• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

427 engine (part 2) - RHS block

Rich you are a more patient man than me. I know your car has been there a long time and at this point you just want your car back. But any shop that parks a cup on the top of my car is going to get a boot in the backside. That really pmo. I hope that was your cup on top of the car. :shrug01: But if not then :NoNo:

I do not know any of the folks that work there, but and after seeing that it shows me the lack of care and respect that they have shown you.

No man, no big deal. There was a fender cover on the roof that the laptop and cup were sitting on. Bear in mind that it was easily a 100 degrees in the shop and we all had drinks to keep from dehydrating. Trust me, if Chris (or anyone) were actively abusing my car I would NOT hesitate to call their attention to it.
Chris called me to let me know the status of the oil leak. Evidently the bung for the sensor is just too big in diameter and the O-ring won't seal. Chris believes it was a machining error, since this was a custom alteration to the timing chain cover. He said he could "fix" the problem by simply using a larger O-ring, but down the road there could be issues. If anyone else worked on the car (or heck, Chris and I would likely forget a couple of years from now) and needed to replace that sensor, they would simply put in a stock O-ring, and I would be dumping oil on my way home from the shop. So he is trying to find a more permanent solution.

Chris told me the alignment is done and he's getting everything else finished up so when the oil leak issue if resolved, then the tuning of the engine can resume.

I guess it could have been worse at start up....... :shrug01:
Benjamin, this thread is NOT the Board of Inquiry forum on this site, and there are already active threads THERE about that topic. Also note that your FULL name is required in your profile in order to post these sorts of posts in the BOI (and obviously are NOT appropriate elsewhere).

So quite honestly, you have put me in quite a pickle. I really don't like to delete posts made by others, but I can't move YOURS to the appropriate forum and thread yet I certainly cannot allow it to remain in THIS thread neither. So I'll give you about an hour to cut and paste your words in the appropriate forum AND provide your full name in your profile fields before I delete those posts you made here.

I do thank you for trying to look out for me, but I do have to enforce the rules of this site, regardless.

Sorry, but that's about the only clean way I can handle this situation now. :NoNo:
I hope you get this car back very soon. I see this shop getting bashed on the GTO fourm and LS1Tech

Good move Rich.

It seems no matter what the deal there are always that small group that just thrive on drama and go to the extent to join the "witch burning party" no matter if deserved or not.
What I am looking for

I want to comment on this forum. First Being a relatively new kid on this block I am happy to report that this forum is what I have been looking for. Following Rich's handling of his build ( Which I can not wait for them to solve the usual teething problems and put it on the street running on you tube) I have stated earlier that I have appreciated your not allowing this to become a vender basher but kept it as an informative journal of a fantastic build. Although I am new to this site I have been active on other sites and more than happy to put my 2Cents in when I think they will help. Sometimes there are those who just can not keep from going off on a crusade and only want to stir up a heated debate. My hats are off to the administrators for not allow that to happen.

Would the powers that be please pull this from this thread . I do not want to be the reason for this turning into a open forum to try and wash dirty laundry. Notice I said the normal teething problem. Which addresses the oil leak as being a normal part of a build I did not say anything about before start up.
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Benjamin, this thread is NOT the Board of Inquiry forum on this site, and there are already active threads THERE about that topic. Also note that your FULL name is required in your profile in order to post these sorts of posts in the BOI (and obviously are NOT appropriate elsewhere).

So quite honestly, you have put me in quite a pickle. I really don't like to delete posts made by others, but I can't move YOURS to the appropriate forum and thread yet I certainly cannot allow it to remain in THIS thread neither. So I'll give you about an hour to cut and paste your words in the appropriate forum AND provide your full name in your profile fields before I delete those posts you made here.

I do thank you for trying to look out for me, but I do have to enforce the rules of this site, regardless.

Sorry, but that's about the only clean way I can handle this situation now. :NoNo:

I guess some people have missed my statement in this thread whereby I was forced to delete their messages. That was the only warning I am going to issue about this policy and those members who ignore it will simply have their posts deleted. If you have an issue about a person or business, the Board of Inquiry forum here is where it NEEDS to go. And the posting member is also REQUIRED to provide their full name when posting there. NO exceptions.

Sorry guys, I don't make very many rules here, but when I do, I expect them to be complied with.
Shakedown's pretty spot on.

In just about any business, you're only as good as your last case, operation, business deal, etc.

Good news travels slowly.
Bad news travels like wildfire in a dry forest.

