• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.



New member
OK, (preface required.....I know if I got off my lazy duff I could probably find this out on the net......)

If ya have better memories then mine you remember that a while back I installed TPMS in my Z06. I have been more then happy with it for some time now But I ran into a kinda wacky situation the other day that has prompted the following question.

If I use my DIC and turn it to my TPM system then add or let out air will my gauge change at that moment? In eng"r"ish will they function as a working tire gauge?

I want to adjust the air level while all tires are cold but hand held gauges are just not really accurate. I set the air pressure by my hand held but soon found that it was not a perfect match to what my TPM sensors told me (only a pound or two difference but I'm not ready to accept that as yet.)

Has anyone else run into this BS before?

It seems that my sensors will agree with the hand held air gauge till the tires begin heating up just a bit then I get a verification.:shrug01:
I don't believe that the sensors are polled all that often, so it would be difficult to use it in the manner you are trying to do. I'm sure it checks the sensors whenever the ignition is first turned on, but after that, I believe a few minutes elapse before it is polled again.

So it is not a "real time" system.

Matter of fact one of the tires on Connie's car was low, reading 23 psi just yesterday. I broke out the battery powered air compressor and guesstimated the 26 psi the opposite tire in the rear was showing. The DIC display remained showing 23 psi for several minutes while we pulled out of the garage and drove down the street, but eventually did change to reflect the new air pressure.

And, btw, all air gauges are going to vary, sometimes quite a bit. Figuring on just 10 percent variance, you are talking between 2 and 3 psi right there.
Hi Ken.
I've been told by the Corvette mechanics at local Chevrolet that the sensors are most accurate once the car is in motion for a few minutes. Don't know if this is true but I do see the sensors are more accurate on my C6 once I've driven for a few minutes.
Hey Mark,

OK thanks. I want my Portenzas' to run at 32 when heated to running temp. That seems to require me to set all at 30 PSI when flat out cold. This appears to match what Chebby is trying to attain in their manual specs (I think).

I do miss the days of the old air pumps where you dialed in what pressure you wanted and it would take it to that and no more.:shrug01:
The dealers and some tire shops have the nitrogen pumps that air up all four tires at once. They just set the pressure and turn it on.