• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Judging Classifications


Road Trip!
Since a bad taste has been left on so many from last weeks show, I thought I would start this thread in hopes that we can come up with a fair and reasonable classifications that could be presented to all the clubs that judge shows as well as premium car show. The Classifications are as follows:

1. Cars less than 2 years.
2. Trailer Queens
3. All classes in 2 year intervals
4. Street Driven (What exterior surfaces are visible and whats visible inside with open door - no opening of compartments)
5. Original - 0 mods - All exterior & interior surfaces incl compartments
6. Semi-Custom - 0-4 mods - All exterior & interior surfaces incl compartments
7. Custom - over 5 mods - Everything/Everywhere
8. Concours - Every nook and cranny....

Add you .02 by all means...
you must have outside judges not judges from a local club as last week show was judges from corvette clubs by ecklers if they know you and your car is clean you win. i heard a few judges talk to people and say you won before they judges their car. you only go to have a good time not to win
I agree, these classes are most fair.

I also agree that the judging should be from outside source.....IF at all possible.
I also think the show at Celebration was a good location in that it was a semi netrual location so to speak. Not half way from coast to coast, but the distance better than driving from one to the other coast. Mickey land however on I-4 is the pit's as far as traffic is concerned but especially on Friday evening's.
There are a few Car show's here in Heathrow at the new Colonial Town center.
Plenty of Hotel's, places to eat, movie theater's and such. Seem's to be quite popular...........just food for thought.
I believe by what I've read from quite a few member's herein, there are quite a few of us old timer's at this sport of car show's and judging............myself, been there done it forever so it seem's. What I read here this week concerning the Celebration show only reminds me of 30+ years ago. Same ole same ole.Nothing's changed..same argument's.
Go racing...........then you'll know who's really 1st, 2nd, and 3rd...LOL.:eek:
Personally, I could do without the judging at shows completely. Too many feelings getting hurt, it seems. Is it really all that important to win a trophy?

Quite frankly, MY car is the best in my category. That's why I bought it and why I put the mods I did on it. If I wanted something different, it would BE something different. The car that wins "best of show" doesn't necessarily mean it is how I would want MY car to be at all.

I just enjoy looking at how other people have personalized their cars to match what THEY want it to be. That should be what is important. That the car is how YOU want it to be, not what you think it takes in order to win some trophy.

In my humble opinion, of course....
Rich, Hip Hip.again I agree

There were many really sharp vettes at Celebration.
I really enjoyed the C5 mullemium Yellow decaled out #8 C5.R with wing GT street Vette. And a C5 black Z06 COM TEC prepaired out of Tampa.
But then, I'm more into racing and speed then polishing.
Again as I posted earlier, the C2 midyear owned by Scully? That is one beautiful Corvette. When one ownes such a car and takes the time and and a ton of money and LOVE for his Vette to do the total restoration..........
I can see why he'd be a little P-off.
Me? I'd rather blow the door's off my competition in battle. That's the real rush..........and there's NO judging involved. If you can't compete with the Big Dog's stay on the porch. Besides, love seeing the face and hear the Porsche driver's wine their hearts out..........not fair. Nothing like a a Vette w/ some HP to humble their spirit'sLOL:rofl1:
Personally, I could do without the judging at shows completely. Too many feelings getting hurt, it seems. Is it really all that important to win a trophy?

Quite frankly, MY car is the best in my category. That's why I bought it and why I put the mods I did on it. If I wanted something different, it would BE something different. The car that wins "best of show" doesn't necessarily mean it is how I would want MY car to be at all.

I just enjoy looking at how other people have personalized their cars to match what THEY want it to be. That should be what is important. That the car is how YOU want it to be, not what you think it takes in order to win some trophy.

In my humble opinion, of course....

I agree 100% :thumbsup:

It's amazing that after every "judged" car show how much complaining goes on. I understand due to the fact that your Corvette is a very personal possession and one takes it as an affront when someone else "puts down" their car by not making it a winner. AND after every event someone always comes up with a more fair judging system. Since 1959 the National Council of Corvettes Clubs has consistently had judged car show and since 1959 has had a set of rules to help member (and non-member) clubs to host these shows. Presently there are 15 Regions, 269 clubs with over 16,500 members nationwide that present feed-back for this rule book. The reason is simple, when you attend a NCCC Sanctioned event; no matter where in the US, if you have a rule book you will know where your car will be placed (class) and how it will be judged. For a set of these rule please go to:


scroll down to "By-Laws, standing rules & competition manual" click on NCCC competition manual and click on Chapter 7. Concours D'Elegance. There in several pages is a compilation of 49 years of experience in not only car shows, but racing, rallying and all other forms of competition.

How your car is judged is never going to be perfect as long as humans are doing the judging. Either live with it or quit going to shows. I've been showing Corvettes since 1967 and in those 41 years have had my share of disappointments and winnings. Take the criticism, go home and fix the problem. And then go get 'em the next time!!! :vette:
I have to agree with Pres. With an NCCC show you know what class your car should be placed in, what will be judged and how. Each car in the class is judged the same way by the same judges. :yesnod:
thats the IDEA,

Personally, I could do without the judging at shows completely. Too many feelings getting hurt, it seems. Is it really all that important to win a trophy?

Quite frankly, MY car is the best in my category. That's why I bought it and why I put the mods I did on it. If I wanted something different, it would BE something different. The car that wins "best of show" doesn't necessarily mean it is how I would want MY car to be at all.

I just enjoy looking at how other people have personalized their cars to match what THEY want it to be. That should be what is important. That the car is how YOU want it to be, not what you think it takes in order to win some trophy.

In my humble opinion, of course....

I agree. I like walking around and checking out the cars also. If someone comes up to me and says, Nice Car, there's my trophy.
If you are going to enter your car in a judged show, then don't be surprised if they have a different opinion of your car than you do. I have owned Corvettes for a long time and have done more shows than I want to think about. That is why I don't do many anymore. I will support my club when asked, but other than that, I would prefer to pull up, park the car and BS with the rest of the crowd. Too many people get too wound up over a $5.00 trophy, plus it seems to become personal if they don't win. Just my opinion!
Winning trophies reminds me of my years in New Orleans and the Mardi Gras season. We would go to the parades and try to see how many beads we could catch. Then we would take them home and they would be on the floor in a bag. Eventually the bags would end up in the attic!! At some point in time, those bags got thrown away with the thought "what the heck am I keeping these for???"
Trophies kinda do the same walk too. We bring them home, put it in the front room for all to admire and then it gradually moves somewhere else like the garage, etc. They are fun to win but come on foks, it's just plastic. I agree with Rich Z. Our own cars are the best cars because we put our own personalities in them and THAT'S what makes the shows fun IMHO. I personally love to see what people have done to their pride and joy and most of all connecting with my favorite corvette brothers and sisters. :D:D
I think I'll start bringing a cattle prod to the shows. If I see someone wearing white gloves leaning into my hood lookinf for grease spots, I'll just launch him over and out the other side...... :hehehe:

I'm just THERE. Don't even bother judging my car. I doing things to my car to please ME and ME alone. Well, it IS nice to get Connie's approval ...... even after the fact...... :D

Honestly, if I ever won a trophy, I would think the judges were on drugs, blind, or wanting to ask me for a serious favor later on... :lmao:
you must have outside judges not judges from a local club as last week show was judges from corvette clubs by ecklers if they know you and your car is clean you win.
Wow..then I guess everyone can stop entering b/c for as long as I have known (if not always the local clubs provide teh judges for the Reunions. Now if the judges are discouraged discouraged from entering their vettes if they are judging, but in all likeliness they could as they won't be judging their own class.
If they know you and your car is clean you win? I'll call partial BS as I will state that the Titusville Corvette Club supplied most of the judges for the show. I had two cancels earlier in the week before the show:one had a conflict and the other had pneumonia. So I rounded up 5 more judges. I can say that the TCC judges and the other 5 I rounded are all experienced and fair judges. Most of them have been judging NCCC shows for some time now.
What I cannot speak for are the other judges and the judges that came forward from other clubs. These judges may account for the "unfairness" that is being mentioned here.
i heard a few judges talk to people and say you won before they judges their car.
Doesn't suprise me, but again I don't think it was anyone of the judges in TCC. I can't speak for some of the others, but I can see some of them saying that. Now if it's a joke thats one thing.
Now....on the other hand....there are a few vettes at the show that are well known. And by well known I mean they are consistently the top finishers in the NCCC FL Region. The more veteran and NCCC concours judges know these vehicles. If you are in a class with one of these-you'd better have a lot of ammo to compete. I could see a judge judging 3 cars in a class and then walking up to the 4th-knows they guy, knows the car, the owner shoots the bull for a few minutes, then judges the vehicle or maybe he doesn't have to. A quick lookover and it may be easy to see it is yards beyond the other 3 already judged.
Here's two Examples:
StuzVette Silver C5 parked near the entrance.
Tony Diazs White 96 back near the lake.
Now of course, StuzVette wasn't photopgraphed or prasied as much as the awesome blue C6 next to him with the airbrushing...but the blue one did have more flaws than StuzVette and even the owner (Casey I think is his name) admitted that!
I have to agree with Pres. With an NCCC show you know what class your car should be placed in, what will be judged and how. Each car in the class is judged the same way by the same judges. :yesnod:
Yes, this would be nice too...but it does have it's flaws as well. From personal experience in involved the classification. Sometimes...there are vehicles that don't belong in your class. But, if you want to get all the points you can and you have competition in your class, then some of these people suddenly end up in your class. And...I can go furtehr to say if your club is trying to gain all the points it can you notice some wierd things going on.
From personal experience, I protested at a few events before I just got tired of it, b/c a C5 with nothing but decals on it was being entered in Custom. I'll restrain on "the buddy" system on this one. But what was interesting was at one show the first judge came by and judged my vette. Then a little while later the owner of the C5 that is in my class comes walking up saying he's judging my vette! WTF? Are you serious? I tried to explain some rationale thoughts. Told him he wasn't judging it, he said he was. I asked wasn't that his C5 in this class? To which he replied- yes. I then asked how he could judge a class with his vehicle in it. He said someone else judges his. Sorry, it does not work that way. I explained how the same two judges judge all the vehicles in that class. But, still he insisted he was judging it. I just wanted to knock him on his ass, but I just felt like I would be like godzilla swattiing a fly. Didn't seem like it would last long enough to be fun. So I told him fine. I was going to piss a whole bunch of people off as well as his club-I went and grabbed the NCCC rulebook and filled out a protest form and paid my $5. That brought the issue to light at the next NCCC Governors meeting. But, it didn't change. The decaled C5 continued to enter in modified, pissed off several other owners at other shows-who like me also had true modifed vettes. Heard several of tehm quit NCCC over it...
Since a bad taste has been left on so many from last weeks show, I thought I would start this thread in hopes that we can come up with a fair and reasonable classifications that could be presented to all the clubs that judge shows as well as premium car show.
...Okay, so it isn't a judged show, but it is people's choice but I noticed elsewhere you mentioned you were going to CKCC's Vettes at the Port show. Yes, the show and venue is nice, but be forewarned to attend and just have fun. I didn't make it to the last two shows, but before that it was a vote for your buddy show. When you have 150+ members in your club and happen to be the host club no one else stands a chance. They may have changed that and someone correct me if I am wrong.....
From personal experience, I protested at a few events before I just got tired of it, b/c a C5 with nothing but decals on it was being entered in Custom. I'll restrain on "the buddy" system on this one. But what was interesting was at one show the first judge came by and judged my vette. Then a little while later the owner of the C5 that is in my class comes walking up saying he's judging my vette! WTF? Are you serious? I tried to explain some rationale thoughts. Told him he wasn't judging it, he said he was. I asked wasn't that his C5 in this class? To which he replied- yes. I then asked how he could judge a class with his vehicle in it. He said someone else judges his. Sorry, it does not work that way. I explained how the same two judges judge all the vehicles in that class. But, still he insisted he was judging it.

That would be fine as long as YOU could judge HIS car... :hehehe:
8T7.........that's gotta be a first I've ever heard of

Don't mean to laugh at it but good lord...........:lmao: