• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Jersey Boys

vett boy

New member
Took my wife to see the movie Sunday afternoon .Theater had a few old people and one fellow who attempted an off tune singalong .The two hours kept checking the time .Not bad but not great good rental prospect in a couple years .:D
...The two hours kept checking the time .Not bad but not great good rental prospect in a couple years .:D

RENTAL??? Couple of YEARS??? Ha Ha ... more like TV in a couple of months. Goes to show, that even with all the hype for a flick, a movie still has to speak for itself. :thumbsdown:
Your social skills seem okay to me ,,, :lmao:
My wife has a PHD and is very proper etc etc keep that in mind .About 20 years ago just before Christmas I was waiting for a hardware store to open early one morning .I'll admit that a lot of times I look a little like a street person with burn holes in my jacket and torn jeans .A man walked by and quicky stuck a $20 bill in my pocket and briskly walked off .I ran back to the car realizing it was twenty bucks "look Nancy breakfast money 'Was she ever pizzed ,I mean rip chit and drove me down the street to a Salvation Army bell ringer .Nancy demanded I place the twenty and add twenty for my sins :shrug01:I went to give the bell ring $40 and she wouldn't take it because she said I looked like I needed it more than the salvation Army .(never told the wife).

I try but I just can't get to sophistication at any level .I got a haircut today and the barber said "see ya next year "