• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

April 2007 Newsletter


Road Trip!
Volume 26 Issue 4

The Southwest Florida Vette Gazette is published monthly by the Southwest Florida Corvette Club, Inc.

Sponsored by America's First Home
Gene Suggs
Division President


Judy Galewski 239-574-2571
VP Ways & Means:
Marshall Lieberman 239-762-2882
VP Competition:
Dominic DiBattista 239-574-8204
Joan DiBattista 239-574-8204
Sue Burch 239-936-3165
NCCC Governor:
Bev Dobbins 239-283-1452
Web Master & Club Photographer
Linda Duschl
Public Relations Chairperson
Armando Sampedro
ALS2052 @earthlink.net
E-mail address:

We can tell that our winter people are already trying to escape the hot summer, as we had a small turnout at yesterday’s meeting. Not complaining that you left, complaining that friends are gone. We are looking forward to seeing all of you back this next fall.

We voted last night to have an NCCC Concourse next spring…this is an NCCC sanctioned judged car show. We haven’t had one for a few years, and we feel that it will give all of us a sense of what we can do with our cars and the feeling of satisfaction that goes with winning a judged competition. It will also give our club name a little prestige. This not an “elite” type of show, but one in which each of our Corvettes will fit into a category where we will have a chance to win.

It will be work for all of us, but fun also. More in future newsletters.

Judy Galewski

Meeting Minutes for April 17, 2007

The meeting was called to order by
Judy Galewski at 7:01 PM.

Judy asked if there were any corrections to last month’s newsletter – a motion was made that February’s newsletter stands approved as circulated.


Sue Burch read our current expenses and balance. If anyone would like a copy of the report, please contact Sue.


Marshall Lieberman announced that we have 56 members and 42 cars and we have 30 NCCC members.


Bev Dobbins had nothing new to report.


Saturday, March 31st -
“Know Your Corvette Rally”
A special thank you to Peggy & Harold
Hoover for arranging a great road rally
and inviting everyone back to their home
for a some great food. The navigator for
the rally really needed to be able to

We had three rally winners –
Linda & Robert Duschl won first prize
Joan & Dom DiBattista – second
Elaine & Ron Rupp – third

Thanks again for a great day!!!!!

Saturday, March 31st –
Eckler’s Show
Armando reported that by 7:30 they had
190 pre – registered cars and there were
between 200 – 300 cars total.
The Bracketts won first place for original
C 5. They also met a lot of the people from
Corvettes Florida. Com

Saturday, April 12th –
River District Cruise In & Block Party
There were 8 club cars and we had a great
dinner at the Morgan House.


Dom DiBattista discussed upcoming events and requested the members review the last few pages of the Newsletter and check the link sites for more information about the events that they may want to do as a club event.

Friday & Saturday, April 27 & 28
Clewiston Sugar Festival
The members living in Cape Coral will
meet up with the Ft. Myers members at
Rte 80 (Palm Beach Rd) & 75 at the
Cracker Barrel at 8:00AM. Then we will
Cruise by and pick up Armando & Karen.

Sunday, April 29th -
Corvette Show in Miami at
Kendall Chevy – Contact Armando
if you are interested in attending.

Friday, May 4th -
Parade at Allen Park Elementary School
Please contact Dom by May 1st, if you will
be attending this parade, then we can pick
a meeting place and time.

Saturday, May 5th -
Corvettes on the Circle 2007
Saint Armond Circle -
For link information see events list.

Sunday, May 6th

Mark your calendar – May 6. This is a working car show for our club. Our Sponsor America’s First Homes has requested our
assistance to put on this event. We need your help to make this a success.

Time and meeting place will be announced after we meet with our sponsor.

Saturday, May 12th –
Miniature Golf, dinner & dessert
We will meet at the Jungle Miniature Golf
Course at Jungle Golf, 17710 San Carlos
Blvd., Ft Myers. Golf begins at 4:00 PM.
We will then have dinner at the Parrot
Key and the Rupp’s have invited us back
to their home for dessert.

Friday, May 18th –
Open House at the Senior Re-hab Center
Meet at Wachovia Bank – Cape Coral
Pkwy at 9:30 am
We will do lunch afterwards.

Saturday, May 19th -
Car Show & Watermelon Festival
The event is in Arcadia –
Contact Armando for additional

Sunday, June 24th –
Dinner Cruise
Time & Place to be Determined

Sunday, August 19th –
Club Picnic
More information will be coming.

Sunday, September 9 –
Corvettes in Venice
Some of our members are going to go for
the weekend. We are looking for
information about places to stay from
those that have been there before.

Other items that are being discussed and planned for upcoming events –

Club trip to Epcot Center – 2 nights / 3 Days

Ladies Day Shopping Trip to Sawgrass Mall

The club discussed hosting a Concourse Event – Sanctioned by NCCC. A motion was made by Rudy and seconded by Suzie to have the club start preparing for the Concourse. The club agreed to work on this event. Marc will be helping us learn how to be a judge for the Concourse, since he has had experience with this type of show.

Linda Duschl, our Web Master & Club Photographer requested members to send her photos that you have taken at various events and she will put them on the web site.

