• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.


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New member
John Tsikouris is a fraud. He poses on this and other forums only to bad mouth my company. You can see this is his first post (new member). He has nothing to contribute because he has no expereince or knowledge about vehicles or transmissions, whatsoever !!!!

He is acutally the owner of GoodFella Transmisions. He started up his company after I fired him !!! He is a former disgruntled employee of mine from my old shop, Mad Dog Transmissions.

I don't gossip or particpate in forums, but I have to address the truth and waste my time. Apparently he must NOT BE BUSY AT HIS new shop since all he does all day is signup on forums and post this same text.

He should probably be paying more attention to his rebuilders or they're gonna run game on him, just like John Tsikouris and the rest of my former Mad Dog crew did to me. But I guess what's the difference when he doesn't even know the insides of a transmission or how to rebuild one.


John Tsikouras was a former employee of mine at Mad Dog Transmissions.. He used to come to my shop almost everyday begging me to teach him about my business and the transmission industry. He looked like a clean-cut, honest boy, so when an opportunity arose at my shop I decided to give him a chance. I took him under my wing, trusted him and even invited him to my wedding. I taught him alot about the transmission business and had hoped that he would be a long-time, loyal employee. It was brought to my attention that while I had trusted him to be running my business, he had actually started his Goodfellas Transmission business. When I found out, I had no other choice but to fire him on the spot. He basically replicated all my ideas, phrases and sales pitches to start-up his new business.

Does this sound like a man with integrity? It is no secret that I have relocated and renamed my business, Outlaw Transmissions. My picture is even posted on my website and E-bay ads. My old site www.maddogtransmissions actually links to my new site www.outlawtransmissions. I would not make an attempt to insult the intelligence of my customers who shopped around for the BEST TRANSMISSIONS in the industry and then purchased from me. My customers made me who I am today. I have the upmost respect for all my customers past and present. Unfortunately, it took me a little longer to relocate my business than I had anticipated. Does it sound like I'm trying to hide? I'm here ! The main reason Mad Dog Transmissions is now defunct is primarily due to the mis-mangement of the business operations while I was away. If I did not know the transmission industry, I would never have been able to sell thousands of units and stay in business that long.

I am a second generation transmissions builder. I have been building and selling transmissions before John Tsikouras was even born !!! I have had thousands of satisfied custmers throughout the years and I will continue to deliver superior products to all my customers. One things for sure, I'M BACK and building every single transmission that leaves my new shop, OUTLAW TRANSMISSIONS. I welcome anybody to watch me (from start to finish) rebuild a transmission with my own two hands !!! I doubt this former shampoo boy/personal trainer can offer that to his customers. John Tsikouris had no transmission experience whatsoever before he came into my world.

John Tsikouris is a fraud and a joker !!! He literally tripped over a transmission (at my old shop in Florida) a year and a half ago and had no idea what it was.

He is pathetic. He even has people call my new shop to obtain my personal information (i.E. like my cell phone number and give it out on forums).


I can name four companies out there today, who were employed by me, trained by me and lived through me. I was obviously doing something right. I will not continue to waste my time by having periodic pissing contests with fornmer employees or anybody over internet forums or mickey mouse e-mails. Do us both a favor and don't waste our time !

My efforts are focused on running a buinsiess and providing quality products to my customers and not wasting time with haters who love to use the internet to talk trash and spread rumors. THESE ARE THE FACTS !!!! If John Tskiouras called my shop, He did not talk to me or my wife as he claims and then again why would he.... Maybe only to tell you guys about some big secret he thinks he let out of the bag. What a waste of time!!! I thought people had more important things to do with their time. Maybe he should spend more of his time educating himself on how to rebuild a transmission. The only secret out of the bag is now THE TRUTH. You have a former, disgruntled Mad Dog employee who has no experience in the transmission industry other than what I "myself" taught him about selling transmissions in the year and a half he was employed by Mad Dog Transmissions.

My shop number is 678-965-5338.

Thank you,
Mad Dog Lou

Hello to everybody watching this thread. This is John Tsikouris, and I am here to set the story straight on MR. MADDOG LOU.. I ran Maddogs for years, and taught LOU everything he knows about the internet and Ebay. The real reason I left Maddog's and started Goodfellas was because unethical things were going on there. He was putting used clutches in supposed brand new transmissions, old parts, and was not even testing the units. He was dumping fluid in them and shipping them out. I am sorry I did not want to asscociate myself with that. That is the reason he had so many dissatisfied customers. That is why all you were talking about how bad his product was before he jumped on here. Everybody knows I ran that shop perfect and made MR LOU a lot of money. The truth was he was never there, and never inspected any units himself. That is why he had BOZOS running his shop after I left, and that is why he went out of business. He defaulted on customers that had warranties, parts companies, and the shipping companies. If anybody doubts me I can supply numbers and references to his old customers that got the shaft from LOU.. One of the true builders at Maddog was Greg Little form G-Men transmissions. Give him a call and see what he has to say about MR MADDOG LOU.. Lou knows the real truth, and so does everybody that did business with him. That is why he had to change his name and had to get off the internet. He had so many complaints it was not funny. Obvisouly some of the people on here got screwed by Maddogs. Hey Lou if you are such a straight shooter you should warranty all those bad transmissions you sent out. I will make sure to forward your number to all your old customers that call me. The truth to the whole story is the guy is a scam artist he did not teach me anything about the business I learned how to build from other people and I sold every transmission in that shop by my self. I set up all the marketing and products. He can try to bad mouth me, but the proof is out there on his garbage product and OUTLAWTRANSMISSIONS will be ran the same way because he is in charge. I challenge anybody to buy my transmission, and if it dos not go above and beyond your expectations I will give a full refund! I also can supply numbers and references of my new customers. I deal with true racers! They can tell you if I am the real deal or not.Subject: Emailing: LS1GTO.com Forums - ohios first ten second GTO. He is running my BOSS 4l65E transmission in is GTO. He is 5th in the nation. The proof is in the pudding. If anybody has any more questions about me or my company you can talk to the man driving the car.

here you heres proof,regards Rogerc 740-252-1694

If anybody has any questions you can contact me direct at 727-234-0641.

Thank You,
John Tsikouris
useing the net to bad mouth someone on the internet ALWAYS backfires, it will hurt your business, not the one you are bad mouthing, Trust me:) I've seen it one million times, be careful with this, people think it is juvenile to bad mouth and pat yourself on the back in the same thread, and they are smart enough to see it, I say delete this thread and keep it personal instead of stressing people that just might be customers one day..

I'm not trying to be a biach,we have a small business too and I hate for other small business to hurt themselves publicly

I am just speaking the truth and putting the proof on here. If I have to defend myself then so be it. I would suggest anybody who has doubts check the Better Business Bureau of Florida about MADDOG TRANSMISSIONS. I have transmissions all over the country and world for that matter. I can provide references and emails address for anyone that does not belive me or has doubts. I am exposing Mr. Maddog Lou for what he is a fraud, EX-CON, CROOK!!!! I understand it is not good to slam other business. I think it is right to speak the truth and the facts, and that is all I have done. This is my last comment on here unless I have to defend myself further. He is basically mad and trying to make things up about me. I do rebuild transmissions, and know every working part inside and out.
useing the net to bad mouth someone on the internet ALWAYS backfires, it will hurt your business, not the one you are bad mouthing, Trust me:) I've seen it one million times, be careful with this, people think it is juvenile to bad mouth and pat yourself on the back in the same thread, and they are smart enough to see it, I say delete this thread and keep it personal instead of stressing people that just might be customers one day..

I'm not trying to be a biach,we have a small business too and I hate for other small business to hurt themselves publicly
I wholeheartedly agree!! :thumbsup:And if you guys don't mind,I'll just keep building mine and my customers transmissions!! I've never seen any Transmission Builders or Transmission Shops that I would send my Valued Customers to,and much less a couple Boneheads having a Piss'n contest on a forum that I enjoy visiting and sharing my knowledge!!!:NoNo::NoNo::thumbsdown::toetap05:
Well boys, all you have accomplished by this "mud slinging" is placed doubt on either of your abilities to deliver a respectable service/product.
Same here..... I have made note of both businesses and will make sure to let all of our local Corvette club know to stay clear of both of the cry babies.
I am a firm believer in dealing only with reputable people. I have told other vendors on this site to tell me how good your product or service is, don't tell me how bad others are. Hopefully, I can figure that out for myself! This thread is a prime example of how not to do business. I certainly would not take ANY of my vehicles to either of these vendors! :nonod:
Well i can tell ya for a fact Greg at Antivemon works pure magic on cars!

Greg does not try to sell you things that are not needed, he just tells you like it is, and does super work.

He turned my strong running 06 a6 into a true beast! Just doing headers and tune added 30hp and 24ft lbs, the difference in nite and day!
Ok gentlemen, you've had time to speak your piece.

FWIW, I agree with the others here. This section was designed for problem shops that need to be "outed" for the good of our members, problems that have not or can not be resolved and for general issue resolution. It was not placed here for two (2) supposedly grown men and business owners to have a pissing contest!:NoNo:

Personally, I use Tim Moye in Lutz for all my transmission work and have found him AND his work to be both top flight and beyond reproach.

Personally and professionally, you could place these 2 peas (he and Gregg from AntiVenom) in the same pod and they'd be a perfect fit:thumbsup:

I'll reserve any other comment on this matter except to say that since this is the BOI, I'm going to leave this open for a few more days for any other member comments. Then I'm going to shut her down. Speak now or forever hold your peace.
I say "Why wait?" Kill this thread now.

Neither of these 2 were members before they started this thread and it obviously wasn't a concern any of the active members. I think it was a ploy to get their names in front of us without having to be a supporting member. Well they accomplished that and more :yesnod:. Now we know who to avoid.:thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
Eh, I'm in a festive mood so I'll tell you what. I'm going to leave it up until MIDNIGHT tonight. Then it goes :wavey:
I say "Why wait?" Kill this thread now.

Neither of these 2 were members before they started this thread and it obviously wasn't a concern any of the active members. I think it was a ploy to get their names in front of us without having to be a supporting member. Well they accomplished that and more :yesnod:. Now we know who to avoid.:thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

And it would hurt to ban them as well. :thumbsup:
And it would hurt to ban them as well. :thumbsup:

Personally, I'm going to leave that up to the boss.

If it were me, I'd leave them active and give them a chance at redeeming themselves:thumbsup:

We all on occasion allow our alligator mouths to overload our hummingbird azzes. Usually, we realize how stupid it was and hopefully, never do it again.

Maybe these 2 realize now, how much damage and potential damage they've done to THEMSELVES, not each other, and will go about trying to build and rebuild thier reputation, both in the on line and real world, in a positive and productive manner.

They may actually become productive, informative members of this forum, you just can't tell at this point.

Not one to judge too quickly, I'm suggesting we lock this thread at midnight (a promise is a promise) and let things ride, see what they do?

Pull a stunt like this again and I'd suggest beating them with a BAN stick:rofl1:


Seems funny to me. Two people who were not forums members show up here together. Like mentioned before, It appears orchestrated.
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