• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

A question for the LEO's on the forum


New member
Today I bought a new license plate. I wanted to be enlightened more about the rumor that police/troopers are more lenient on people who have certain plates. I bought the 'Police Athletic League' plate. So what's the deal? Is anything true about the rumor that police are more apt to let you out of a ticket if you have a certain plate? Thanks! :thumbsup:
Nope - just a rumor . . . .

Although the PAL is a good cause, a driver's actions is what gets them in and out of a bind. ARRIVE ALIVE!
Nope - just a rumor . . . .

Although the PAL is a good cause, a driver's actions is what gets them in and out of a bind. ARRIVE ALIVE!


Same as those FOP/PBA/Support your local police, state troopers and all that crap decals. I like the ones that have thier FOP/PBA "badge" bolted onto one of the screws that secure the tag. Excuse me sir. Aside from your apparent lack of driving skills,...you're tags obstructed too...sign here please:rofl1: .
Honestly I got it because the plate looks GREAT (especially on black cars), I doubted the rumor was true :dancer01: THANKS though!
The crap that they bolt all over their tags is illegal too - I am amazed when someone says that they were told that their donation would help them out since they are a "booster" member. Folks, our budgets are set by the Governor and money comes from sales tax - not booster memberships. Some people flame out when they get a ticket and they are a "Booster".

On a side note - please dont ever donate to a State Trooper organization that solicits on the phone. They are not Troopers calling you (even though they say they are) and only a tiny percentage actually goes to a Trooper's family that lost their loved one in the line of duty.
On a side note - please dont ever donate to a State Trooper organization that solicits on the phone. They are not Troopers calling you (even though they say they are) and only a tiny percentage actually goes to a Trooper's family that lost their loved one in the line of duty.

Thanks for the info Larry. My wife has actually donated before.
The crap that they bolt all over their tags is illegal too - I am amazed when someone says that they were told that their donation would help them out since they are a "booster" member. Folks, our budgets are set by the Governor and money comes from sales tax - not booster memberships. Some people flame out when they get a ticket and they are a "Booster".

On a side note - please dont ever donate to a State Trooper organization that solicits on the phone. They are not Troopers calling you (even though they say they are) and only a tiny percentage actually goes to a Trooper's family that lost their loved one in the line of duty.

Those clowns call me about 3-4 times a year!!!:mad: Some hayseed good 'ole boy sounding guy (same one everytime or they're clones:rofl1: ) hits you with all the heartstring stuff about supporting the troopers and thier families yada yada yada....

He also "implies" that the decals you get (how many ya want son?) will provide some sense of security if you should get stopped:rofl1: .

I put an ad in the magazine one year for my private business and they haven't stopped since.....
The crap that they bolt all over their tags is illegal too - I am amazed when someone says that they were told that their donation would help them out since they are a "booster" member

Larry, you'll like this one. THE Sheriff (this came straight outta da mans office via the major) sent us (the motor unit) out to an area in reference to citizen complaints of excessive speed in a neighborhood with an unobstructed through street.

We hadn't been there 15 minutes when I clock Billy Bob on RADAR at 56/25!:eek: in his mini pickup.:NoNo:

I stop him and immediately take note that his entire rear window is covered with Florida Sheriff's Assn. and Youth Ranch Assn. decals, the ones that look like our shoulder patches.

When I return to his truck with the citation, he asks whats that? I tell him, a citation. A what? A ticket;).

He goes nuts!!!
Tells me to look at his window, that he's been a supporter of "the sheriff" since 1970 something? (I believe it! He had every year on his window).

I respond that I had indeed noticed and, by the way, your rear view is obstructed, but I'm just gonna give you a warning for that:rofl1: :rofl1:

He said he was gonna call the Sheriff, that he knew him personally (*and yes, he did*), so I made sure he had the #.

Got a call about 20 minutes later to call the Sheriff (directly). When he asked what happened, I told him everything.
He asked if the guy dropped his name? I said yes. He got a little ticked with the guy about that! Say's thats what I expect you to do:thumbsup:

Last I heard of it.......

So ladies and gentlemen....keep buying those stickers......:rofl1:
Another question...as I previously told you guys I have the 'Police Athletic League' plate.

The way the plate is setup....


[icon] E495D2

Athletic League​

I have a license plate frame that covers 'Athletic League'....so right now it says 'Florida Police' :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Is this bad in any way?
Zach said:
Another question...as I previously told you guys I have the 'Police Athletic League' plate.

The way the plate is setup....


[icon] E495D2

Athletic League​

I have a license plate frame that covers 'Athletic League'....so right now it says 'Florida Police' :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Is this bad in any way?

As long as you're not doing anything that would cause the average person to believe you were a LEO, you "shouldn't" have any problems; however, "technically" if any portion of the tag is obscurred, it's a violation. Most officers won't give it the time of day unless:

A) You're doing something that makes us want to stop you in the first place,
B) When we stop you, you cop an attitude. IT then becomes an add on violation:hehehe:
C) We need PC for a stop fo other reasons.

Of course, lets not forget "D", the officers just an ass or a rookie:D

A friend of mine just received one for this a few weeks back. A portion of the tag (bottom where the county or Sunshine State is located) was obscurred by the plate frame.

The judge ruled with the officer (TPD) and found her guilty.

Personally, barring one of the above 4 scenarios (yes, I can be an ass occasionally), I don't pay any attention unless I'm unable to read the expiration date.

My son worked for the FOP people for a year or so when he was just out of high school. The FOP is a hustle. I think he said the cops ended up with a check that paid about 3 cents on a dollar. The FOB "administration and operations" got the other 97 cents. Legal stealing I think they call it. Most contributors think their doing the right thing and helping out their local Law Enforcement. Just a hustle :thumbsdown: ..........Tom