• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Who do you think will win the Pub primary??


New member
Who do you think will win Florida? I supported Thompson and voted early!If I had know he was dropping out this early I would have waited, but oh well. I don't know why he didn't wait till super tuesday at least?I think I will have to go with Romney now! McCain is to liberal for me, always in bed with the democrats on one issue or another!
Yeah, I voted for Romney. McCain is too slimey for me. Of course, if it's a choice of voting for him or Hillary, it's going to be a bitter pill to swallow voting for McCain...... :banghead:

What is it about this country that we can't get anyone running for president that we want to vote FOR? Every election since I can remember I have been voting AGAINST the other guy who was worse. I can not remember EVER voting for someone thinking "Damn, I think he would make a GREAT president!"...... It's like the ghost of Walt Disney is controlling the elections and giving us a choice between Donald Duck and Goofy..... :shrug01:
Romney got my vote. Im in buisness with my parents and McCains support of the amnesty bill and the McCain/Fiengold and everything else. . . so the choice was obvious. I wish Thompson would have come out swinging and Guiliani had some momentum. . .
I was dissapointed that Thompson bailed out too early, but maybe it showed his true grit. McCain is a great man and a hero but too liberal for my taste. Guiliani would stand tall against terrorism but for some reason I can't bring myself to get behind him. Romney is a successful businessman and definately understands the economy. Huckabee has the open demeanor and likeability but is soft on economics and immigration. Paul has some great ideas mixed in with the wackyness.

If this were poker i'd hold two and draw three.
Yeah.... I've stated for quite a number of years that the ballot should have one additional vote on it in ALL elections. The NOTA vote. None Of The Above.

If the majority votes in the NOTA "candidate", then that means the voting public doesn't want ANY of the feeble offerings the political parties have tossed into the barrel. Start over and give us some REAL HONEST TO GOODNESS statesmen to put into office as representing us not only for local issues, but in the case of the President of the United States of America, representing US to the entire WORLD. We are willing to wait for that RIGHT person..... :yesnod:
Yeah.... I've stated for quite a number of years that the ballot should have one additional vote on it in ALL elections. The NOTA vote. None Of The Above.

If the majority votes in the NOTA "candidate", then that means the voting public doesn't want ANY of the feeble offerings the political parties have tossed into the barrel. Start over and give us some REAL HONEST TO GOODNESS statesmen to put into office as representing us not only for local issues, but in the case of the President of the United States of America, representing US to the entire WORLD. We are willing to wait for that RIGHT person..... :yesnod:

What Rich said:iagree:

Once again (this approach is starting to get awful durn old) my vote was more against someone then for someone.

No one out there in either party is worth poo. It seems all BS and then what will they actually do and say once the office is won?
A few questions you might ask yourself about this whole process...

(1) How much does it run for someone to effectively campaign for the presidency with a reasonable chance of winning?

(2) Who foots the bill for that?

(3) WHY would anyone foot the bill for that?

I was initially pulling for McCain or Rudy, But since it was just the primary I voted for who I really liked, Huckabee!!!
I was initially pulling for McCain or Rudy, But since it was just the primary I voted for who I really liked, Huckabee!!!

:iagree:... Almost 100% as I was never for Rudy.

I've been a fan of McCain for many years and was fully prepared to vote for him yesterday.
But, I did some last minute reading up on Huckabee and liked the fact that he's determined to get the US to be Energy Independent by the end of his 2nd term in office, and I also liked the ideas he has about the IRS.:yesnod:
:iagree:... Almost 100% as I was never for Rudy.

I've been a fan of McCain for many years and was fully prepared to vote for him yesterday.
But, I did some last minute reading up on Huckabee and liked the fact that he's determined to get the US to be Energy Independent by the end of his 2nd term in office, and I also liked the ideas he has about the IRS.:yesnod:
I've been watchin the California debate.I look at McCain as one of the greatest Americans of our time.But he looks week and tired. Ron Paul which I really like his projected policies was totally snubbed.
Tonight on the Hannity radio show one of his guests was Ann Coulter. She is definately a Conservative Republican. She was serious when she said that she would rather vote for Hillary than McCain. Now thats a bold statement. I don't think that I would go that far.
Tonight on the Hannity radio show one of his guests was Ann Coulter. She is definately a Conservative Republican. She was serious when she said that she would rather vote for Hillary than McCain. Now thats a bold statement. I don't think that I would go that far.

I agree. I think her reasoning behind that statement is she believes Hillary would be better on defense than McCain. McCain wants to close Gitmo and bring the prisoners here to prosecute them on war crimes. Also 4 years of Jimmy Carter gave us the Ronald Reagan.
Reagan was a great President, Mc cain is not even in the same ball park! I do appreciate his military service but that in no way should be a ticket to the white house!! He is as liberal as Teddy!!
Tonight on the Hannity radio show one of his guests was Ann Coulter. She is definately a Conservative Republican. She was serious when she said that she would rather vote for Hillary than McCain. Now thats a bold statement. I don't think that I would go that far.

:thinkin: If she's Definitely a Conservative Republican...How could she even make that statement?!!!:hmm: