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Unread 04-29-2006, 06:41 PM   #6
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exile is on a distinguished road

No, I haven't backed off driving. It's still cheap entertainment all things considered, and driving the Z is entertainment for me. I don't use it for a beater. I hate what the petroleum companies and the speculators are doing to gas prices though. I drive a lot in my work. I am a real estate appraiser and real estate sales associate, so I'm out everyday driving Sarasota and surrounding counties. I really think about the gas I'm burning driving for my work. But, when I get in the vette and go for a spin, I don't give it much thought. Best money I can spend. Figure it this way, just pleasure driving, I might burn $25. a week, maybe a little more. But hey, most enjoyable $25. I spend in a week. I know to some extent the petroleum industry is counting on my continued use of their product, I will do what I can to conserve when I'm working and running to the store for something, but I drive the Z as much as ever and will continue to do so.

with the Vette it's going to be a jump from that.
Zach, if you can keep your foot out of it you will be surprised how the vette compares to the Audi. 28 to 30 MPG is not an unreasonable expectation
Cor·vette : [ kôr-vt ]n. 1. A fast, lightly armed warship, smaller than a destroyer, often armed for antisubmarine operations.
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