• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Sig Pic


New member
Is there a way to turn the sig pic off as the default and only have it included in the post if you select the option? Most of the time I don't want my sig pic to show and I have to remember to deselect it before I post the note.......?? Did that make sense? Tonight my hands and brain don't seem to be on the same wave lengths.........:nonod:
Well, I have to confess that I am not certain about this. I have set up several vBulletin based websites but don't recall seeing that as an option. The only relevant option I can recall is the one that grants permission for particular member groups to be able to DISPLAY the signature area to the rest of the world, but not an option to be able to VIEW it.

Controls can also be enabled or disabled to display any graphics at all in the signature area, which a lot of larger message boards will disable to conserve bandwidth use.

Certainly some custom programming could be done to do what you request, but at this point, this site isn't drawing in any money for me to allocate for custom programming. Maybe in the future if I see this site can offer enough to attract paid advertising sponsors I could consider such requests.

But in the meantime I will look to see what I can find. Zach seems quite familiar with this style message board so maybe he knows of such an option.
I'm no computer wiz, but on CF they have it where if you only hit submit it will not include the signature (at least the way I set it up when I signed up). I have to manually click a little check box to include the signature. I don't know how it works, but maybe if you know computers enough you can see what I mean.:thumbsup:
Sounds like a custom hack done to the software. I've had a bunch of them done to my other sites, but the only one done to this one so far was to add the spell check function.
I'm on CF too and that's how I have mine set up. It's no big deal though Rich, I can remember to click the box off....most of the time anyway :D
Don't know if this works, but go to the "User CP" page and under "Thread Display Options" unselect signature, then save changes. Hope that works. :shrug01:
Yup, it works that way. Now, I only have to remember if I want to show the sig I have to undo what I just did.......that shouldn't be too hard as long as I'm sober..:D