• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Got a speeding ticket, dammit.....

if i am in the wrong then i dont complain. I even informed the officer i was in a 35 zone. and the way my engine was knocking ( broken opiston ring) jack rabit starts are out of the question. Even after i pointed out i was in the 35 zone and showed the officer i was just 1 block away at bk. There was no way i was speeding. He smarted off and said those radar detetors dint help you much did they you might wana have them looked at becuse they apparently dont work.

i was nice to this point. i ask how did he clock me and may i see his dash as proof he replyed no and with laser. i informed him that last time i used a laser you still had to be stationary. and from the time i pulled out if you clocked me there is no way in this traffic you would have cought up with me and pulled me over in 1 block. he then got very rude.

That's the way to do it. Line up the FACTS that dispute the officer's claims. He might not even show up in court... But if he does, remember that the judge is part of the revenue collection system as well.
Plus radar detectors don't detect Laser, VASCAR, the stop watch method, or Pace Clocks.....

Exactly! Thank you:thumbsup:

Well, take pictures of the intersection, see if you can find any witnesses who were at the BK, and have all your ducks available to be lined up in a row for the judge to examine. And hope when the judge asks the officer about your attitude then, "he got a nice ass chewing on the side walk" doesn't wind up biting you in the ass. Like it or not, if there is any room for doubt, the judge will normally give the BENEFIT of the doubt to the LEO.

Except for the last statement, I agree.
Believe it or not, in many cases, the benefit of the doubt, depending on how well documented the case is, and the credibility of the witness, will go to the DEFENDANT/VIOLATOR:thumbsup:

Let's take this one piece at a time:

if i am in the wrong then i dont complain. I even informed the officer i was in a 35 zone. and the way my engine was knocking ( broken opiston ring) jack rabit starts are out of the question.

In one form or another, I've heard that a million times if I've heard it once:( My car won't go that fast....etc.) Even with the knocking noise, it just gets hard to hear after a while.
And my first thought as the Trooper would be, if it's that bad, why are you still driving it?

Even after i pointed out i was in the 35 zone and showed the officer i was just 1 block away at bk. There was no way i was speeding. He smarted off and said those radar detetors dint help you much did they you might wana have them looked at becuse they apparently dont work.

While I'll agree that it's a smart assed answer and probably shouldn't have been said by the Trooper, I'm guilty of the same comment at one time or another in my career.
The fact is, you probably "could" hit the 45 mark in a block...even with a broken piston ring.

i was nice to this point. i ask how did he clock me and may i see his dash as proof he replyed no and with laser. i informed him that last time i used a laser you still had to be stationary. and from the time i pulled out if you clocked me there is no way in this traffic you would have cought up with me and pulled me over in 1 block. he then got very rude.

If you were truly "nice" to this point, the Trooper should have taken the professional route with you and shown you the option of a court appearance.

Although your points are valid, personally, instead of trying to hold sidewalk court, I'd have saved it for the courtroom.
Instead, you've now laid out your hand for the other player to see:NoNo:
He's had how long now, to formulate a response to your previous questions?

Regardless of how you became "after" he became "rude", he should have taken the high road on the matter and stayed professional.
Let you rant and rave (within reason), all you want. When you're through, hand you the citation and ask you to have a nice day:D:wavey:

And regardless of "how" he clocked you, he has no obligation, legally, ethically or otherwise, to show you the dash/equipment, etc. Actually, if he were using RADAR, you wouldn't be able to see it anyway. That function was disabled by administrative order, decades ago....over misuse by law enforcement. The lawyers victory was actually adouble edged sword.
No, I can no longer fix a speed and use it on everyone (which was the challenge-and a valid point). At the same time, I can no longer show you your speed on radar;)

Good luck. Be interesting to see how this washes out in court:thumbsup:
Like Rich said. He may not even show up (highly unlikely but maybe?)
Sounds like a pissin match that you lost on the side of the road and may lose again except bigger and at more expense in court.
Sounds like a pissin match that you lost on the side of the road and may lose again except bigger and at more expense in court.

Several of my Trooper friends in the Tallahassee area now carry digital audio cameras on their person. This usually settles many complaints against the troopers brought about by irate motorist. One of the Sgt's. had a complaint called in on him and the Troop Supervisor told the complainant that it was recorded. The complainant decided not to pursue the issue any further.:rolleyes: What was the Trooper's name that wrote you?
Several of my Trooper friends in the Tallahassee area now carry digital audio cameras on their person. This usually settles many complaints against the troopers brought about by irate motorist. One of the Sgt's. had a complaint called in on him and the Troop Supervisor told the complainant that it was recorded. The complainant decided not to pursue the issue any further.:rolleyes: What was the Trooper's name that wrote you?

There's a lot more audio/video recording going on now days...on both sides.

Gotta watch what you say and do and CYA all the time....it's gotten stupid:yesnod::thumbsdown:
The reception. From the black showing it wasn't even ten min from the ticket. Showing I was indeed in a 35 zone. Not to mention the off duty state trooper that was with me was a witness.
The reception. From the black showing it wasn't even ten min from the ticket. Showing I was indeed in a 35 zone. Not to mention the off duty state trooper that was with me was a witness.

Please explain if you don't mind?

I'm really curious how any of that, other thant the 35 zone, would have effected the case, resulting in a dropped (or dismissed) charge?

Off duty Troopers presence?

I'm not being argumentative. I'm seriously trying to learn something here.

Can you please provide additional details. You situation may assist others in resolving thier case.
