• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Laser jammers

Contact your County Sheriff's Office and ask if you can participate in a "Ride Along" program. See what WE see, from behind the wheel of OUR car. The view is amazingly different!

Can I drive? :hehehe:
You can if you become a Reserve officer!

Which some departments are moving toward since they are "volunteer" officers without pay. If they can get a few reserves on the road they can ease up the work load burden on the full time guys a little. They are getting cut in their numbers but the crime and calls to attend to are rising.
Which some departments are moving toward since they are "volunteer" officers without pay. If they can get a few reserves on the road they can ease up the work load burden on the full time guys a little. They are getting cut in their numbers but the crime and calls to attend to are rising.

Reserves are a great asset to any department, as long as you have the right people.

After retiring from the HCSO, I went to work as a reserve officer with a podunk little agency in Polk County (think Mayberry):D

Some of the "full time" guys had an attitude toward the reservist (same thing we saw in the military until Desert storm:lmao:)

Funny part was, I left the S.O. with more sick time on the books than most of these s-heads had on duty:rolleyes::lmao:

Most of your major agancies however, make good use of the reserve and auxilliary forces.

They're going to depend more and more on them as years pass and budgets get reeled in.

But if you've got good people on that reserve force, there's no reason not