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What's the WORST movie you can remember seeing..

Rich Z

Internet Sanitation Engineer
Staff member
Well, Connie and I were looking through the movie section of Target and I spotted an older movie in Bluray. Was only $15, so I figured "what the heck"...

Sheesh, even if they had GIVEN to me, I would still feel ripped off.

So my nomination for this category is..........

Clint Eastwood's THE GAUNTLET. :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

I think there should be a law where an actor in a movie cannot also be the producer or director. This RARELY works. With no one to tell the actor how badly he or she is acting, some really stinko movies get foisted onto an unsuspecting public.
Woody Allen

Long ago on a first date I got roped into going to "Hanna and her sisters" by Woody Allen. That was the second Allen movie I sat thru and the last. :NoNo: No one makes a worse movie!!!
2nd your nomination of "The Gauntlet"....the only movie I ever saw (in the theatre) where the audience stood and booed at the end:banghead:

There are so many but the most recent one I could only get half way through.
"The Love Guru", I like most of Mike Myers stuff but this was awful.
You Don't Mess With The Zohan was absolutely horrible and half of our group of 6 left the movie within a half hour.
I agree with Thor and GentleBen, of the movies I have paid good money to rent lately, these two were so bad I asked Blockbuster for a store credit. They declined my request. I'll bet the kids working there liked them.
I would have to say that just about every low budget "B" movie I've seen on the scifi channel lately is a tie. The acting is poor and the creatures all look like cartoon drawings.:shrug01:
That would have to be "Eraserhead"......if you've never heard of it, look it up. Our friends in California thought it was the bomb, said we just had to see it, blah blah blah, we still to this day (20+ yrs later) are saying WTF was that all about.
Zoolander with Ben Stiller. Also Fatal Instinct. It was a spoof of Fatal Attraction and Basic Instinct. Both horrible.
Zoolander with Ben Stiller. Also Fatal Instinct. It was a spoof of Fatal Attraction and Basic Instinct. Both horrible.

Yeah... I believe Ben Stiller produced Zoolander as well as starred in it. Further proof of my premise that nearly all movies produced by the star actor just don't seem to work. Which further surmises that many actors really are poor performers, and it's only a good producer who can make them appear to be good actors.
Meet the Spartans was def the worst movie ever. I don't know how anybody ever actually paid to see that. I don't think I laughed the entire time.
Yeah... I believe Ben Stiller produced Zoolander as well as starred in it. Further proof of my premise that nearly all movies produced by the star actor just don't seem to work. Which further surmises that many actors really are poor performers, and it's only a good producer who can make them appear to be good actors.

I definitely have a love it or hate it relationship with Ben Stiller's movies. There's Something About Mary and Meet the Parents...hilarious. Mystery Men, Duplex and Envy...not so much. I actually feel the same way about Will Ferrell.
Yeah, well don't bother watching Tropic Thunder then.... :thumbsdown:
Yeah, well don't bother watching Tropic Thunder then.... :thumbsdown:

The only reason I would consider watching it is to see Robert Downey Jr play a white Australian actor playing a black man! I don't really like Jack Black much either.