• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

(NWS) A Little Airbrush /There Back (NWS-Partial artistic Nudity)


New member
Here ya go Rick:
Thanks Shadow!





Not a problem sir :thumbsup:
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Just for the record, it was nothing that involved "management" here. The only requirements about posting photos of nudes is that it must be tasteful and at least loosely related to Corvettes in some fashion. From what I would tell, the photos originally posted here complied.
I really didn't mean to start a big ruckus and I never implied, or at least didn't mean to if I did, that management took or requested removal of the pictures in question. Five days ago I signed up at another Corvette Forum, which I won't name, I also posted the picks there and all the comments were degrading and showed no respect. I didn't want to start a hassle here so I removed them before and only a few saw all 4. At the other Corvette Forum, I left them up for about 5 hours just to see what all the wise a**'*s had to say. I never heard from the Corvette Forum Police at the other joint, just the a**h***s, anyhow that's my opinion of them. I'm sorry not everyone has my taste and I didn't want to act as I was forcing anyone to like what I do, so I thought it best to remove them from the thread for the present. I hope the members of that other Corvette Forum don't want my arm taken off, I have the same sort of girl tattooed there. Will I'll never know, because I don't plan on going back. Again sorry for the trouble.

it looks like you have the approval of the "powers that Be":dancer01: .
I know I've posted a few things, that once I clicked "submit reply", I second guessed myself and wished I hadn't sent it. But for me, it wasn't a case of breaking the rules so much (although I don't want to do that either). It was more...I DIDN'T WANT TO UPSET THE MEMBERS.
Just a note...this forum, as I'm sure people have seen, is different from all others. IMO...The attitude of its members and management are a big part of what separates this forum from the others.
It's what keeps Me coming back anyway:thumbsup: !
The "climate" of the forum and it's members is certainly what attracted me here in the first place:thumbsup: Very laid back and easy going. No hassles and no worries.

It was very kind of Rick (IMO) to think of the members and not wish to create an "issue" here on this forum. Shows the QUALITY of members we attract:thumbsup:

If anyone does have an objection to the pics, would you be kind enough to send either myselfm Rich or one of the other moderators a PM rather than placeing an adverse comment on the board.

If it becomes a concern we'll deal with it then, but as Rich mentioned previously, these are very tasetlfully done and I don't think it will offend anyone here. IF so, just let someone know.


This goes out to all the CorvetteForum and CorvetteFlorida members, watchers and wannabe's... I saw Rick's artwork today and liked it enough to want one of my own somewhere on my car. For those that trash talked Rick on the "forum" because of his artwork on his car, ...I would like to have it enlarged and attached on my hood insulation so that whenever I raised the hood everyone could see it.

Joe B.
I don't see it as a problem, but it might be good if the title bar we see before clicking on the link could say "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work) since some employers screen internet traffic. For home viewing I see no problems.
Z06 Rocket said:
I don't see it as a problem, but it might be good if the title bar we see before clicking on the link could say "NSFW" (Not Safe For Work) since some employers screen internet traffic. For home viewing I see no problems.

Good point:thumbsup: