• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Search results

  1. 00C5

    Motorplex Park Announced

    The National Corvette Museum has announced that it has acquired 70 plus acres to be used for the development of an Educational Motorplex Park to be located across the interstate from the Museum. The Motorplex Park will offer a ¼ mile drag strip, 1.5 mile road track and an autocross/skid pad...
  2. 00C5

    Corvette Museum expansion ahead of plan

    Dirt being turned on the NCM's $9M expansion! "The expansion will add 47,000 square feet to the existing 69,000 square feet and will include a library-archives, a cafeteria with 75 seats, a greatly expanded gift store and a conference center with a seating capacity of 400. The center also can...
  3. 00C5

    New and on-line now - Wendell's Corner

    New and on-line now - Wendell's Corner Weblog Here's your chance to interact directly with the NCM's Executive Director, Wendell Strode. Visit the blog from the NCM website or go to http://www.corvettemuseum.com/blog/ Be sure to visit the National Corvette Museum at http://www.corvettemuseum.com
  4. 00C5

    Calling all C4 Owners

    Registration is open! Will YOU be there? Event information is available at http://www.corvettemuseum.com/registration/gathering/info.shtml Be sure to visit the National Corvette Museum at http://www.corvettemuseum.com
  5. 00C5

    Calling all C5/C6 Owners

    Registration is open! Will YOU be there? Event information is available at http://www.corvettemuseum.com/registration/c5_bash/info.shtml Be sure to visit the National Corvette Museum at http://www.corvettemuseum.com
  6. 00C5


    FLORIDA IS #1 in NCM Members (again) :dancer01: According to the January/February 2007 issue of the NCM publication, America's Sports Car, Florida once again tops the list of membership by state with 2,165 members! The balance of the top five are: #2 California with 2,125 #3 Texas with 1,727...
  7. 00C5

    National Corvette Caravan 2009

    National Corvette Caravan 4 NCM 15th Anniversary All Roads Lead to Bowling Green in 2009! Stay on top of the caravan details and specifics and enjoy the company of other enthusiasts preparing for the 4th National Corvette Caravan organized in conjunction with the Museum’s 15th Anniversary...
  8. 00C5

    NCM eNEWS Newsletter

    Through weekly eNewsletters, the NCM shares information about exciting new Corvette announcements, Corvette racing updates, Corvette Store specials and discounts, updates from the Corvette Assembly Plant, NCM event updates and much more. Keep informed on all news coming out of the NCM by...
  9. 00C5

    NCM Valentine Membership Special

    Valentines Day is just around the corner and a membership to the National Corvette Museum makes a unique gift that your special valentine will love! ;) Order a membership as a Valentines gift and receive a new $100 “Family” membership for the price of a $50 “Individual” membership! If you...
  10. 00C5

    NCM Show Season Begins in Florida

    The 2007 show season is here and the NCM's first outing will be the NCRS 29th Annual Florida Chapter Winter Meet held at Old Town in Kissimmee, FL. The NCRS event runs January 18 – 21. While there, the NCM will be hosting a small dinner with NCM Members in the area at Race Rock on...
  11. 00C5

    NCM Membership POLL

    NCM Membership POLL I'd like to be as responsive and informative as possible in this forum regarding information about the National Corvette Museum. For those that may not be aware, when the Museum breaks down their membership by state, Florida has consistently topped the list at #1... I'd...
  12. 00C5

    2007 NCM Special Events Calendar

    Here's a one page summary of the events planned for the coming year, along with references to additional information: April 26-28 - C5/C6 Bash The Bash is the first event of the season held at the Museum. At this event, we will once again offer guests in attendance an opportunity to be part of...
  13. 00C5

    Welcome to the new NCM forum section of CorvetteFlorida.com!

    :welcome: Welcome to the new NCM forum section of CorvetteFlorida.com! CorvetteFlorida.com is a of the National Corvette Museum. Since 1953 the Corvette has been America's Sports Car. The National Corvette Museum was established as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit foundation with a mission of...
  14. 00C5

    Roger's Cruz'In - Saturday, October 28th - Orlando

    Roger's Cruz'In - Saturday, October 28th An annual charity benefit show for THE RUSSELL HOME FOR ATYPICAL CHILDREN JUDGED CORVETTE SHOW * DJ * GREAT DOOR PRIZES * 50-50 * CHARITY AUCTION FREE EVENT T-SHIRT FOR THE FIRST 100 CORVETTES REGISTERED! Sponsored by Roger's Corvette Center and the...