• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Win a S & W/M&P 15 (UPDATE-Thank you and winner information.)


New member
First, I would like to thank everyone who responded to quickly and freely in support of our team and it's mission. We absolutely could not prepare for and do what we do, without folks like YOU!!.

Many of you jumped in right off the bat in a BIG way:thumbsup:

Then this afternoon, just minutes before the drawing was to take place, KAP jumped in (again) for more, just becaue he felt it was a "worthy cause."

You know something folks? It just "don't get any better than that!!!" :icon_cheers:

When I passed on the well wishes, comments and positive responses I received her to the team, I can't begin to tell you how humbled they were by it all.

So, on behalf of myself and FL3 Airboat Search & Rescue, I would be honored to extend my personal thanks to all of you as an extended family, for supporting our mission:notworthy::thankyou2::yourock:

On our next gathering, the 1st round is on me! :icon_cheers:

BTW- The winner was a gentleman from Michigan to whom I also had the pleasure of providing a ticket:thumbsup: So congrats to Sean:thumbsup:

Thanks again everyone:thumbsup:

Marine Operations
FL3 Airboat Search & Rescue

As some of you know, I volunteer my time as an airboat operator with a locally based, internationally deployable, Search & Rescue (SAR) team.

As an overview:

The team was formed and active during the Hurricane Katrina rescue and recovery effort, and is presently on both FEMA and State EOC lists for evacuation, search and rescue operations wherever the need arises.

Members of our team have been involved in rescue and recovery efforts during the recent flooding in Georgia, the Midwest, as well as the Tsunami in the South Pacific Islands.

We presently, actively assist a variety of Law Enforcement Agencies through out the state in support roles, search & rescue, missing persons, and special operations functions.

The team was formed by and presently staffed by numerous active and former LEO's, Firefighter/Paramedics, EMT's, and other specialized civilian members to include veterinary, medical, communications and logistical support personnel.

Our Marine Division (my team) utilizes:
Airboats from 14'-22' LOA
Various Fixed Hull Vessels
Amphibious Vehicles

Other teams include:

First Aid/Medical Teams
Ground Search Teams
K9 Cadaver Dogs
Aerial Surveillance Vehicles
Dive Rescue/Swift Water Rescue Personnel
Animal Rescue Teams
Side Scan Sonar Operators
and a host of other support staff.

All personnel are trained, certified, and/or licensed in their specialty (from Airboat Operators to communications personnel)

As you can imagine, it takes a lot to keep a team like this afloat (ok, a little pun there:D).
The team is a registered Non-Profit Organization (IRS 501c3) and funded through donations, public and private grants, corporate sponsorship and the individual member.

This where YOU come in:thumbsup:

Central Firearms, Tampa

Central Firearms
(813) 348-4866
3810 W Osborne Ave, #A, Tampa, FL 33614 Get directions
Cross Streets: Between CR-587 and N Church Ave.

has donated the below weapon to be raffled off, with the TOTAL PROCEEDS going to FL3ASAR (see flyer attached).

For a $20.00 tax deductible donation, you have the opportunity to win the below described weapon, and S&W/M&P15, .223 rifle (see below).

Only 200 tickets will be sold and the drawing will be held June 12th @ 2:00 p.m.

In their kindness, they (Central Firearms, Tampa) have also offered to provide a raffle item each month to assist us in our fund raising efforts:thumbsup:

We can certainly use YOUR help, in our attempt to help others.

Below are some photos and information regarding the weapon being raffled:



Unfortunately, PayPal does not allow payment for raffle items on their site:rolleyes:.

If you're interested in supporting our team and it's efforts, as well as the chance to win a sweet rifle for $20.00, please contact me here, or at (813) 478-2726.



Flyer attached.


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OK, this will probably put me on the sh-t list but I have no use for a weapon like this and I think they should be restricted to law enforcement and military. Even for home defense there is no way to place 30 shots accurately. I'll stick with my 742 Remington, 30-06 and 5 shot capacity.

I would like to donate $20 though so could you buy yourself a ticket and I'll pay you when I see you. Or, get the ticket for me and I'll give you the weapon if I win. Either way, it's a donation and I have no interest in the weapon.
OK, this will probably put me on the sh-t list but I have no use for a weapon like this and I think they should be restricted to law enforcement and military. Even for home defense there is no way to place 30 shots accurately. I'll stick with my 742 Remington, 30-06 and 5 shot capacity.

Actually, if you practice even minimally, you can place 30 shots just as accurately as you can place 5 shots using that weapon. The AR platform is very controllable and not at all like your 30-06.

Just because YOU have no "use" for something means that they should be illegal for everyone else? Our rights should be solely based on NEED (to be determined by whom?) rather than the freedom to do and have what we WANT? So tell me, how many people really have a "use" or "need" for a car that can exceed 80 mph? :rolleyes: Shouldn't that capability be restricted to law enforcement and military? The very same logic applies.
OK, this will probably put me on the sh-t list but I have no use for a weapon like this and I think they should be restricted to law enforcement and military. Even for home defense there is no way to place 30 shots accurately. I'll stick with my 742 Remington, 30-06 and 5 shot capacity.

I would like to donate $20 though so could you buy yourself a ticket and I'll pay you when I see you. Or, get the ticket for me and I'll give you the weapon if I win. Either way, it's a donation and I have no interest in the weapon.

Actually, if you practice even minimally, you can place 30 shots just as accurately as you can place 5 shots using that weapon. The AR platform is very controllable and not at all like your 30-06.

Just because YOU have no "use" for something means that they should be illegal for everyone else? Our rights should be solely based on NEED (to be determined by whom?) rather than the freedom to do and have what we WANT? So tell me, how many people really have a "use" or "need" for a car that can exceed 80 mph? :rolleyes: Shouldn't that capability be restricted to law enforcement and military? The very same logic applies.

A valid argument Rich but that's my opinion. I also think there should be more requirements for concealed carry such as a minimum amount of range time. I hope I'm not tagged as a gun control advocate just because I favor some restrictions. There are too many unqualified people toting their guns around plus the bad guys that could really make use of this weapon. I already told Shadow I would contribute.

We do not have the freedom to "do and have what we want" and never have had.
O man, I need to enter!

i'm in! send me info to where to pay for tickets!

You both have a PM.

Bob, if you'd like to make a donation to the team, you can go to our website:


and click on either the "support" link or "DONATE" button and it'll take you directly to where you need to be to make a tax deductible donation:thumbsup::thumbsup:

If you really want to enter the raffle, I'll get with you later.

Thanks for your support. With the season upon us, we need it!:thumbsup:

A valid argument Rich but that's my opinion. I also think there should be more requirements for concealed carry such as a minimum amount of range time. I hope I'm not tagged as a gun control advocate just because I favor some restrictions. There are too many unqualified people toting their guns around plus the bad guys that could really make use of this weapon. I already told Shadow I would contribute.

We do not have the freedom to "do and have what we want" and never have had.

Read the Second Amendment again and tell me EXACTLY what it says. There are no "ifs", or "howevers", or exclusions of any kind in there at all, now are there?

Sorry, but far too many people have gotten so wrapped up in their own fear concerning personal safety and security that they are apparently quite willing to throw away their own freedom, as well as that of everyone else, in that pursuit of rubber baby buggy bumpering the entire world for their comfort.
Read the Second Amendment again and tell me EXACTLY what it says. There are no "ifs", or "howevers", or exclusions of any kind in there at all, now are there?

Sorry, but far too many people have gotten so wrapped up in their own fear concerning personal safety and security that they are apparently quite willing to throw away their own freedom, as well as that of everyone else, in that pursuit of rubber baby buggy bumpering the entire world for their comfort.

I don't fear for my safety Rich. I am concerned about you and the other citizens of this country, especially law enforcement, that may be confronted by someone with one of these weapons.

I'll be back and continue the discussion. I have to take Mom out to lunch.:thumbsup:
I don't fear for my safety Rich. I am concerned about you and the other citizens of this country, especially law enforcement, that may be confronted by someone with one of these weapons.

I'll be back and continue the discussion. I have to take Mom out to lunch.:thumbsup:

I have one of these weapons, mines a different brand but nonetheless its decked out to military specs minus full auto feature.

If you cant place 30rds from one of these in the same size circle from 5 shots from a bolt action rifle then do what shooters do. Keep going to the range and practice practice practice. Just to also clarify on your first post comparing them to the 30-60 an other, these rifles also have 5rd mags for hunting purposes (I have two myself).

But as I read your post, if bad guys have them and only LEO/Military should have them to equal the playing field, what are the upstanding civilians supposed to use for their defense against bad guys? A bolt action rifle such as yours. Ill take my AR and my 2 100rd drums over a bolt action even though I also have a .308 with a 5rd capacity.

I dont see what range time has anything to do with being able to obtain a CCW. I rarely go to range now cause of $$, but I had my first rifle when I was 7, tooks a hunters safety course at 9. I understand your all about EXTREME safety, but thats like me wanting everyone over the age of 65 in Florida to have a mandatory driving, reaction time, health check before being allowed to renew their license. Im pretty sure theres more accidents from old people crashing into buildings or other people because they couldnt react or didnt know wtf they were doing in the first place compared to bad guys going to war with cops with semi-auto rifles. But thats my rant.

As per the post, I would be all over buying a couple tickets, but being out of a job for 3mths wont allow. I wouldnt mind adding another AR to my collection. hope you guys raise a lot of monies though.
...As per the post, I would be all over buying a couple tickets, but being out of a job for 3mths wont allow. I wouldnt mind adding another AR to my collection. hope you guys raise a lot of monies though.

I understand my friend, and thanks for the well wishes. With the hurricane season upon us, and this danged oil in the gulf, there's a possibility that we'll get busy. We're already fielding calls from some gov't groups regarding assets and availability.....

And FWIW....I agree with you on thew weapons issue. I think everyone that wants one and can meet the qualifications, should be able to have one.

In all my years of LE work, I've NEVER feared for my safety from a person with a lawful weapon and/or CCW.
I'm sure Gordon will be willing to run a background check on anyone (other than LEO's) that may win this weapon.:hehehe:
Just because YOU have no "use" for something means that they should be illegal for everyone else? Our rights should be solely based on NEED (to be determined by whom?) rather than the freedom to do and have what we WANT? So tell me, how many people really have a "use" or "need" for a car that can exceed 80 mph? :rolleyes: Shouldn't that capability be restricted to law enforcement and military? The very same logic applies.

OK, I'm back. Looong lunch. I got off topic Rich and I was not thinking of just the 2ND Amendment when I said we don't have freedom and rights to do as we please. I apologize.

Almost anyone in the state of Florida can legally own this weapon. It's my opinion that this is a special purpose assault weapon and folks that want or own one of these should be required to at least be trained in the use of same. I am opposed to John Q Public owning one of these and I'm not going to change my opinion and you won't change yours.

You can argue I want to take away your freedoms but I disagree. You do not have a right to own a fully automatic weapon or metal piercing bullets and I could add more to the list but you get the idea. I'm done.
I have one of these weapons, mines a different brand but nonetheless its decked out to military specs minus full auto feature.

If you cant place 30rds from one of these in the same size circle from 5 shots from a bolt action rifle then do what shooters do. Keep going to the range and practice practice practice. Just to also clarify on your first post comparing them to the 30-60 an other, these rifles also have 5rd mags for hunting purposes (I have two myself).

But as I read your post, if bad guys have them and only LEO/Military should have them to equal the playing field, what are the upstanding civilians supposed to use for their defense against bad guys? A bolt action rifle such as yours. Ill take my AR and my 2 100rd drums over a bolt action even though I also have a .308 with a 5rd capacity.

I dont see what range time has anything to do with being able to obtain a CCW. I rarely go to range now cause of $$, but I had my first rifle when I was 7, tooks a hunters safety course at 9. I understand your all about EXTREME safety, but thats like me wanting everyone over the age of 65 in Florida to have a mandatory driving, reaction time, health check before being allowed to renew their license. Im pretty sure theres more accidents from old people crashing into buildings or other people because they couldnt react or didnt know wtf they were doing in the first place compared to bad guys going to war with cops with semi-auto rifles. But thats my rant.

As per the post, I would be all over buying a couple tickets, but being out of a job for 3mths wont allow. I wouldnt mind adding another AR to my collection. hope you guys raise a lot of monies though.

"Extreme safety". Interesting comment. I didn't know you could be extreme. The 742 is not a bolt action and you're really fortunate that you don't need any time at the range. Congrats. :thumbsup:
I never said I dont need time at a range I said its cause Im low on money. I used to go every other weekend with my old boss.

Why would you label this rifle a special purpose assault weapon? Its a semi-automatic weapon with a high cap mag. Its basically the same thing as a Ruger Mini 14, but with a military style body.

Ruger Mini 14 = Base C6 vette (basic looks)
AR 15 = C6 Z06 (looks nicer, can function the same, cost more)

My father owns a custom Mini 14 in .223, the difference IMO mine looks a hell lot better, but I also have 2200 just in rifle, eotech+mag, grip, sling... He has like 800 in full stainless upgrades, custom polymer camo stock/body, scope, sling, etc etc.

Both shoot same distance, use the same round, and he's got high cap mags bigger then my 30rds, and they arent drums.
I own a K-Mini-14 GBF, Maritime version of the Mini-14 with the folding stock.

Fires .223, is stainless for the maritime environment, and has never let me down.

When do I carry it now?


Used to carry in my patrol car, and now, if called up for flood/disaster work, it will be my "boat gun."

Other than that, it sits in it's hard case and I take it out and fondle it on occasion:lmao::rofl1:

The weapon on raffle is a sweet looking, nice to handle, easy to store. Fires a commonly available round and has a multi-purpose use. I know this same weapon comes in a .22 and IIRC, the .223 can be converted to .22 for cheaper training and "varmint" use:thumbsup:

Back to the raffle.:thumbsup: