• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

S.E.A.L. back in town


New member
A friend of mine, a kid I've known since he was about 16 or so? is back in town from the sandbox.

He and his wife and kids are here visiting his mom, doing the Disney thing and such. He asked to see me so I'm headed over there in about an hour.

This kid is amazing:thumbsup:.

He was a black belt and junior instructor when I first met him and went on from there. He was actually one of my instructors back when my son and I were training together in TKD.

His brother is a former Marine Sniper. Left the Corp after Grenada (IIRC?), came back on the block, and well, just didn't adjust well to civillian life.

Joined the Army National Guard, completed Medic training and SF training and served with them for several years.

He left and entered the NAVY (just can't keep those tadpoles away from the water can we Andy?:thumbsup:), applied to and was accepted to BUDS.

Eventuallyy became a trident wearing SEAL.:thumbsup::thumbsup: and did several deployments to the box and ????
He's now a Chief, stationed in California.

His brother Nick, (the kid I'm going to see shortly), was the younger brother and couldn't make up his mind what he wanted to do?
He worked at the dojang (Karate school) for a while, got a job in the medical field, and went to school full time.
He continued through college and ended up with a computer science degree of some sort.
He worked in that field and applied to the FBI.
For whatever rediculous reason...was rejected???:nonod::rolleyes::rolleyes:
What a bunch of idiots!

Now as long as I've known this kid, he's never really struck me as "military material."
As I said, always a good kid, smart, and willing to help, but not the overly aggressive type (except when we fought-boy was tough!). But he always had an aire of determination. Never gave up...I guess that was the determining factor?
He was always polite to everyone, good to the kids, quiet, just an allaround good kid. We became friends. He was like another son to me. I would answer questions when he had them and try to make sure he didn't screw up.

He was great with my son and an excellent instructor!

Well, the next thing I know, this knucklehead has joined the NAVY, completed boot with honors, and has been accepted to BUDS llike his brother:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Now again, this has never been the skinny, wirey, hard body type you think of when you think of spec ops operators (no-for the uninitiated, the knuckledraggers generally don't do all that well in spec ops :nonod:).
He was more the shorter, semi pudgy kid that would be more likely to sit down to a bowl of ice cream or a burger and watch a movie....)

So what does he do?
He completes SEAL training and graduates WITH HONORS :dancer01::dancer01:

He's already done a few tours in the sand and when his leave is over, goes back to Va and eventually, back to the big "A".

I'm really proud of this kid!!!
Even more proud that he thought enough of me to call when he got here and asked to see me.

Really looking forward to seeing him today.

Way to go Nick!!!
YOU GO GUYS! Both of them went thru SEAL training and neither one was a "bell ringer"?
That's one family I'm gonna stay away from..........:lmao::lmao:
Andy :wavey:
Just got back.

Had a great time visiting with Nick.It was good seeing him again.

Funny thing is, you can sense the "change" both in his voice and his eyes, but deep in there somewhere, is the old Nick:thumbsup:

We had talk (wife, kids, family, etc.), then we went out on the back porch, just the 2 of us, and we had "talk."

Thats where you could see it the most:(

He loves his "job" but has a good assessment of it.

His outlook on the military, the SEALS, the ops in the middle east, might surprise most, but I'm mot revealing any of that. His porch was Las Vegas....whats said there, stays there!!

One thing I can say is that it tears him up to have to leave his wife and kids repeatedly:(

He has a 10 month old daughter and a 7 year old daughter.

All I can ask of my friends here, is that you keep him, and them, in your thoughts and prayers.


My son-in-law is getting ready for his 4th deployment...has wife and 3 kids...Pls give him our best and thanks...
Just got back.

Had a great time visiting with Nick.It was good seeing him again.

Funny thing is, you can sense the "change" both in his voice and his eyes, but deep in there somewhere, is the old Nick:thumbsup:

We had talk (wife, kids, family, etc.), then we went out on the back porch, just the 2 of us, and we had "talk."

Thats where you could see it the most:(

He loves his "job" but has a good assessment of it.

His outlook on the military, the SEALS, the ops in the middle east, might surprise most, but I'm mot revealing any of that. His porch was Las Vegas....whats said there, stays there!!

One thing I can say is that it tears him up to have to leave his wife and kids repeatedly:(

He has a 10 month old daughter and a 7 year old daughter.

All I can ask of my friends here, is that you keep him, and them, in your thoughts and prayers.



I understand. During my 4 years in the Navy I traveled extensively. I never spent a Christmas stateside. I was fortunate that I was single. I realized that having a relationship would be difficult if not impossible while in there. Several of my friends went through divorces while overseas. It hurts to see grown men cry. I too had an assessment of what we were doing. But I also grew up while I was in there. I learned that I could do whatever it took to get the job done. Sure, it changed me, but I don't regret serving for one minute. I think every young man should join one service or another. It builds character. Something many young people are lacking these days. One of my sons intends to be a Navy SEAL also. Believe me when I say that our servicemen and women are always in my prayers. :thumbsup:
Sure, it changed me, but I don't regret serving for one minute. I think every young man should join one service or another. It builds character. Something many young people are lacking these days.
"Ike" had the right idea...........everyone, EVERYONE, goes into the military right out of high school (or 18 if they drop out), and spends 1 year (or 2 or whatever) in there. Some will choose to stay, and some will choose to leave, but you will always have a standing army. Handicapped individuals would be required to do things as appropriate, and would also be required to serve. Women as well! College after discharge (on your dime), or provided by the military if you commit to remaining in. Make a lot of people grow up, and would probably benefit everyone in one form or another. 2 cents from old "navy2kcoupe", and Proud Vietnam Veteran! :yesnod: :usa_flag:
Andy :wavey:
This really speaks well for the the youth of our country and our future. :usa_flag:
I believe the major media would be well served to spread this type of story often instead of the stories of rapes, robberies and gang violence we hear so much about.
My son-in-law is getting ready for his 4th deployment...has wife and 3 kids...Pls give him our best and thanks...

We'll keep him and them in our thoughts and prayers:yesnod:

...I was fortunate that I was single. I realized that having a relationship would be difficult if not impossible while in there.
...I learned that I could do whatever it took to get the job done.
Sure, it changed me, but I don't regret serving for one minute. I think every young man should join one service or another. It builds character. Something many young people are lacking these days. One of my sons intends to be a Navy SEAL also. Believe me when I say that our servicemen and women are always in my prayers. :thumbsup:

I think in his case, he was better off, because he was married with one child already, when he made the decision to go. It was a "joint" decision between the 2 of them. With his brother being a career military man, as well as a SEAL, he knew the hardships going in.
In our private conversations (away from family ears), he related to me how much it hurts to be away from his wife and moreso, the little ones. The older girl is always asking "when's daddy coming home?" She is the "clingy one, always in his arms. She was around before he went in.
As for the 10 month old, it bother him that she's NOT so clingy. He thinks it's because she doesn't see him as much as the other one? He may have a point.

But he feels that he's doing the right thing, supporting his family, and his income (this was a shocker to me) in many cases, is better than an 0-2 due to the various types of pay he gets for various assignments.

He always wanted his wife to be able to stay home and take care of the kids. That's what she does:thumbsup::thumbsup: He wouldn't have it any other way.
Speaking of pay and bene's...he's got his head wired on straight!
He's out of debt other than his house and 1 car (minimal payment), of course has savings and retirement going on, got them (contracturally) to pay off his student loans, pay for his on line courses and is taking advantage of a transferable GI Bill that will set up a college fund for his kids if something happens to him or he doesn't want to use it. He plans on giving it to his kids.

This young man is a good sailor and a great father IMHO:thumbsup:

"Ike" had the right idea...........everyone, EVERYONE, goes into the military right out of high school (or 18 if they drop out), and spends 1 year (or 2 or whatever) in there. ...
...Make a lot of people grow up, and would probably benefit everyone in one form or another. 2 cents from old "navy2kcoupe", and Proud Vietnam Veteran! :yesnod: :usa_flag:
Andy :wavey:

I agree! The Israeli way with some modifications:thumbsup:
Everybody does something! Everyone benefits:thumbsup:

This really speaks well for the the youth of our country and our future. :usa_flag:
I believe the major media would be well served to spread this type of story often instead of the stories of rapes, robberies and gang violence we hear so much about.