As for the memories, most people couldn't tell you what last weeks major headline was (excluding the recent oil fiasco), yet could tell you the final runners up on American Idol:rolleyes::nonod:

I'm glad we have a BOI to handle this mess. I stay out of there for my own reasons and let Rich deal with it. It serves a purpose inthat it keeps the rest of the forum relatively "clean.":thumbsup:
Any news this week Rich?

Chris has some parts on order to fix the oil leak problem. Pretty much at a standstill on the engine until that gets fixed. Chris told me he has the suspension all put together and the alignment done, but hasn't been able to re-run the brakelines up front because the steering rack is going to be coming back out anyway when he needs to pull the timing case cover. I'm guessing that this entire week is going to be a washout for any further tuning work on the engine. :banghead:

I emailed Bryan at LME about this, since realistically this is his problem, but so far no response.

Really hasn't been any real reason for me to run out to Chris's shop.
Damn, was hoping it wouldn't take that long to fix a little oil leak. I guess it's not that little. Keep the faith Rich, cause that is going to be one BAD mofo!
The thought just occurred to me that this is fast becoming the C5 version
of Glenn's "Love Is Blue". Gonna look good and go like a BAT!
Andy :wavey:
Do you know how they're going to fix it Rich? Maybe you know what parts are ordered. I don't know where that mounts on yours so I'm just curious.

From what I understand, the sensor on the C5 LS6 is mounted on the back of the motor, but on the new engine it is mounted on the front. To further complicate things, RHS designed the block to mount the camshaft higher off of the crank, which means anything stock wouldn't work. Why in the world RHS doesn't offer the parts themselves to fix this complication sure beats the heck out of me.

Chris told me he found what he needs from Edelbrock, which I assume is a bung and a timing chain cover, so those are what I am assuming is on order. I still haven't gotten any reply from Bryan at LME about this. I sure would like to know why I am having this silly-assed problem right now with that EXPENSIVE engine they built for me.... :toetap05:
Rich, you've been amazingly patient through all this. This thread has actually helped keep me "grounded" while working through my own build. The car went down in late December and the engine finally went back in today. :dancer01: :dancer01:

So mine is getting there, but it's been a long, frustrating, and very expensive journey. After we're both done we're going to have to get together and buy each other a drink (soft or otherwise) and swap stories. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Rich, you've been amazingly patient through all this. This thread has actually helped keep me "grounded" while working through my own build. The car went down in late December and the engine finally went back in today. :dancer01: :dancer01:

Is this normal? What is happening to both of you?
This is heart braking!!
Is this normal? What is happening to both of you?
This is heart braking!!

I don't know about "normal". Certainly it seems to be quite common. A recent thread on the Other forum on this exact subject drew several reponses that were longer than Rich's or mine.

"Big" builds take a big budget, in time, money, and aggravation. It's really a different world than your typical bolt-on mod. Why does it take so long? IMO/IME it's because of: 1) lead times ordering parts, many of which are sequential, 2) unforseen little (or big) problems to work through, 3) competition from shorter-term shop work (somebody's car is broke and it needs to be fixed today).

"Big" shops like LPE, A&A, ECS, etc., can turn around a "canned" build that they have done before in a shorter and more predictable timeframe. But, unless you live down the street from them, that means shipping your car off and not being involved in the process at all. A one-off build, or going with a shop that only does a few "big" builds a year, is going to take longer.

There's a lot to be said for not doing this. :crazy03:

OTOH, in my case, and I think perhaps in Rich's, it was one of those things I always wanted to do, ever since I was a kid, and I was getting to a point in life where I had to start doing some of those things or else write them off.
I don't know about "normal". Certainly it seems to be quite common. A recent thread on the Other forum on this exact subject drew several reponses that were longer than Rich's or mine.

"Big" builds take a big budget, in time, money, and aggravation. It's really a different world than your typical bolt-on mod. Why does it take so long? IMO/IME it's because of: 1) lead times ordering parts, many of which are sequential, 2) unforseen little (or big) problems to work through, 3) competition from shorter-term shop work (somebody's car is broke and it needs to be fixed today).

"Big" shops like LPE, A&A, ECS, etc., can turn around a "canned" build that they have done before in a shorter and more predictable timeframe. But, unless you live down the street from them, that means shipping your car off and not being involved in the process at all. A one-off build, or going with a shop that only does a few "big" builds a year, is going to take longer.

There's a lot to be said for not doing this. :crazy03:

OTOH, in my case, and I think perhaps in Rich's, it was one of those things I always wanted to do, ever since I was a kid, and I was getting to a point in life where I had to start doing some of those things or else write them off.

Very well put. A big build can kill a small shop that puts aside the weekly $ generators to concentrate on a one-of-a-kind build.