• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Now That They're Getting Desperate...


New member
Do you guys think the "powers that be" will start setting up red light cameras and other such speed monitoring devices? There were some earlier threads on this subject here a couple of years ago. One guy was caught running a toll booth, and his reflective license plate cover couldn't save him since they were using "digital cameras," according to an FHP poster on the board. From what I've read, the cameras use a powerful flash to take the pic. Seems to me the right license plate cover with enough "diffraction/reflectivity" properties could defeat this. Then again, I read that a device such as this is illegal in the state of Florida. Anybody want to chime in? Gordon?:D
Myth Busters ran a few tests on those plates, and it didn't appear to help much, if any. I don't know if we can actually trust a show on the Discovery channel, but then again we don't really need to be running red lights/toll booths either.

But if you really serious about running a camera and not getting a ticket, carry a gun. Every time you see one of those camera buggers; roll down the window, lean out, take aim, and... :lmao:
Myth Busters ran a few tests on those plates, and it didn't appear to help much, if any. I don't know if we can actually trust a show on the Discovery channel, but then again we don't really need to be running red lights/toll booths either.

But if you really serious about running a camera and not getting a ticket, carry a gun. Every time you see one of those camera buggers; roll down the window, lean out, take aim, and... :lmao:

I kind of like the youtube clips of the guys putting a couple of tires over the camera pole and lighting them up...seems to be effective in frying those Big Brother nuisances. With the economy in the toilet, a lot of places are getting more and more desperate to get their greasy paws on your money. Personally, I really resent this intrusion into our privacy, not that I would advocate ever trying to run a redlight or a toll booth, but it looks like we're losing our freedoms bit by bit every single day, and it sucks.
But if you really serious about running a camera and not getting a ticket, carry a gun. Every time you see one of those camera buggers; roll down the window, lean out, take aim, and... :lmao:

Not that I am advocating disabling state property, but probably would be a darn fun sport to play with a paint ball gun...... :reddevil:
This is going to be a little long, but since you asked you deserve a thourough answer.

Yes, there are already several "red light cameras" in operation throughout the state.

I happen to know the mother of one of the Deputies here who, for his college project, took this matter on. He then presented it to the department and it looks like the "powers that be" have bit into it hook, line and sinker.

He showed the "feasability" and the "effectiveness" of the camera systems in reducing crashes.

This garnered him a promotion and transfer (IIRC?) to the operations division as an aid to the colonel.

Of course I'm sure he left out the revenue gathering part in anything that might become public information.

This battle can be waged with "facts" on both sides. Do a little Google searching and you'll see what I mean.

Some municipalities have ordered the cameras removed and they have been successfully fought in some jurisdictions.

I would love to see long term stats on rear end crashes and other violations (fleeing and attempting to elude, etc) at these intersections where cameras are installed.

But the bottom line is, the cameras are cheaper to operate, work harder, longer and without complaining, take zero risk (no traffic stops) and are more unforgiving, than any deputy or police officer on the street!

This alone could garner the city/county more revenue at a lower cost than a LEO while saving money and "theroetically" freeing them up for other more serious matters.

The flip side it it also takes away the interaction between law enforcement and the citizen. We made a lot of arrests for everything from NVDL and DUI to Homicide, from simple traffic stops. I haven't read the stats in many years, but at one time, a major number of arrests for violent and other crimes came right out off the street in traffic enforcement:thumbsup:

If you ask me personally, I don't like the idea of cameras simply because I'm a dinosaur:lmao:

However, if they truly save lives and reduce crashes, then go for it, but I would like to see a couple of concessions.

1) Reduced insurance premiums!

A portion of your insurance premium is based on your location. Some counties, hell, some ZIP CODES, are rated higher than others. If we manage to reduces the incident of crashes and related claims, why not provide the residents of that county/ZIP code, etc, a reduction in auto premuims as they would for having air bags, anti-lock brakes, and anti-theft devices?


Purchase the camera systems, maintenance agreements or training to maintain them, from whatever company gets the "nod", and DO NOT allow (as is current policy) the manufacturer/retailer to keep ANY of the $$$ from the violations!!:thumbsdown:

As far as the tag covers, there's a specific statute in the State of Florida. that addresses any cover or film that "obscures" " any portion of the tag."

For a while around here, the LEO's were getting absolutely stupid!:nonod:

They were interpreting this literally and writing citations for having a frame that covered any part of the tag, including the border:rolleyes: Yes, "technically" they were correct in doing so, but again, use some common sense people!! There's NOTHING on the border of our tags that amounts to CHIT! :NoNo: They don't even have the county any more, and if anything, usually some silly assed logo or slogan. I realize the expiration decals can be obscured, so simply move them inboard a bit and you're good to go:thumbsup:

I've seen articles, discussions and even "experiments" where the spray on film worked better than the covers and of course you can't readilly identify that it's on there. If the cameras can't catch the numbers then how they gonna find out who you are?
IDK, mayber we'll set up a surveillance on the toll booth and wait for the semi-identified scofflaw to do it again:lmao:
Seriously though, do they work? No personal knowledge here, just the BS hype everyone else has read.
Do I want to chance my livelyhood or my finances on a spray or cover? Probably not.:NoNo:

First, as Rich said, I don't advocate illegal acts:NoNo: If you can't afford the toll, don't use the expressway. I fon't alway carry change so I finally broke down and got a SUNPASS:dancer01: I love it. Cheaper in the long run and I have detailed information if I need it for taxes.

Does it smack of the possibility of "big brother" knowing what roads I use and when? Sure, but who cares? If they're that interested in what I'm doing, open the door and get in, shut up and hang on:D

Even if you don't want the SUNPASS and don't happen to carry coins for fear of falling in a puddle and drowning from the excess weight in your pockets, one can alway call the toll road authority and send the $$ in or pay it at one of the other booths (when you have the coins/$$) and get a reciept for the extra toll:thumbsup: Simple as that.

No reason to be regularly running toll booths.

Red light violations? Again, I don't advocate it.

As a matter of fact, it pretty much pisses me off! :mad: Too many people get injured and killed as a result of this. As well, I've watched as many as 6 cars go through an intersection after the red light, simply because they were too lazy, in too much of a hurry or too important, to wait for the next cycle:rolleyes::nonod::thumbsdown:

But I still don't care for the "big brother" routine:NoNo:

Damaging state owned property will get you jail time, simple as that.

But it is true, we're allowing our government, from the bottom to the top, to eat away at our freedoms and liberties for various reasons. That said, on the road you are in the public domain and being photographed is not protected. As well, driving is a priviledge not a right, and as such, we are pretty much forced into going along with whatever BS regs the state wishes to impose on us.

All I can suggest is:

1) Watch your State officials! Keep an eye on pending bills and legislation. If you see something you're not comfortable with, start immediatly to do something about it! Once a bill becomes law, it's almost impossible to have it removed.


Use what little power you have effectively. See what your elected officials have been doing and make an informed decision.

As far as I'm concerned we pretty much need a house cleaning or an oil change, every few years regardless. I know there are some that do a good job and it might benefit certain groups to keep them in place, but they still need to go.

Our government, again from the bottom to the top, has forgotten who they work for:NoNo:
When they get stupid, they need to get out!:thumbsup:
Well guys, thanks for weighing in on the topic, and Gordon, thanks for a most thorough dissection of all the issues. I'm in Tallahassee, and so far, there aren't many, if any, toll booths around here (yet), nor red light cameras that I'm aware of. I have noticed that on my way to work on one of the main roads running through town, they've shortened the yellow light duration markedly at one busy intersection, seems like by about two seconds or so? Nice little devious way to "catch" more "red light runners." Big Brother can get pretty creative when it comes to extracting more money from the citizenry, it seems. Like you Gordon, I too am a "dinosaur" of sorts...will hit 57 come April.:eek: I also believe that these clowns (pols) are supposedly working for us, but many times, they seem more like the enemy. Yes, I vote, although sometimes I really wonder if it does much good anymore. Anyway, I feel the upstanding, hardworking, law-abiding citizen who pays taxes should have a right to fight back as it were (legally of course) and take advantage of anything that helps to "even the playing field" a bit. Like a Valentine One detector, for example. Sometimes I think people are getting complacent, or too intimidated to fight back. We're fast becoming a nation of sheep, afraid to stand up for our rights, etc. I think 911 had a lot to do with this, it's really warped our thinking, IMHO. Well, I'm beginning to ramble a bit too much. Enjoy talking with you guys, and this forum, I must say, has a much more "warm and fuzzy" feel to it than, for example, Corvetteforum, which, as I'm sure most of you have noticed, as soon as there's a hint of disagreement, the little Richard Cranium mods jump in and lock the thread. I don't bother posting on there anymore, as I feel this forum allows a lot more latitude, as in, freedom of speech. Well, y'all have a great weekend. Stay safe, and in the immortal words of Ahhnold S. "I'll be back!":thumbsup:
Sometimes I think people are getting complacent, or too intimidated to fight back. We're fast becoming a nation of sheep, afraid to stand up for our rights, etc. I think 911 had a lot to do with this, it's really warped our thinking, IMHO.

