• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

I'm not gonna say it... ROUND 2!!!

They need to Lock that Little Bastard Up and throw away the Key!!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:He will never be any Different!!Just a thorn in the side of Society!!!!:shrug01::shrug01:

:iagree:This is one of those "born bad" types and he's not going to change:nonod:

This was kinda funny though:

According to Stratford, the problem began when Milton asked his grandmother for some chicken wings. When she refused, Milton walked over over to the counter and ordered them anyway.

Note to self...never deny a little brother his chicken wings!:lmao::lmao:
That kid will continue to be a boil on the ass of society if he doesn't get a real stern EYE opening lesson REAL soon. So I guess everyone is going to wait for him to actually kill someone before they get stern with him.. Yeah, I'm sure the liberals will blame society and easy access to a gun when that happens. :rolleyes: Some people are just plain born bad.
They need to Lock that Little Bastard Up and throw away the Key!!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:He will never be any Different!!Just a thorn in the side of Society!!!!:shrug01::shrug01:
This is a problem that can be fixed with 6 feet ot chain 4 cinder blocks and a short boat ride:no_evil:
Some people are just plain born bad.

Nope just people that taught this young lad the ways to be a $hit head early in life, and no parental skills to change the behavior. Shes the grandma, and I would be interested to see what kind of situation her child (the parent of this horrendous kid) is in. My guess is prison or in a drug induced stupor around town. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree you know. He is behaving the way he was taught to behave. It's referred to as job security in the criminal justice world.
Nope just people that taught this young lad the ways to be a $hit head early in life, and no parental skills to change the behavior. Shes the grandma, and I would be interested to see what kind of situation her child (the parent of this horrendous kid) is in. My guess is prison or in a drug induced stupor around town. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree you know. He is behaving the way he was taught to behave. It's referred to as job security in the criminal justice world.

Nope just people that taught this young lad the ways to be a $hit head early in life, and no parental skills to change the behavior. Shes the grandma, and I would be interested to see what kind of situation her child (the parent of this horrendous kid) is in. My guess is prison or in a drug induced stupor around town. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree you know. He is behaving the way he was taught to behave. It's referred to as job security in the criminal justice world.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Mom is in and out of jail for drugs!
That kid will continue to be a boil on the ass of society if he doesn't get a real stern EYE opening lesson REAL soon. So I guess everyone is going to wait for him to actually kill someone before they get stern with him.. Yeah, I'm sure the liberals will blame society and easy access to a gun when that happens. :rolleyes: Some people are just plain born bad.

I have to agree with you Rich. This is one of those either "wah! wah!" or "aaaahhhhhhhh!" cases. However, I can't believe I'm doing this but I'm going to have to put a liberal spin on it only because this is one of the true CHAMPION example of why ABORTION should be LEGAL and implemented to welfare mothers!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup:
I won't get it to this in depth.But I was no much better and given up to be raised by a real great couple on a farm.I inherited a brother who was blind and two patient loving roll models.Both served by example and I can't ever remember being severely punished.
I'm not saying every kid can be saved ,but I wouldn't give up on all of them.I realize it's a different world than it was in the 50's but I have mentored a few kids that turned out OK.
The little bastard!

No father?
I lived in WPB. Remember the little 12 year old, that killed his teacher in a Lake worth HS? ( shot him because he was told to leave the class )
Bad water? No! Bad parents? No. Foot in the ass, needed a long time ago!
Why are parents, afraid to direct their kids in the right direction? Child welfare!
If you align them, they call the cops! The door to jail, is a short walk. Put them there!
No father?
I lived in WPB. Remember the little 12 year old, that killed his teacher in a Lake worth HS? ( shot him because he was told to leave the class )
Bad water? No! Bad parents? No. Foot in the ass, needed a long time ago!
Why are parents, afraid to direct their kids in the right direction? Child welfare!
If you align them, they call the cops! The door to jail, is a short walk. Put them there!

