• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

NCM Membership POLL

Are you a member of the National Corvette Museum?

  • Yes! - I'm a Lifetime Member

    Votes: 12 15.8%
  • Yes! - I'm a Family Member

    Votes: 18 23.7%
  • Yes! - I'm an Individual Member

    Votes: 22 28.9%
  • Yes! - I support the NCM as a Lifetime Business Member

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes! - I support the NCM as a Business Member

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • No - Not Yet

    Votes: 22 28.9%

  • Total voters
I started to join then this happened:

A very close friend of mine and loooong time supporter/fund raiser for the St. Judes Childrens Cancer Center, went to the NCM for a donation.

IIRC, he was looking for an ITEM (T-shirt/hat???) to auction off on an (at one time) huge crovette forum.

They turned him down flat!:mad: :thumbsdown: Gave him some song and dance...:rolleyes:

After all these years of members of that particular forum supporting and helping them raise money, and spreading the word...they do this?:shrug01:

Not to mention that we (that particular forum) have bought bricks and more recently, a BENCH for a recently deceased member...all going to support the NCM.

That particular deceased member was a HUGE St. Judes supporter as well as a corvette owner and NCM supporter.

I'm willing to bet, had he known what was said/done, you'd have lost another member.

A cheap assed little T-shirt to hopefully be auctioned off to raise money to support the kids! Thats all:(

Sorry, bro, but with that kind of response to the "family" that supports them? I'll put my $$ elsewhere.

If/when they change thier position, then maybe I'll change mine. Until then....:NoNo:
Shadow said:
I started to join then this happened: ...

First of all, thanks for at least looking into joining the NCM.

I'm sorry to hear of the unfortunate experience and I guess I can understand that you're quite upset over it. Many of us are very passionate about the charitable and non-profit organizations we choose to support. Whether the response received was a matter of policy or miscommunication is hard to tell.

What I see posted here is 3rd-hand information with vague details (and for this purpose, that's a good thing) so it's a bit difficult to comment on the issue much further.

I'm not sure what else I can offer other than to suggest that your "graphic closing" is, in my opinion, unwarranted - on this or any other forum - especially from a moderator.

At this point a hat or t-shirt likely won't neutralize the venom.
Feel free to PM me if you wish.
00C5 said:
First of all, thanks for at least looking into joining the NCM.

I'm sorry to hear of the unfortunate experience and I guess I can understand that you're quite upset over it. Many of us are very passionate about the charitable and non-profit organizations we choose to support. Whether the response received was a matter of policy or miscommunication is hard to tell.

What I see posted here is 3rd-hand information with vague details (and for this purpose, that's a good thing) so it's a bit difficult to comment on the issue much further.

I'm not sure what else I can offer other than to suggest that your "graphic closing" is, in my opinion, unwarranted - on this or any other forum - especially from a moderator.

At this point a hat or t-shirt likely won't neutralize the venom.
Feel free to PM me if you wish.

Moderator or not, I'm still and always will be an individual, with my own opinions and comments. I don't let titles stand in the way.

With that out of the way, lets review:

What I see posted here is 3rd-hand information with vague details (and for this purpose, that's a good thing) so it's a bit difficult to comment on the issue much further.

I believe that the only material detail purposely left out, was the name of the fundraiser/supporter. If you'll go to www.corvettedforum.com and look up the administrators, you'll find the individual in question. You might want to take it up with him;) Although not present when this took place, I've known this administrator personally for many years and find his credibility to be beyond reproach:thumbsup:
Feel free to contact him and discuss the matter, then feel free to re-post the details here.

I'm not sure what else I can offer other than to suggest that your "graphic closing" is, in my opinion, unwarranted - on this or any other forum - especially from a moderator.

...and exactly which part of the "graphic closing" would that be?

The I'll abstain from joining part? The when they change thier position part:? or maybe the tiny assed t-shirt part:rofl1: ?

Your opinion is so noted. It won't change my position, but it's "noted." I'm not sure how you speak for "any other forums" but apparently, you're used to more rigidly regulated sites with moderators that watch and don't contribute. Mod that maybe won't step on a toe or 2? Thats not the case here.
Please do not let my postion as a moderator, mislead you into believing that I have no opinion or am afraid to express it. :NoNo: Nor does it mean that I can't or won't speak out;) The same goes for anyone on this board. We're blessed with an enourmous level of freedom here and few restrictions.

I wan't trying to start a bashing contest with you, just stating a matter that came before me and my rationale for not joining.

While were on the subject, no one is looking to "neutralize the venom."
There's no venom there, just an opinion.

They made what I consider to be a poor decision and it's cost them a member or several;) (yes, there are a LOT of us from that forum who support St. Jude...not real happy about this decision and the way it was conveyed:()

Feel free to pm me...
Shadow said:
Moderator or not, I'm still and always will be an individual, with my own opinions and comments. I don't let titles stand in the way.

With that out of the way, lets review:

I believe that the only material detail purposely left out, was the name of the fundraiser/supporter. If you'll go to www.corvettedforum.com and look up the administrators, you'll find the individual in question. You might want to take it up with him;) Although not present when this took place, I've known this administrator personally for many years and find his credibility to be beyond reproach:thumbsup:
Feel free to contact him and discuss the matter, then feel free to re-post the details here.

...and exactly which part of the "graphic closing" would that be?

The I'll abstain from joining part? The when they change thier position part:? or maybe the tiny assed t-shirt part:rofl1: ?

Your opinion is so noted. It won't change my position, but it's "noted." I'm not sure how you speak for "any other forums" but apparently, you're used to more rigidly regulated sites with moderators that watch and don't contribute. Mod that maybe won't step on a toe or 2? Thats not the case here.
Please do not let my postion as a moderator, mislead you into believing that I have no opinion or am afraid to express it. :NoNo: Nor does it mean that I can't or won't speak out;) The same goes for anyone on this board. We're blessed with an enourmous level of freedom here and few restrictions.

I wan't trying to start a bashing contest with you, just stating a matter that came before me and my rationale for not joining.

While were on the subject, no one is looking to "neutralize the venom."
There's no venom there, just an opinion.

They made what I consider to be a poor decision and it's cost them a member or several;) (yes, there are a LOT of us from that forum who support St. Jude...not real happy about this decision and the way it was conveyed:()

Feel free to pm me...

Well stated my brother. I B proud of ya and I didn't know ya knew them big words either:thumbsup:

Yup, I'm a lifer. Back in Chicago, I was the Ambassador for the Chicago Corvette Club. Membership is good!
Were life members...

Traci and I completed our payment plan last fall...just before the 15th Anniv blast. :dancer01:

NCM Life Member # 2221 :IThankYou:
The problem is that there are hundreds of things to join .I guess as much as I like Corvettes it's not my life .(no offense intended :D)