to that forum via a new thread there before it does so. :NoNo:
If this is going to become a Board Of Inquiry style issue, please take this discussion to that forum via a new thread there before it does so. :NoNo:

I saw this this morning and almost moved it. I'll let it sit (unless you want to move it now?) and see which course it takes.

Hoepfully, it'll stay a proper course:thumbsup:
Who are you talking to Dickhead? Or Dicky? And Be specific if you have details....and make sure you have your facts straight.

Leave it up guys so we can lay out the facts on this and show how Dickhead hasn't a clue about this.:hehehe:

Sure must be nice to brag about a car that is not paid for. A deal was made, and the party that is supposed to be paying Tom for the car is taking their sweet A$$ time making the payments, not keeping to the agreed upon schedule.

I personally think it is pretty tasteless to post about how much you did to this car and how great a car it is when you have not been making the payments that you promised to make. Tom signed over the title to the car in good faith, and now is getting screwed, pretty low in my book.

As Tom says in the above post, someone needs to give him a call instead of avoiding him. Do the right thing, pay the man for the car, he gave it to you for a steal, now do the right thing and pay what you said you would pay, when you said you would pay it.

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Who are you talking to Dickhead? Or Dicky? And Be specific if you have details....and make sure you have your facts straight.

Leave it up guys so we can lay out the facts on this and show how Dickhead hasn't a clue about this.:hehehe:

Ouch....namecalling 101. I expected better....:nonod:
Ouch....namecalling 101. I expected better....:nonod:

I admit the name calling was wrong, but he hasen't a clue what he's talking about and it's pretty serious false allegations he appears to be making so I'd like him to clarify his statements and add facts.
Everything I relayed in my message came straight from FRC Tom, the following facts were validated via Tom this evening. If you want facts, here is what Tom and I discussed:

1. Deal was made, that you would pay $20,000 for the car in 20 monthly $1000 payments.
2. This deal was struck either in April 2009, which means that the payment plan is on the order of 12-13 months along.
2. To date, accoring to Tom, he has recieved $9500 from you, since we are over 12 months into this payment plan, there have obviously been lapses in payments. In fact, Tom has only received $1500 since December.

You still owe Tom, according to Tom, $10,500 for a car he signed the title over to you in good faith, trusting that you would honor your $1000 monthly payments.

You called me a dickhead, but based on what Tom has discussed with me, and he would know since he is the one getting or should I say not getting the payments, you are the one that deserves that title for taking advantage of a guy who put his faith in you to do the right thing.

I do not have a personal stake in this, other than Tom is good friend, I just hate to see a good friend get taken advantage of.

You obviously had the money to fix and upgrade the car, but you can't see straight to make your payments to Tom on time as you agreed.

Sorry guys, this one simply turns my stomach.

Tom, if I have misrepresented anything in this, please step in and correct me, and I will apologize for those inaccurate statements.

Tracy, simply pay Tom the money you owe him, and you have no issues with me whatsoever...

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If you guys won't take this voluntarily to the Board of Inquiry forum, then you leave me no choice but to move it there,
I was out all day yesterday and didn't see the tailspin until now:( Thanks for moving it Rich:thumbsup:

Now gentlemen, there are a few rules:

1) no personal threats
2) no name calling-keep it CIVIL!
3) state fact and support it with EVIDENCE.
4) if not fact based (paper work you can redact and scan, etc), then it's HEARSAY. If that's the case, state it as such (as Mark did in his last post-this is from FRC Tom, etc).

There's too much at stake (friendships, reputations, civil and potential criminal ramifications, money, et al) to take this section too lightly. This is one of the only sections on the board, that can easily get you a vacation (ask Dan).

Please, lets keep it civil:thumbsup:

You excatly are a *****! You accuse me of screwing Tom? I owe Tom not one thin dime!! 3 years ago Tom was trying to sell his car, no one would bite on it in the shape it was in. 2 yearsof leaves and debris covering it at Gregs house and wire harnesses ate up by mice so it would not run. For NO CHARGE I trailered his car down so it could be stored in doors and then again, charged him not a penny for all the work. I removed the turbos and replaced the seals that were shot from sitting, replaced/repaired the wiring harneses, drained the old oil and replaced w/ne M1 and a K&N filter, and then he shows up to strip parts off to sell so he can buy he & Ellen more beer. (the sway bars, and he was to drunk to get them off himself so I even take them off for him). I store it for 2 tears inside, again, charge not a penny. Then finally after advertising it and showing it to dozens (who call it junk in such neglected shape) I find a customer I convince it is worth buying & fixing up. I introduce to two and they strike a deal of $1000 a month. I get again, NOT A PENNY of Money (to his Mother as month. I have NOTHING to do with the sale as far as benifiting a dime, I have no ownership and handle no paperwork. I then spend the past year tryig to get the guy to pay Tom on time, I even pay out of my own pocket so he has rent as Ellen has him arrested time & again and finally get repaid by the purchaser. Toms Mother is the only one who can dole the $ to him as we all know he is a 6-7 time convicted criminal that can't take care of himself as he drinks every penny away he gets. I have had to endure Ellen calling non-stop for days screaming and tying up thebusiness phone demanding $ so she can get a fix. I get phone cals at 1-2-3 in the morning from the drunks/drug addicts demanding I find them $$ for their habits while I have nothing to do with his mess and you come in and post this false bull? You have shown you have just enough knowledge to be an idiot before with your false assumptions and THIS is outright libel & slander. So appologize and get your facts straight or I WILL see you in court. Posting opinions may be free speach, but out and out lies and serious accusations like this cross the line.
hat was rebuild the car for the customer, write a story I thought was in r
Again I had nothing to do with the deal except help all involved, Tom did all the discussions and negotiations directly with the buyer & he signed the title over to him. All I did after that is rebuild the car for the customer, assist in getting Tom paid on time, and wrote a story showing respect for the Tom we all used to know before he was the street drunk he is now....even so far as giving him $ when he & Ellen would show up at the shop broke and living in a car with the window broken outso he could get a flop-house room...but Imagine IT went for more substance abuse. So appologize for being such a heartless trouble maker and stay out of stuff you haven't a clue on.:mad:[
I'm going to jump into this one. I have known Tracy for about 6 yrs. We were friends, then we didn't get along for awhile and fences are mended and we're friends again. He has always bent over backwards to help those that needed his help. I know of one time he got screwed over big time for a huge amount of money for trusting a guy. He's not a taker but a giver and some people take advantage of that.

He has helped racers from Bradenton to Englishtown and I have never heard one complaint. I do not know about any of the facts posted but I do know Tracy is a stand up guy and that the guy that posted otherwise doesn't know what he's talking about.
I've learned about these post 2day.
Did not want this to come out in public and I will not play he said she said games. Pretty low though to bring my mother and girlfriend into it.
Bottom line is that I am owed $4500.00 to date with a total of $10,500 due.
If I was a bank ( which I'm not) the car would have been repoed already.

To be continued on zo6vette dot com.
Do not want to have this a thorn in Rich"s side.
I've learned about these post 2day.
Did not want this to come out in public and I will not play he said she said games. Pretty low though to bring my mother and girlfriend into it.
Bottom line is that I am owed $4500.00 to date with a total of $10,500 due.
If I was a bank ( which I'm not) the car would have been repoed already.

To be continued on zo6vette dot com.
Do not want to have this a thorn in Rich"s side.

Then don't lay it on me after all I did for you through this, thats as low as it gets. Address it with who you made the deal with.