The latter is true.......p@ssy a$s parents. Timeouts don't work. Foot-to-a$s and psycological torture do. I don't fear my dad anymore but I still damn well better respect him. But up until the point I left home, I still feared him. Even though I had been a student of Isshinryu and a teacher of Escrima, I still knew better. That's respect. These little punks nowadays have no respect.

It's another generation of babies born from babies and in many cases it's babies who had babies who have babies. That's total social decline. And considering that judges in California overturned the will of the people and if it's not appealed, well friends.....consider it the beginning of the end of our country. Remember the day 5/15/08......the day the U.S. officially became part of Europe!!!!!!!:thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
Yeah... My dad was a semi-pro boxer. And as he once told me, "Son, yes, you may be able to take me some day, but you'll NEVER be able to sleep soundly again under the same roof as me...." Gulp!
Growing up I never "feared" my parents, either of them. I "respected" them for what they were...my parents.

I wanted thier love, thier trust and thier admiration, and knowing I did something that might change that trust or admiration, wounded me much more than any physical punishment they could dish out. That said, neither of my parents were opposed to whipping my arse if I got out of line.

When/if I did something to embarras them or make them ashamed of my actions, the corporal punishment was considerably less than the mental anguish I went through knowing how they felt.

They never went over the edge.They did what they felt they had to do and no more.

They never struck above the waist (unless I ducked:lmao:) and never with anything that was going to do permanent damage. Tghier punishment was always tempered with love and compassion. I know it sounds crazy, but you knew it then as I knew it now:thumbsup:

I don't believe in nor do I agree with either physical or mental torture.

Corporal punishment however, metered out in the proper doses, in the proper fashion and to the proper location, is :thumbsup::thumbsup:with me.

All this namsy pamsy, I'm gonna call HRS (children & family services or what the hell ever they call themselves this month!), you can't spank you child (which BTW-is a fallacy), BS is for the birds!!

Here's a quarter. Now this is gonna hurt me more than it hurts you...:lmao::lmao:

BTW, I too was adopted and know the true value of loving parents.

I was raised in a lower/middle class area in eastern Hillsborough County. Both of my parents worked to support the household as did I from the time I was about 14 (officially).

As GURO mentioned, I too have been involved either training, fighting or teaching the martial arts and self defense since I was about 19 (I'm 51 now-you do the f:2232censored:n math:lmao:) and although I could physically have ripped my dad apart any time over the last 25-30 years in a fight, I NEVER gave him flak or grief:NoNo: when he said something, I listened and understood. And I still went to him occassionally for wisdom and guidance. As one comedian once said, you don't get old being stupid!

This IMO is what's lacking in our society today. Honor, respect, dignity.

My father was a former Golden Gloves boxer and taught me a lot about boxing as a youth. He also taught me a LOT about being a good person. Never start a fight, but don't be afraid to end one.

They taught me right from wrong and instilled in me those charachteristice which prevented me from ending up as the vast majority of my associates...dead or in jail. All but 3 from my youth that I associated with regularly (in the neighborhood) are in that boat.

I became a cop...

Mom died proud as she could be of my chosen profession.

Dad lived with me unitl he passed away at age 93 just a few short years ago.

To the day he died, I never lost respect for him...life as it should be...:thumbsup:

The rest as they say...is history....

Well said Gordon. I remember my father teaching my brother (6'4" at the time) to "fly" once when he disrespected him. It didn't happen again and I never did. As a father of two, I give thanks to GOD my kids haven't been influenced by the increasing disrespect found in every community today. It starts it home. Parents should be held responsible for their childrens actions. S*#t in, S*#t out I say.
Gordon, your wisdom far exceeds your age.
Hope we can meet one day so I can buy you a beer, or two.
:iagree:This is one of those "born bad" types and he's not going to change:nonod:

This was kinda funny though:

Note to self...never deny a little brother his chicken wings!:lmao::lmao:

Note to self....Steer clear of the Deli counter at Wal-Mart....:ack2: