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Unread 05-28-2010, 02:12 PM   #23
Z06 Rocket
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As a pro LEO person I fully agree with Rich and Shadow. I, and my family, do not fear the law abiding people who own and or carry guns. If we outlaw guns then they will be made in a sh**ty 3rd world country and still be here to terrorize the innocent civilians. The fear of the "victim" having a gun keeps most of the "bad guys" in check.

In countries that have banned guns (like the UK and Australia) homocides and home invasions and murders have gone way up - maybe something like 300% if I remember correctly. The "Citizens" have to live behind huge walls and in fortified enclosures like "criminals" to survive. In those places the knife assaults have doubled and or tripled, and have not stemmed the flow of violence.

Look at the USA... Chicago is contemplating calling out the National Guard because they have a record number of homicides. They have a VERY strict gun law. Add in Washington DC, the murder capitol, and make sure you throw in New Yawk, where a police man from another state was criminally charged with shooting a criminal because he didn't have the permit in their extremely strict gun laws state.

As FloridaZ said any gun can kill you. I have seen too many times when a .22 kills a police officer, so trying to call a gun an "assault" rifle to get it banned is a cheap and sorry scare tactic to sensationalize it for the sheep of the world.
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