Hey Doc, thanks for the response and thanks for hanging around:thumbsup:

I think you hit the nail on the head with the above observation:thumbsup: The comment has been attributed to Ben Franklin, that he who is willing to give up freedom for safety, deserves neither (paraphrased).

I couldn't agree more.

We got smacked pretty bad on September 11th. We let our arrogance and impunity, not to mention our unwillingness to share information amongst the plethora of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, get the best of us and the result was horrendous:(:mad:

But instead of getting our act together and striking back with everything we had, concentrating our intelligence and combative resources on a specific goal and target (still elusive I might add), and knocking thier proverbial dicks in the dirt, we instead allowed our goverment enact policies and take special license with our country. We let them regulate and pass legislation that would under normal circumstances, never have been accepted by the American public:NoNo: We did exactly what you said, we became "sheep" and were willing to give up some freedoms, not necessarily rights, but freedoms, in the name of safety and security. The fact is, we're likely no more safe and secure today than we were then.

The key to safety is good, accurate intelligence gathering, understanding and dissemination:thumbsup: It's better, but we still have a long way to go:nonod:

All the physical security in the world, will not necessarily stop a dedicated terr. It may deter them, but in the end, probably not stop them until we understand what we're dealing with.

You might notice that whenever our government wants to infringe upon the American taxpayer or impose another restriction on our customary (notice I did not say "Constitutional") freedoms, and any time they want to pass another tax that might otherwise be frowned upon, they do so under the guise of "Homeland Security.":nonod:

When you tug on the taxpayers heartstrings, be it by use of the military, law enforcement, teachers, or general safety and security, you in turn, open the purse strings by doing so.

I've even noticed my own Sheriff's Office, with vehicles from the marine enforcement unit, marked with the words "HOMELAND SECURITY":rolleyes: WTF? :shrug01: Used to be that SHERIFF's OFFICE was sufficient:??

Oh well, the point I'm trying to make is, we as citizens need to keep a more keen eye on our elected officials, and when they become too cocky or rediculous in thier actions and vote, get rid of them:wavey:

Well, I'm beginning to ramble a bit too much.

Yeah, like I don't:lmao:

Enjoy talking with you guys, and this forum, I must say, has a much more "warm and fuzzy" feel to it than, for example, Corvetteforum, which, as I'm sure most of you have noticed, as soon as there's a hint of disagreement, the little Richard Cranium mods jump in and lock the thread. I don't bother posting on there anymore, as I feel this forum allows a lot more latitude, as in, freedom of speech.

Every place is different.

I guess we're lucky here that as a smaller forum dedicated to both the Vette and the Floridian, we have a more "family" feel. We have our momments and people have left over disagrements, but in the end, those who stick it out, even if we don't always agree, are treated like 'kin:thumbsup:(ok, maybe the bastitch stepchild:lmao:)) Ever seen a family that agreed on everything? BORING!:D

We try to give more latitude here than most places simply because that's the way the site owner/administrator wants it.

We try, if necessary, to debate rather than argue. Arguing doesn't solve much in the long run.

I'm on some other major forums and I understand the attitudes you mention. Some people just don't handle a litte "authority" well:shrug01: But they are what they are and I'm not going to put them down for it. It's the way they want to run thier show. They'll just have to do it without me (like I'd really be missed:lmao:).

Well, y'all have a great weekend. Stay safe, and in the immortal words of Ahhnold S. "I'll be back!"

Well we certainly hope so! It's good having you input here.:thumbsup:

As you can see, I'm stuck tied to this computer (taking a break between work cycles to post) and the best I can do to enjoy the day is open the freakin' window and crank up som Jimmy Buffett...but you can bet that's happening:dancer01:

Take care of yourself and have a great weeknd:icon_cheers: