• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


Long way to go yet, not even guessing where it's heading for around 36 hours. Kinda low around Cuba so should head away from Florida unless it makes a heck of a turn north then east......but they have done that before.
Well, it's a named tropical storm now (Ernesto). Once it gets into the Gulf, it is a done deal about making landfall somewhere....... The only two questions are, (1) how strong is it going to get before landfall takes place? and (2) who exactly is going to get smacked by it.

I believe around September 10th is the peak of hurricane season activity, and that is coming up pretty shortly. Man, wouldn't it be nice to have a year where Florida escaped ALL the paths? One can only hope...... We've had our share of the fun and games, I think.
Yeah. Looks like Louisiana might get pounded. Sure they are looking forward to that...........
Yeah, if Louisanna gets tagged again the New Orleans racist mayor will say that the Bush Admin generated the hurricane and pointed it at New Orleans again!

Hopefully, like others have said FL will escape the wrath of any major hurricanes. Maybe it will take out the hospital that Castro is in!
JimZ06 said:
Yeah, if Louisanna gets tagged again the New Orleans racist mayor will say that the Bush Admin generated the hurricane and pointed it at New Orleans again!

Hopefully, like others have said FL will escape the wrath of any major hurricanes. Maybe it will take out the hospital that Castro is in!

Have you seen this story? Nagin is an moron. Never should have been reelected.

Two of the quotes that really stand out.

From Nagin in response to being asked why the area hasn't been completely cleaned up yet.

"That’s alright. You guys in New York can’t get a hole in the ground fixed and it’s five years later. So let’s be fair."

From Leonard Moore, a professor of African-American history at LSU.

"I think you are looking at basically a town that will be a playground for the rich for the next 40 years," Leonard Moore, a professor of African-American history at Louisiana State University, tells Pitts. "I look at the post-Katrina piece as a game of musical chairs….Once the music gets turned off, the white folks have a place to sit down, a place to sleep, a place for their children to go to school. We’re going back to a trailer."
Generally speaking, people as a species, are insane. Who was that guy in Washington D.C. (Marion Barry?) who got re-elected as mayor (or something) even after caught red handed on tape taking part in a dope deal?

Hell, even after all the shenanigans, Bill Clinton got re-elected.

Either we are all just insane voting for the people we do, or are selections are so manipulated that we simply can only try to choose the least worst of the offerings...... :ack2:
I vote that they're all garbage and we only pick the least of the worst.:banghead:

. I get heartburn listening to the idiot New Orleans mayor Nagin.
What kills me is there are still people who will go there and spend their money in that city. A lot of corperations are having big meetings there and putting on a show hammering nails. The National Association of Realtors are having their meeting there this year, I refuse to go and leave a penny in that city.

After all we gave to them, they call us racists? Sorry, not any more. Yes, I know there are good people there buut they put that jerk back in office too.
Yeah....... Looks like Pensacola is in Ernesto's sights at the moment.

I've got one of those 20K watt Onan automatic generators on the animal buildings. With a 250 gallon propane tank to run it. Of course, knowing my luck, the first falling tree will crush the propane tank spilling propane all over the place. THEN the generator will try to kick in setting off all the loose propane. You all will probably be able to see the fireball for miles around......... :eek: Just see to it that they name the resulting crater after me, please... :rolleyes:
If it kicks a little to the right I might get to try out the new hurricane covers. No more f**kin' w/plywood!!!!!:dancer01: :thumbsup:

Think it's gonna be aaaaiiiggghttt around here though:thumbsup:
Shadow said:
If it kicks a little to the right I might get to try out the new hurricane covers. No more f**kin' w/plywood!!!!!:dancer01: :thumbsup:

Think it's gonna be aaaaiiiggghttt around here though:thumbsup:

We upgraded our windows a few years ago from the old crank style. Got impact glass now. I think it's rated up to 120mph or something. I don't need no stinkin' covers. However, I should get some plywood to cover my sliding glass doors.

I need to go get some water too.

Hopefully, it will pass over the most mountainous (is that even a word? :hehehe: ) part of Cuba and knock itself out. Wishful thinking. According to the current predictions from the Weather Channel, it would go right over Tampa Bay.
Rich Z said:
Yeah....... Looks like Pensacola is in Ernesto's sights at the moment.
I've got one of those 20K watt Onan automatic generators on the animal buildings. With a 250 gallon propane tank to run it. Of course, knowing my luck, the first falling tree will crush the propane tank spilling propane all over the place. THEN the generator will try to kick in setting off all the loose propane. You all will probably be able to see the fireball for miles around......... :eek: Just see to it that they name the resulting crater after me, please... :rolleyes:
:lmao: I'm sorry Rich.....The visual image I'm getting is not funny but I can't help it :lmao: . Talk about bad luck, huh??
Yep, the projected path has changed and my house is in Pace, just north of PCola. Friggin wonderful. I guess I will get to try out my new Lexan glass hurricane shutters. I have a full propane tank on the gas grill, bought 20 gallons o fgas for the generator, filled up the utility truck....hopefully the Vette will be parked in Jacksonville, if not she'll ride out the storm in the garage like she has the last 4 times!
I do need to go get more water. We have about 4 or 5 cases of bottleed water now.
Its the pre and post-hurricane parties I look forward too.....then the work starts going around the neighborhood and helping other cut down trees and what not.
Looks like I need to go and stock up on some water and a lantern. The windows we have are "storm rated" but not the hurricane ones. I have on order the storm film to be put on but I don't think that will happen before this is due in. I'm supposed to go up north on Tuesday as my wife comes down so I'll need to leave her here by herself with some supplies. I'm due to return Friday.

Hi hun...oh by the way, I left you with six cans of spam and plenty of batteries. See ya Friday. :wavey:
Yeah, the latest projection shows Ernesto coming right into Tampa. So basically what this means is that they don't have a clue where it is going to wind up. That has been a pretty drastic change in the last 24 hours of the projected path. So a pretty strong front must be moving down to steer the storm, and timing is going to make all the difference with the interaction of the hurricane and the front.

In other words, we will have a loose cannon floating around.......

We have a well and generators, so water isn't a problem. I have a portable one I could walk on down to the pump, if need be, and hook up direct. As far as food, well worse comes to worse, I have plenty of mice and snakes to eat if the real food runs out...........:ack2: