• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


Z06 Rocket

New member
Why on earth are we hearing Christmas music already? I was in Wally world Sunday and I all of a sudden noticed that there was Christmas music coming over the speakers in the store! I looked at my watch, because I thought maybe I was rip van winkle and slept a whole month, but alas,, no such luck! It was November 4th!!!!!!!!! Then my wife points out that in a flier she found in a cart, that Wally world is setting up their Christmas exhibit now so they announce that Christmas music will be sounding off now. Then I get home and Dell is running ads on TV with Christmas music in the commercial!!

What ever happened to getting through with one holiday before you start another one!! I remember as a kid the Christmas music wouldn't start until AFTER Thanksgiving. Then the trend was to start a day or two before Thanksgiving so the retail world could induce the new phenomenon called BLACK FRIDAY, when all the serious shoppers (crazies if you ask me tho) line up AROUND a store to try and get 3 laptops they may have on sale for $50.00:banghead:

Now the stores and TV ads start with the Christmas jingles the day of or day after Halloween!!!! AAARRRGGHHHHHH!!!! :mad:

Takes the spirit out of the holiday and definitely ruins it for me when I am sick and tired of it before December even starts.....


Rant over (Until I hear another friggin Christmas Jingle before Thanksgiving).
HAH! That's the way the retail stores do it these days. Try to find summer clothes in August. By then all the Winter stuff is out. All the stores crank down the A/C to make you feel cold and the warmer clothing looks more attractive. By January, Spring clothing will be on the shelves and tough luck if you need a sweater.

Christmas has gotten WAY too commercialized. Since when is it all about putting people into a "gimme" mood? The stores don't GIVE away that stuff, but instead are looking at your wallet in their own "gimme" frame of mind.
Rich Z is absolutely correct. I work for a large corporation (Wal-Mart is one of our customers) and sales have been down or flat the entire year. In an attempt to induce consumers to spend money, many retail stores are starting the X-mas selling season early. Unfortunately, Wal-Mart, Circuit City and Best Buy (The big three) have conditioned the average consumer to wait until an item is on sale before buying. These "Super Stores" have done more harm, than good, to the US economy.

Give us a Break!!

:mad:I am also tired of this early Christmas....By the time it comes we are all BURNT-OUT!!:mad:
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