• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Senate Bill sb1294 - Preinsurance inspections

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member

Deletes a provision exempting policies issued in certain counties from the requirement that a private passenger motor vehicle undergo a preinsurance inspection. Deletes a requirement that a physical imprint or other record be made of the vehicle identification number. Requires that a preinsurance inspection include certain color images of the vehicle. Requires that physical damage coverage be suspended if the preinsurance inspection is not completed within 10 business days. Requires an adjustment in the premium upon suspension of physical damage coverage.

OK, so I moved back to Florida after a ten year leave. I rescinded my NC coverage on my Z and CJ7 and purchased coverage from Progressive here in Florida on 4/16/06. The purchase was made via the internet. Everything went smoothly, got my tags and title transfers.
What the devil does all that mumbo- jumbo mean?:shrug01: It seems from reading all that double talk that I need to get in touch with a local Progressive office and take care of business or I could lose coverage.
Do we have anyone who is legal document inclined who could give a quick synopsis of Senate Bill sb1294? I'd be much obliged.........TOM:thinkin: :confused:
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One thing I see in reading the Bill is that it doesn't take effect until October 1, 2006. You need to ask Progressive why they are trying to put you through this now.:confused:
Actually I think the insurance companies are just getting too danged big for their britches. Now that they have gotten laws in place to make their products mandatory, they feel they can make all sorts of demands on their customers on penalty of losing their insurance and therefore the ability to drive on the streets.

I wish I could get the legislature to make it a law that everyone in the country had to buy my product. :rolleyes:
Yeah, thanks guys. It appears that I will have to get in touch with my ins. co. and do whatever is necessary to secure my policy. I'll give Progressive a chance to contact me, I'm sure they will. I just get tired of all the loose ends that forever come up where government is involved. I always have to go back and sign one more paper or send another check for $35. for something. Never ends it seems.
Rich, I know exactly what you mean. One of the richest, if not the richest industries in the Country is backed by the government, forever soaking us for more money for an intangible product. It has been 30 years since I have made an ins. claim. I haven't cost them a dime except for their endless stream of paperwork they keep sending me. When I took out the Progressive policy, I got 2 "Thank you for changing your password" letters from them everyday for three weeks, and then finally an apology for all the excess mail. Computer malfunction LOL. Strange what the consumer (Us) will put up with:shrug01: ......Tom
Insurance companies run the legislature as it pertains th thier products. Our State Insurance Commisioner does little to keep them in line. Aside from that, the insurance lobby has beaucoup $$$ and contribute lots of it to various political campaigns.

Money talks and BS walks as they say:(.

Common sense rarely plays into state and local government:hehehe: