• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Homeowners Ins.

I'm fortunate to have Allstate (in my county), glad I don't have State Farm. It looks like they are consistantly at the high end in many counties.
Very informative link, thanx for sharing! Unfortunately, many of the insurers w/ the best rates you never even heard of...better to pay a little more and be sure the company will be around if you have to file a claim. Anyhow, Floridians are getting raped and our legislature has failed to address it. I've lived in FL over 40 yrs and as long as I can remember the State Legislature has been a rubber stamp for anything the ins. companies want to do:shrug01:
thebeepster said:
Very informative link, thanx for sharing! Unfortunately, many of the insurers w/ the best rates you never even heard of...better to pay a little more and be sure the company will be around if you have to file a claim. Anyhow, Floridians are getting raped and our legislature has failed to address it. I've lived in FL over 40 yrs and as long as I can remember the State Legislature has been a rubber stamp for anything the ins. companies want to do:shrug01:

Well the answer to this is rather simple. With the legislature, MONEY talks. And if there is one thing that insurance companies have PLENTY of, it's money. :yesnod: I wish the legislature would create laws making MY product a required purchase for nearly all citizens. :hehehe:
Rich Z said:
Well the answer to this is rather simple. With the legislature, MONEY talks. And if there is one thing that insurance companies have PLENTY of, it's money. :yesnod: I wish the legislature would create laws making MY product a required purchase for nearly all citizens. :hehehe:

Hmmm...if we can get the reptiles legislated, I would be willing to release them in the chambers while the legislature is in session and then maybe we could see some activity in Tallahassee:dancer01:
Yeah, that might work.

I used to work for the legislature a while back. I found it interesting during session that every time they called the body to order, the first order of business was to vote on "waiving the rules" (whatever that meant). Which always passed.... :lmao: So I'm guessing they just voted on ignoring any rules that were made to control their actions while in session....
My policy went up about $175 since last year. When I first bought this house in 1988 the annual premium was $212. Now its about $1250.
85 Vette, I don't need a link to know how much I am getting screwed, soaked. My last year in Mass my homeowners insurance on a $475,000 home was $635.00, and that included riders for my wifes jewelery and our Rolex's. My first year here in 2004 my premium was $1295.00. Last year it went up to $1683.00 and a month ago Travelers notified me that I was being dropped because of a risk factor, must be all those claims I have submitted in my 25 years of home ownership, that would be zero. So in searching for a new carrier last month I got prices for the same coverage and deductables ranging from $1645.00 to $3299.00. I finally went with State Farm, but it really doesn't matter, their all smiley and friendly until you need to make a claim, then the battle begins.

NBFRC how come so inexpensive for your policy ???????
So true. Everyone with home owner's insurance needs to be putting money into an attorney's fund as well. That will be needed to go after the insurance company when they short change you (or deny you) on your claim.
Nytro said:
85 Vette, I don't need a link to know how much I am getting screwed, soaked. My last year in Mass my homeowners insurance on a $475,000 home was $635.00, and that included riders for my wifes jewelery and our Rolex's. My first year here in 2004 my premium was $1295.00. Last year it went up to $1683.00 and a month ago Travelers notified me that I was being dropped because of a risk factor, must be all those claims I have submitted in my 25 years of home ownership, that would be zero. So in searching for a new carrier last month I got prices for the same coverage and deductables ranging from $1645.00 to $3299.00. I finally went with State Farm, but it really doesn't matter, their all smiley and friendly until you need to make a claim, then the battle begins.

NBFRC how come so inexpensive for your policy ???????

You should see what HOI cost here on the coast in Pasco county!

Homes on the water cost around $12000 to $20,000a year, even smaller homes not on the water cost around 4 to 8000 a year.

I am going bare since i paid cash for my house.
Well, what I want to know is if State Farm (and others) claim the losses from hurricanes are responsible for the premium increases, then why won't they let me unbundle the hurricane rider from my policy? Obviously they are just using that as an excuse. The whole sales pitch concerning insurance is based on a LOT of people paying premiums that will amply cover those few people who have to collect on it. Based on the premiums I now see, the original premise previously mentioned is no longer their strategy. The strategy now, from what I can see, is that each individual policy owner is expected to pay via their premiums the likely losses the policy holder might incur over the life of the policy. I'm sure actuaries have figured out the likely risks for each policy holder profile and the policy premiums are based accordingly.

Now, that being said, what State Farm did was to spin off Florida into it's own separate company. I presume so that if things get really dicey for them, the sub-company can then simply declare bankruptcy, leaving all the policy holders holding the bag.
Nytro said:
NBFRC how come so inexpensive for your policy ???????
Dwelling $153000
Other Structures $15300
Personal Property $114000
Loss of Use $30600

Personal Liability Each Occurrence $400000
Medical Payments to others Each Person $2000

Total Policy Premium $1283 for 1 year
Hartford Fire Insurance Company
Agent is Brown & Brown in Melbourne

I dont live in a waterfront home. It is more like a starter home neighborhood but still on a barrier island 6 feet above sea level. Im not in a flood plain but the house behind me is. Built in 1978 CBS. I claimed a new roof in 2004 during the last major hurricanes. I have my auto policy thru them also, so I probably get a little break there. But my damn daily driver 1991 Lincoln Mark VII is more expensive to insure than the vette. Go figure!
Well, pretty soon you'll be able to determine easily whether you need insurance or not. Apply for it. If you are turned down, you need it. If they accept your business, you don't..... :lmao:
As soon as I pay off the mortgage, they can go #%*! themselves. Working tons of overtime to make extra principle payments. But on the other hand, it sucks to have all that equity there not working for you. Then you have to dip in and thats when property insurance is required.