• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

...But you can't fix stupid

That's nothing new :nonod: Hundreds of drivers here already have it installed in their cars :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Damn...I don't think that's very funny.

Sorry, but as one who has ridden way more miles that I care to remember on 2 wheels, I found it hillarious!
Call it sick cop humor if you will, but that was the dumbest damned thing I've ever seen!:lmao::lmao:

All the technology in the world won't overcome stupid!:NoNo:
I guess riding a bike more miles than you can remember doesn't mean you can't be a jackass. I've ridden plenty over the years and don't find the likelyhood that someone was seriously hurt funny.
I guess riding a bike more miles than you can remember doesn't mean you can't be a jackass. I've ridden plenty over the years and don't find the likelyhood that someone was seriously hurt funny.

It is a JOKE. No one was hurt. Watch it again and you can see the special effects just prior to the m/c getting "hit". Its just a poke at people who want to make everything automated or safer thereby relieving the actual person from the responsibility.

I found it friggin HILLARIOUS!!! :lmao:
It is a JOKE. No one was hurt. Watch it again and you can see the special effects just prior to the m/c getting "hit". Its just a poke at people who want to make everything automated or safer thereby relieving the actual person from the responsibility.

I found it friggin HILLARIOUS!!! :lmao:

I saw nothing to indicate any special effects and the girl's reaction is pretty damn good if its fake.
I guess riding a bike more miles than you can remember doesn't mean you can't be a jackass. I've ridden plenty over the years and don't find the likelyhood that someone was seriously hurt funny.

No, but it did teach me to look both ways before entering traffic:rolleyes::nonod:
Actually Connie and I just watched it and we BOTH burst out laughing.... I guess some of you never laughed at the roadrunner cartoons as a kid? :shrug01:
I saw nothing to indicate any special effects and the girl's reaction is pretty damn good if its fake.

OK Dave, I couldn't tell if it was real or not so I had my wife look at it. She thinks the video is staged. She says after the guy was hit there was a delay before they showed the guy on the pavement.

I did notice the truck stopped at impact so how fast was he going? I think it was staged also after viewing it several times.
Actually Connie and I just watched it and we BOTH burst out laughing.... I guess some of you never laughed at the roadrunner cartoons as a kid? :shrug01:

:iagree: I loved the painted tunnels that the train would come out of.:lmao:

Gezz take a chill pill dude after you get your panties out of a wad.

You sure got a lot out of two words.

If its fake I can see the humor in it, but it did not look or sound fake to me. Sorry I have more to do with my life than examine random videos on the internet for their validity.
You sure got a lot out of two words.

If its fake I can see the humor in it, but it did not look or sound fake to me. Sorry I have more to do with my life than examine random videos on the internet for their validity.

Dave, look at how far the truck travels. 20' maybe? It's gotta be a setup. I think. :D
Actually, I thought it was every bit as realistic as a roadrunner cartoon... :rolleyes: