• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Radiator work


New member
Anyone know of a good radiator shop in bradenton/sarasota area that could handle putting a new core onto my end tanks. I know most shops do this but i want a reputable shop to do work.
I can't help with the radiator shops in that area, but I am assuming that you want to keep the old tanks for originality. If that is the case then just taking it to any radiator shop and have them put in a new core will not keep the originality on the radiator. The cores come with the top and bottom supports, and you probably will not be able to save your original supports, which are unique on our vintage big blocks. You might want to look at a DeWitt core which is original and any competent radiator shop should be able to remove your old core and put the new core onto your existing tanks. Here is a link to DeWitt's website. http://www.dewitts.com/pages/productdetail.asp?ProdID=262

If you are not concerned with originality you might also want to consider a DeWitt aluminum radiator that replaces the old Copper/Brass radiator and it has similar appearance to the old radiator.

I hope this helps!

Thanks Rich,
I am planning on the Dewitts core. Just looking for someplace to put end tanks on to the core. I've heard horror storys from friends on recore jobs they had done. And u know what a PIA it is to get the shroud and a BB radiator.
Only would like to do this once. Figure original radiator made it 36 yrs, 51K miles. Will be happy to never touch again. Actually having the waterpump rebuilt at same time. Figure do the job once.
2nd option is their aluminium one. But trying to keep original.
Ken, is your car down or are you still driving it? The Quaker Steak show is this Sunday and the Cox Show is next weekend. Hope you can make it.

Joe B.
Hey Joe, car is going thru some pains right now. so not going to make this show.
I finally got a complete smog system for it. Which entailed removing the old exhaust manifolds, so i could get the plugs drilled out. Then i noticed grease coming from the waterpump, So sent that out for rebuild, LOL. Yea keeps getting better. Then noticed radiator core was going. So figured i do that at same time. So going to be 2 weeks before i even get waterpump back. Well, the good news is old water pump and radiator made it 36 yrs. So hopefully wont have to do this again in my lifetime.
Funny how empty engine compartment looks right now.
Ellenton Radiator on 301 and 19th out in palmetto. Pretty good group of guys and theyre rates are very fair.
Hey Ken,

I just did the smog work on my "69 last year. I got my smog equipment from Bill Hodel. Great guy and the smog equipment was top notch. I expected to see a seat of the pants horse power difference but I did not notice a thing.

I had to pull the plugs out of my exhaust manifold and re-tap the threads for the smog piping. But that was the only issue that I had.

I also will have to do the radiator at some point on mine. I have had it out of the car in the past and can tell you that the easiest way to get the radiator out was to just remove the hood.

Well good luck with your project.

Hey Rich, Yes i got my system from Bill, Great guy to deal with. My exhaust manifolds are at revextreme getting the plugs out as we speak.
Ended up getting the dewitts core. But just found someone local with a new Dewitts alum. radiator. For less then 1/2 what dewitts wanted. And less then what the core was So getting that also and will install the alum.
And will keep the original packed away.
Hood is sitting halfway between rear deck/into interior. Radiator support unbolted and all out.
I guess i lucked out in finding the leak in the waterpump. Bearings turned to powder so to speak. Bill Mock is rebuilding that now.
Nows the waiting game to get all the pieces back. Once back a days work
Well, guess if things are going to go, might as well go all at once. rather do the job once