New member
:dancer01::dancer01:To all our friends and family!.
May this year bring all the joy, happiness, health and prosperity, one could expect, and the safety, security and freedom we've all come to enjoy:dancer01::dancer01:
...and generally that would be it...however...I know that from time to time, we all gripe and complain about one thing or another, but in the big picture, fror the coming year we need to:
Ask God's blessings on our Troops, LEO's, Firefighter/Paramedic/EMT's, and everyone else that place so much on the line daily (physically), for our safety.
Pray for guidance for our elected and appointed leaders, lawyers, and the judiciary, whose job it is to protect and maintain our rights and freedoms.
And remember to always thank those who have served to protect and defend our great country, and liberate the oppressed throughout the world.:notworthy:
Finally, in this coming year may we never forget those who have made the ultimate sacrifice
Happy New Year my friends!
May this year bring all the joy, happiness, health and prosperity, one could expect, and the safety, security and freedom we've all come to enjoy:dancer01::dancer01:
...and generally that would be it...however...I know that from time to time, we all gripe and complain about one thing or another, but in the big picture, fror the coming year we need to:
Ask God's blessings on our Troops, LEO's, Firefighter/Paramedic/EMT's, and everyone else that place so much on the line daily (physically), for our safety.
Pray for guidance for our elected and appointed leaders, lawyers, and the judiciary, whose job it is to protect and maintain our rights and freedoms.
And remember to always thank those who have served to protect and defend our great country, and liberate the oppressed throughout the world.:notworthy:
Finally, in this coming year may we never forget those who have made the ultimate sacrifice

Happy New Year my friends!