• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Active Handling Warming Up

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
For many years I repaired computers and I learned the value of tying together what seemed to be unrelated events that happened to be precursors to more serious problems or else symptoms that at the time did not seem to be related to the actual problem.

This may be one of those cases here.

Not too long ago, every time I took my Z out for a drive, I would get that Active Handling Warming Up message on the display. Now I live on a sandy road which is about a mile long and my driveway is unpaved as well. I just figured it had something to do with the road surface, but it was kind of strange that it only started happening recently. But what the heck, just another one those puzzles, I thought.

Now the Z06 does not have tire pressure sensors in the wheels, so when I noticed via eyeball that my right rear tire was going flat, I checked it and found I had a very slow leak from a screw being through the tread. Pressure was down to about 12 pounds. I got out the inflator and pumped it back up to 28.5 pounds and eventually got the tire repaired. Now interestingly enough, I have NOT gotten that message displayed since then.

So was the car trying to tell me something? Will an underinflated tire trip that Active Handling message? I haven't seen anyone else comment on it, and it just may be my barking up the wrong tree, but I know for a fact that if I see that message again, I am CERTAINLY going to check my tire pressures, just in case.

For what it is worth........
I've seen it twice, I did have nails in the tires at the time, but how would the car know the tire was low? my guess is that its just recalibrating itself.
I just returned to Sarasota after ten years of being away. Good to be home with my immediate family. Anyway, I lived in Cherokee, NC when I bought the Z. It's very hard to find any straight roads in Western NC. When I left the house there, I immediately started twisting and turning down the mountain. I would always get "Active handling warming up" on the DIC. I made several queries about this explaining my situation. The answer is, when you first start out on the road cold, the active handling calibrates itself. If the rear wheels are turning at different speeds, you will get the message on the DIC. Rich, if you had a tire going down, then active handling would detect the rear wheels turning at different rates and so you would get the message. I'm still not sure the purpose of the message and why it's programmed to display that way, doesn't last a minute, then you get the next message telling you "everything is cool".
Hope that explains at least half the puzzle. Anytime you start cold and go into twisties or have rear tires turning at different rates, you're going to get that message..........Tom:)
Well that does make a lot of sense. An underinflated tire will have a different effective diameter so it will certainly flag a sensor that something isn't right. And it may just have been a coincidence. After all the temps ARE warming up in these parts lately. :yesnod:
I will get it once a week when leaving work driving down my parking garage, never got the warning when not in my parking garage.
I have gotten it a few times and never had it related to the tires as any pressure difference that I was aware of as I haven't had any flats. It just seems to come on when first starting to drive.:shrug01:

Well so far, since getting that flat fixed, I haven't had it show up even once. Might have just been a coincidence, but I'm REAL suspicious of coincidences.....