• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Rain today

1.38 inches and we are in a break in the rain. Looking like more due later this afternoon.
We didn't get as much rain as they had been predicting, after all. Matter of fact, they had been predicting that this entire week was going to be rainy here, but now that has completely changed and beautiful Spring weather with sunny skies and warm temps is showing instead. :shrug01:

Heck, I might even be able to get one or both of the vettes out for a drive sometime this week. Been a while since I have driven either of them.
We got 1.01 inches of rain this past evening, and it looks like more is on the way through the next day or so. This will be good for the fruit trees and the new bamboo shoots coming up.
We had another 0.80 inch added early this morning. Looks like more on the way today.
Actually we have another band of heavy rain moving in here right now. Lots of thunder, too.
I don't know what the final rainfall amount was here since my rain gauge apparently choked up. Had to be more than 2 inches, though, based on what it DID register. It would be just incrementing steadily during the heavy rainfall, and then just suddenly stop increasing for long periods. So not sure what is up with that. I checked it the other day for debris in it and cleaned out the pollen that had accumulated in it. Maybe before the next predicted rainfall I'll change out the batteries.

Sorry you didn't get more rain, but I guess a quarter inch of rain is better than nothing.

Our temporary pond down near the large bamboo grove is filled up with water pretty well. Pair of box turtles are bumping heads in it. They seem to be highly attracted to that temporary pond for some reason. And the mosquito population is definitely increasing. Got to get those mosquito magnets cranked up REAL soon.
Was hoping for a good soaking rain today, but no such luck. The strong front heading our way from the west is just breaking up and we are getting barely a drizzle. 0.03 inches so far, and unlikely to be much more.

I cannot figure out what breaks up those storm fronts before they get to us. They will reach just east of Panama City, and then just evaporate before they reach us. It's not like we have a mountain range west of us or anything but something in that area is obviously having an effect. I've actually seen strong rain bearing fronts break up to the west of us, then reform to the east of us dropping a lot of rain. I just cannot figure out the mechanism locally that would cause that to happen.

Well, I have heard some people claim the Magnetic Lab in Tallahassee is influencing the weather around here, but I'm not sure historical weather data prior to it's construction would support that theory. From what I have heard from folks, this area where we live used to be farm land, but it was all mostly abandoned which allowed the forest to grow back. The stream through our land, according to some folks we talked to, used to be crystal clear until tannin from forest growth tainted the color of the water. So something apparently caused the failure of farming attempts here. Perhaps it is this phenomenon affecting Spring time rains, when they would be sorely needed, that was the cause.

I guess it is just one of those unsolved mysteries, I suppose.
Was hoping for a good soaking rain today, but no such luck. The strong front heading our way from the west is just breaking up and we are getting barely a drizzle. 0.03 inches so far, and unlikely to be much more.

I cannot figure out what breaks up those storm fronts before they get to us. They will reach just east of Panama City, and then just evaporate before they reach us. It's not like we have a mountain range west of us or anything but something in that area is obviously having an effect. I've actually seen strong rain bearing fronts break up to the west of us, then reform to the east of us dropping a lot of rain. I just cannot figure out the mechanism locally that would cause that to happen.

Well, I have heard some people claim the Magnetic Lab in Tallahassee is influencing the weather around here, but I'm not sure historical weather data prior to it's construction would support that theory. From what I have heard from folks, this area where we live used to be farm land, but it was all mostly abandoned which allowed the forest to grow back. The stream through our land, according to some folks we talked to, used to be crystal clear until tannin from forest growth tainted the color of the water. So something apparently caused the failure of farming attempts here. Perhaps it is this phenomenon affecting Spring time rains, when they would be sorely needed, that was the cause.

I guess it is just one of those unsolved mysteries, I suppose.

It always dies out before it makes it to us to the south. Did that yesterday.

No upper level support means no rain.
I guess we have upper level support today. I thought the predicted rain was going to be swinging north of us, as often happens, but apparently it dipped down to bring the rain to us. Got 0.30 inches so far and they are expecting from 1 to 2 inches all total.

The forecast was all over the map for the last 24 hours, even before I went to bed at 3am, the forecast was calling for 60% chance of rain, with maybe a quarter inch of accumulation.

I wonder how weather men and women get evaluated for raises and job retention? :thinkin:
Wound up with 0.53 inches of rain today. But looks like it's possible we may get more tonight.
Got some last nite.

Who was she? :lmao:

Seriously, we got a tenth of an inch of rain this morning. But I'm still not sure how accurate that rain gauge I have is. Seems like it rained a whole lot more than that to me.