• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Getting back to work

good luck. keep up posted. would be nice to hear some good news. my girlfriend has been looking, applying, and interviewing for 3 years now with no luck. :banghead:

just found out today that im up for a very big promotion with my company.
I will keep you all posted. Actually if you see the for sale ad come down then I got hired. This was just a call to schedule an interview, but it is the first call back in two months and 360 applications later.

It will also probably be a pay cut working for the state vs. a private employer, but I will take it if offered.
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Right now due to our illustrious Gov, hiring is at standstill...send me resume just the same...

I sent you a copy of my resume via email. Feel free to pass it along to anyone you may know of that is hiring.

I had my interview today and got a 45 min tag team rapid fire Q&A thrown at me. I think I did well. Some of the questions they asked were not open ended or two way dialoge as most interviews are. They were more task specific questions department policies and proceedures only. They would ask a question, I would give my response then next question. No dialoge, can you elaborate, or tell me about your experiences, background etc...that normally takes place during an interview. Very strange for me but I guess there is a first for everything. Because they were so specific I was relying on my memory of some projects that go back almost a decade and hoping for the best possible answers. I even went back after the interview to some of my training manuals to check just to make sure :rolleyes: I got them right but at the time I was not 100% sure.

I am one of 39 candidates that are being interviewed so I will not know if I got the position for a couple of weeks. I will keep my updates here.
I trust the interview went well.

Good luck !


I don't think there is any luck to be had. Based on they robotic way they were firing questions at me one after the other with no dialoge or interaction, it sounded like they were reading a script. Knowing how the DOT works they were assigning points based what they felt about my answers. No independent judgement, or this person went to a great school, or experience. My guess is they were just following their checklist. With 39 other applicants they still have to interview in the next couple of weeks who knows where that point total will end up. :shrug01:

Reminds me of why I left public service in the first place, but at this point I have no choice until I am hired.
Thats why I left my job...did not want to deal with those FDOT twits any longer...all they want to do is make you look bad and take all credit when things are going right...
Its been two weeks since my interview and nothing so I am assuming I didn't get it. Figures FDOT :rolleyes: I had a phone interview yesterday with a private desing/build firm in TN to work on a wind turbine project and they are flying me out next week for a live interview.