(but that wouldn't sell papers and air time:nonod:worthless b**tards!)

Thanks for the feedback guys and once again, Andy, Mannings, 85, and all the rest of you that have proudly served....THANKS!!:usa_flag:
It's lilke I told him. It's guys and gals like you that make this world what it is. :yourock:
Great post and thanks for sharing. My father was in Army-Air Corps in WW2 and Air Force in Korea and Vietnam. He served 26 years. My oldest brother served 20 years in the Navy as an A6 pilot-navigator off the carriers during Vietnam and after. My hats off to all the serviceman who put thier life on the line for our freedom. Thanks again Gordon for sharing this remarkable and patriotic story with us. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Great post Shadow! My faith in the youth of today is hereby restored...I thought maybe they stopped making these types of guys. Ohhhh the memories!!:reddevil:
Great post Shadow! My faith in the youth of today is hereby restored...I thought maybe they stopped making these types of guys. Ohhhh the memories!!:reddevil:
Beepster, they still make them (the mold hasn't broken yet), and just like "back-in-the-day" the "new ones" are still keeping low profiles like the "old ones" did!
HAND SA-LUTE! to all past, present, and future service men and women! :usa_flag:
Andy :wavey:
Sounds like a nice kid...

and even more so since he's now a SEAL! :thumbsup:

After spending 22 years in the (F)Air Force, :hehehe: I have learned to appreciate all members no matter what branch (I was a Flight Engineer on the C-5 Galaxy most of my career).

Having said that, I agree every one who turns 18 should serve. Thats what Isreal does, and thats why they have a better, and 'disciplined' society than we do. This country could stand a 'slap in the face' and a large dose of reality where todays youth is concerned. These 'whiners' we're allowed to breed today need a huge 'wake up call, and need to get their act together...or this country will not survive. With a few exceptions this country is slowly :2232censored:


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...and just like "back-in-the-day" the "new ones" are still keeping low profiles like the "old ones" did! HAND SA-LUTE! to all past, present, and future service men and women! :usa_flag:
Andy :wavey:

You know Andy, that's a good point:thumbsup:
When we were talking yesterday, I mentioned the bird/trident that his mother had stuck to the fridge.
He said, yeah, back in the "community" hardly anyone wears anything that identifies them as SEALS. They prefer to keep a low profile to stay out of trouble. You know, the local idiot that want's to take you one "because" you're a SEAL.
He said "I don't want to have to explain to my CO why (name witheld) laid some jerk on his ass when he tried him!:lmao: (believe me, and it has little to do with his SEAL training....I've seen him fight.....I don't think he'd have any difficulty doing just that:D)

That said, he referred to thier teams as the "silent professionals."
They go out, train for and do thier jobs, and come home to thier families. No hoorah, no press, just get it done and get out:thumbsup:

He's very low key about it all.

Jack....those are awesome pictures!:thumbsup::thumbsup:

It's one thing to see a tank loaded into a transport. But to see a SEMI and a BLACKHAWK (correct?) coming out the nose!:eek::D:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Killer shots, and thanks for your service.

Thor/Beepster/Andy and all the rest of you-It was an honor to share the message with you guys....couldn't ask for a better group of friends!!:party::usa_flag::icon_cheers:
Jack....those are awesome pictures!:thumbsup::thumbsup:

It's one thing to see a tank loaded into a transport. But to see a SEMI and a BLACKHAWK (correct?) coming out the nose!:eek::D:thumbsup::thumbsup:

Killer shots, and thanks for your service.

Thor/Beepster/Andy and all the rest of you-It was an honor to share the message with you guys....couldn't ask for a better group of friends!!:party::usa_flag::icon_cheers:

The lower of the 4 pictures does show a Blackhawk...with a refuel boom. The top pick is a MH-53 I think...can't tell much from the pic if it's PAVE Low capable or not. The 18 wheeler and M-60 tank speaks for itself.