• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Should we or Shouldn't we...


Caravan in the two Vettes or drive the Armada to Gatlingburg, TN.?

We're (the 4 of us) leaving this Sunday for TN, Staying at a cabin we rented for a week.
We've looked at the weather forcast for the week and it looks favorable (no snow) for Vettes, but we know how Weather forcasts can be, atleast in FL.
We're back and forth on the matter, and maybe Your opinion will help us finally decide.? So what do ya's think?
Me, i'm leaning towards the Armada and hoping for Snow while we're there.:dancer01:

Well, unless your Armada gets really great gas mileage, you are doubling that expense right there. Not sure what you have planned while in TN, but if you go ANYWHERE with the entire family, that means both vehicles have to do the job. Plus it doubles the chances of a breakdown or accident (God forbid).

But I understand what you are thinking. Sure would miss the vettes for the week!

And it IS going to be December in Tennessee, you know. Snow (one of those four letter words) does happen up there this time of year.
unless you've had the pleasure of ice skating in a vette recently, i suggest the armada for sure. even a bit of freezing rain will make the trip a thrill. if it snows, road clearance would certainly be something i would appreciate, and there just isn't loads of that in a corvette. it may turn out to be a wonderful trip weatherwise, but is it worth taking the chance it won't be??
We're taking the Armada.........too much of a chicken to try and drive the Vette in weather that isn't sunny and warm,:D now I know why we live in Florida. Thanks for all the input.
I'm all for taking 2 vettes anywhere. But, this time of year it's not worth the chance of bad weather. You made the right choice.
The husband and I took both vettes to Illinois and Arkansas 2 years ago but in the summer. We usually do that when we take trips. Neither of us wants to be the passenger. Then when we get where we're going if either of us wants to do something on our own, we've got our own car. Works very well. We use walkie talkies to communicate. It's fun having your own little caravan!
Have fun and stay safe!!