• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Road Rage!!!

nasajack said:
I just finished a trip to West Virginia to see dear 'ol mom after her open heart (she's doin' fine). :thumbsup:

At 3 lovely, and seperate, occasions I've had the "pleasure" of having Mr and Mrs Mom and Pop Redneck decide they needed to perruze over into the passing lane at 50 mph and not go any faster. :banghead: Now, normally I wouldn't have given that a second thought as its' happened plenty of times to me driving other vehicles with no ill affect...most see the error and correct their lanes allowing you to pass. These 3 wonderful moments :hehehe: I experienced was certainly done with malice. I would see tons of cars pass these yahoo's with no problem until I had approached to pass...then they pull the last microsecond left lane switch...having me stand on the brakes to avoid hitting them let alone making me go from 75mph to damn near nothing in a blink of an eye!:toetap05: Then to make matters worse, I could see every driver/passenger laughing their azzes off!:shrug01: I'm thinking by this time:WTF!! Adding salt to the wound, they begin to slow down even more! In the passing lane of a major interstate!:banghead: Again: WTF??!!:NoNo: It ends up with me having boiled blood and having to pass to the right.

So, folks...they are out there...the few who hates, or is jealous of, success and/or the car you drive! Simple dumb:2232censored: 's!!!!!

Wow you have alot better self control than me. :thumbsup:
Happened to me on 95 near Jax one time.
Three teenagers riding along side a semi 50 mph looking out the back window pointing there finger at me and laughing. :nanana:
Road opened up into three lane and i got right in front of em and locked up my brakes. :nanana: :nanana:
Looking back it wasn't the smartest thing to do but road rage does get the best of us sometimes.
Finished another run to West Virginny this Labor Day weekend. Class reunion thing! Not much in the road rage arena since we took a relaxing cruise up U.S. 17, thru 3 states, for a good portion of the trip. :yesnod:

Here comes the "however"...:hehehe: However, this trip did afford numerous 'challenges' from the Horsesh_t (Mustang) crowd in record numbers! No less than 7 Mustangs, during the 4 days of driving my '06, try to show off or intimidate while passing me. :) I just sat back and let my VR '06 speak for itself. Not once did I put my foot into it to try and prove something. We all know, and so goes the automotive world, that the Vette speaks for itself.

Even funnier was the Jap crap (or other 4 bangers) with fart can exhaust that tried the same tactics...but with more punkish attitude if I did not return the challenge or let them see what my '06 would do. :rofl1: What a sight seeing their tantrums! :D Even received the "I'm number one" salute a couple of times! :hehehe:
I would have to agree that US drivers are the worst. US drivers drive "offensively" (that too, but no pun intended), not defensively.

I travel to Hong Kong and China frequently, for business, and the drivers over there are great. They are like a bunch of ants meandering about, all trying to get to where they need to be, but yield and stop if something gets in the way, then proceed. They anticipate what might happen and act accordingly. I have seen people step out in front of huge double decker buses and the buses slow down and stop if needed.