Been tinkering with a "valet tune" lately and have come up with something that works pretty well. The car will not go over 20 mph nor 3,000 rpm. I'm thinking it might be worthwhile loading in this tune if I go out of town for a while just in case someone might break into my garage and want to snatch that pretty blue car for a joy ride. Sure wouldn't be very joyful for him... :hehehe:
Tune Valet_Mode_3
Logged 11-11-2014
B3616 - Normal PE Mode Enable (TPS%)
Changed all values to 99% throttle
B2201 - ETC Rev Limit
B3330 - Fuel Cutoff in P/N
6900 changed to 3000
B3331 - Fuel Re-Enable in P/N
6899 changed to 2999
B3303 - Fuel Cutoff Limiters in Gear
Cutoff = 3000
Re-enable = 2999
H0108 - ETC Speed Govern Threshold
255 changed to 20
H0109 - Maximum Vehicle Speed (Non ETC)
255 changed to 20
H0111 - Maximum Vehicle Speed (with ETC)
255 changed to 20
H0112 - Overspeed Timer (with ETC)
Changed 409.59 to 1 second
H0114 - Maximum Vehicle Speed with RTD Fault
256 changed to 20
B1201 - Abuse Management (in gear) Upper RPM Threshold
6600 changed to 3000
B1202 - Abuse Management (in Gear) Lower RPM Threshold
B1203 - Abuse Management (in P/N) Upper RPM Threshold
B1204 - Abuse Management (in P/N) Lower RPM threshold
B1205 - Abuse Management TPS Upper Threshold
B1206 - Abuse Management TPS Lower Threshold
B1207 - Abuse Management Vehicle Speed Threshold
B5401 - ETC Controller RPM Limit (RPM)
9000 changed to 2500
B3305 - Cold Engine Protection Timer
All cells set to 409 seconds
B3306 - Cold Engine RPM Limiter
Cutoff = 2500
Re-Enable = 2490
Notes: Logging shows that the fuel is cut off when any of the limits are hit. The car is still drivable, as it recovers quickly after the fuel is shut off, but speed and engine RPM is drastically reduced. I could catch up to the car on my bicycle if I needed to.