You can see Debbie to place your order for club shirts. The cost is $30 and there are sample shirts for you to check sizing.
Debbie can be reached at 239-458-9119.

Two of our members have requested that –


More details will be coming – but in the meantime - Please keep this date open.


Harold Hoover

Peggy & Harold Hoover
Linda & Robert Duschl

If I missed anyone, especially our new members, for their birthday or anniversary,
please let me know.

Have a Happy Birthday and/or Anniversary.

Don’t forget to bring new hats for –
Barbara’s Friends at the Health Park – Oncology Department for the children that are receiving treatment for cancer.

Welcome to Bruce Vogel who has joined our Corvette Family.

Remember this is your spot if you have something you want to sell. It does not have to be just parts for the Vette.

1. When did kilometers per hour first appear on the speedometer?
2. What date did the first of our Corvette
roll off the production line?

Answers to last month’ Trivia
1. 1953 thru 1962
2. 1976 thru 1985
3. 1999 Coupe, Convertible & Hardtop

Who’s Your Daddy?

A Profile – Harley Earl 1893 – 1969
Part II – Concluded

As Earl worked to bring Corvette forward two themes stood out to him. First, he felt image was most important. Earl wanted a sports car priced no higher then the existing Chevrolet sedan. Next, he wanted to lower and lengthen the car for a more “down to earth” image. He closely succeeded in both areas.

In those years your position and title most always could overrule opinions and ideas of those under you and in turn hold your ideas under scrutiny from those above. Harley Earl’s shining star was – he was able to get his ideas and projects accepted by his supervisors, even when early sales of the Corvette were poor. Though there were many successes, he was content to stand aside and let someone glow in the spotlight. This attitude endeared him to many.

Today the winner of the Daytona 500 has his name placed on the Harley J. Earl Trophy.

As usual, our ladies never let us down for the goodies. We enjoyed some really tasty cookies supplied by Debbie. Thanks!!!


Linda Duschl

Date – May 15th
Meeting time – 7:00 PM
When – THIRD Tuesday of the Month
Place - Ft. Myers Christian Church
5916 Winkler Rd., Ft. Myers

If you are aware that one of our members is ill, just had surgery or a death in the family, if you let me know, we will put the information in the newsletter or e-mail our members, so we can all send cards to help cheer them up.

If you know of anyone interested in purchasing a new home, please, refer them to America's First Home

Gary Neubauer
VP of Sales
Office (239) 939-3360
Cell (239) 229-2117

Please take a few minutes and review the following information. If any event is of interest to you, use the link and visit the site. We’ll be looking for input for future club events at our monthly meetings. If you would like to E-mail a suggestion I’d appreciate it. Thanks, Dom

Upcoming Events & Site Links

(Club events are shown in red)
APRIL 2007

Port Canaveral

21st & 22nd Peace River Vintage & Classic Car Show

27th & 28th Clewiston Sugar Festival & Car Show
27th Rod Run Reunion
28th Festival & Car Show

29th Sunshine Corvette Club 21st Annual Spring Meet Corvette Show

MAY 2007

5th Corvettes On The Circle 2007
Saint Armands Circle , Sarasota, Florida
For further information Call or E-Mail: Jeff Bolton
(941) 379-2652 info@corvettesonthecircle.com

Immokalee—Several clubs have expressed interest in participating and arrangements for some vendors have been made, so far we have Mixer’s Grill providing pulled pork, burgers, dogs & drinks. They will be on site around 8:30 so breakfast items will be available. Wee also have a Kettle Corn vendor. The club will be selling bottled water. Future update will be made as soon as the information is available.

12th Miniature Golf, dinner & dessert- We will meet at the Jungle Miniature Golf
Course at Jungle Golf, 17710 San Carlos Blvd., Ft Myers. Golf begins at 4:00 PM.
We will then have dinner at the Parrot Key and the Rupp’s have invited us back
to their home for dessert.

12th The 9th Annual Corvette River Cruise In
Fort Pierce City Marina: Fort Pierce Fl

18th Open House at the Senior Re-hab Center- Meet at Wachovia Bank – Cape Coral
Pkwy at 9:30 am. We will do lunch afterwards.

19th Car Show & Watermelon Festival
The event is in Arcadia – Contact Armando for additional information.


June 2007

3rdd 12th Annual Fort Myers Beach Chamber of Commerce “TASTE OF THE BEACH”
11 AM to 5 PM

9th River District Saturday Night Cruise In and Block Party
July 2007

14th River District Saturday Night Cruise In and Block Party
August 2007

10th –12th National Corvette Homecoming
September 2007

9th Corvettes In Venice

22nd 10th Annual Dimmitt Corvette Show Clearwater
http://www.baccvette.us/Local Events.htm
October 2007

27th Roger’s Cruizin Orlando

Corvettes On The Gulf Annual Show (8am-3pm)
101 SW Pine Island Rd. Roger Dean Chevy

November 2007
4th Corvettes in Motion Fun Run & Show Homosassa

10th & 11th Corvette Garden Party Clearwater
http://www.baccvette.us/Local Events.htm

These are links to car shows in the state of Florida:
