• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Florida corvette clubs section

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Based on the lack of participation here of even those few clubs who opted to have their own free forum on this site, I decided to discontinue that offering and removed that section from this site. My opinion is that this offering was just not of any interest to nearly everyone, so I couldn't see the sense to taking up screen real estate for it. I had hoped that the clubs would be interested in providing a dialog with all the other potential members and interested parties in this state and adjoining ones, even between other clubs, but that just does not appear to be the case. So I am done beating that particular dead horse.

Eventually I will get around to copying all the threads in those club forums into the general Clubs and Organizations forum that still exists here.
Asking for a little site user in put would have been nice !!

Some of the club forums haven't had a new post in over a year.

I even went to a few of the club sites and only found one that even had a link on their site directing their members to their forum here. And that wasn't all that easy to find. So from what I can see very darn little effort was being made to even let their own members know about their forum on this site.

What other input do you suggest would have been more telling than what I have pointed out above?

If I had posted a notice about the impending closure, maybe three members would have even commented on it here. Two of the comments would have likely been nothing more than "Too bad....".

No, sorry, but it was obviously a fruitless effort on my part and time to end it. From what I could see NO ONE was interested in what I was offering.
Rich I know you own this site , But with out users there is no point . All I am saying is the oppertunity for some input from the users would be nice. .
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Rich I know you own this site , But with out users there is no point . All I am saying is the oppertunity for some input from the users would be nice. .

Yep, that is correct. Without users USING those club forums, what was the point of having them here?

Well OK, those forums have not been deleted, only removed from being active. So SHOW me what input it is that will make enough difference for me to reactivate them. How many members or club representatives do you propose saying "I would like to keep MY club forum" should be enough for them to stay here?

I didn't have any strings attached to the offering. Just USE the darn forums to make it worthwhile having them here. So if they are not going to be used, please tell me why I should waste the space here for them. What IS the point then?
About half of our club is on this site our club section was set up with sticks that showed our events, meeting places and locations. We gave up our web site so this is it for our club Rich .
Well, OK, then I'll put your forum back up. I will remove only those that have been apparently abandoned.

Well, hold on a minute. Is your club the "Corvette Club of Mandarin"?

If so, there hasn't been a new post in that forum since 09-21-2010.

So I'm REALLY confused about how that forum is all that important to you.

Please explain. Perhaps we are talking about a different club and not the one indicated in your signature area....
I agree with you Rich...I was in one of the first clubs to go up on your site thinking it was good idea...participation was dismal then and worse now...
Well, hold on a minute. Is your club the "Corvette Club of Mandarin"?

If so, there hasn't been a new post in that forum since 09-21-2010.

So I'm REALLY confused about how that forum is all that important to you.

Please explain. Perhaps we are talking about a different club and not the one indicated in your signature area....

I have heard no response about this concerning the club I resurrected. Unless I am provided with a good reason why I shouldn't, that club section will be removed again.