• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Some people just don't wave...

Rich Z said:
Actually when I had my Jeep Wrangler and drove it, just about everyone (except maybe some clueless college kid whose parents bought it for him) also driving a Jeep would wave. :wavey:

Too funny, I've owned two, make that three (I think) Jeep grand cherokees and no one :wavey: :wavey: ;)
I parked behind a C6 at the Gym the other day and as we were both getting out of our cars, I casually waved and she (the other driver) totally ignored me. Oh well, I must have smelled bad that day or something. I'm going to keep waving though so keep a look out for a 07 vert with an tall idiot (me) waving and smiling.:thumbsup:
Can spot one a mile away

A real Vette person can spot one on a crowded highway a mile away, so I cant buy the "I didnt see ya"!!! Im on my 8th one since my first one in 71 (67 ragtop $2300) and I still wave. You can kinda tell who is a "Vette person" when ya pass them, if they are looking and smiling ya just know. I find most of the C6 owners are not aware that its not just a car, its a feeling most of us all know!
I agree It seems different now than it did years ago. A true vette person doesn't change even if they don't have a car anymore. I think it is burnt in your mind when your young and you dream of having your car and you choose eating and paying the mortgage over your dream. Then you get your first vette and your like a kid . I know because it was me.
Later guys, Fred
I'm noticing less and less people waving nowadays. If I see a C6 I don't wave at all anymore unless they wave first per wave etiquette rules.

I do wave at other year 'vettes or flash the fogs but again, I'm noticing less and less people doing so everyday. I'm losing hope.:thumbsdown:
What exactly are these "wave etiquette rules"? I haven't been following any rules at all. If I see a vette, I wave. They can either wave back or not, but at least I did my part. Maybe after a bunch of people are waving at them, it will dawn on them that other CORVETTE owners are waving.... And the DUH! moment will hit them. :hehehe:
Wave etiquette rules state that the newer vehicle should be the one to initiate the wave ie. I see a C6, I drive on by. I see a C4 or older, I wave all the time or blink the fogs. But again......I'm losing hope.
Guro305 said:
Wave etiquette rules state that the newer vehicle should be the one to initiate the wave ie. I see a C6, I drive on by. I see a C4 or older, I wave all the time or blink the fogs. But again......I'm losing hope.

Hmm, maybe that is part of the problem. With two vettes heading towards each other, by the time someone figures out what year the other is, and then determines the protocol, they have already passed each other.....

Often I will miss another vette simply because I am looking somewhere else other than at oncoming traffic. I suspect a lot of other people do the same thing. Not everyone is LOOKING for another vette to wave at.
last night..pulled directly alongside a c5 vert.. at a red light even...both of us had windows down..the dude wouldn't even look at me or my car...just stared straight ahead while I took the time to admire his car. I admire all vettes!
gave the wave anyway as I watched him fade away in the mirrors.

Rich Z said:
What exactly are these "wave etiquette rules"?

Never heard of the wave etiquette rules either..there shouldn't be any...see a vette... wave! That's the only rule I go by.:wavey:
I guess you have Vette people, and then you have materialistic people that just happen to have enough money to own a Vette!
sglfladad said:
Never heard of the wave etiquette rules either..there shouldn't be any...see a vette... wave! That's the only rule I go by.:wavey:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: I agree 100%.
Even though I'm usually driving this I still wave.


So if I wave at you while this is coming at ya, wave back even though it isn't a Vette


If I go by you more than likely will see this

OK gotta say it

Rebekah7155 said:
I always wave at everyone! :wavey:

I wish you guys could have heard me squealing when I received my first wave as an owner lol.

And first I must say "bad Ken, bad Ken" Are ya sure it was the wave that made ya squeal. Again "bad Ken, bad Ken"

Just kiddin and havin fun:thumbsup: :dancer01:
I'm 6'3 driving a '73 Convertible with LOUD sidepipes.... When I wave people see me. :wavey:
Most of my friends have newer cars with tinted windows... They "claim" they wave..... but I give 'em crap anyway.... I can't see through the tint!!!

Nytro said:
Even though I'm usually driving this I still wave.


So if I wave at you while this is coming at ya, wave back even though it isn't a Vette


If I go by you more than likely will see this


Nytro that's a beautiful rod:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
85vette said:
I guess you have Vette people, and then you have materialistic people that just happen to have enough money to own a Vette!

That sounds to me like a correct statement my friend!!!
We had several people waving last Saturday on our Anna Maria Island run. It's really cool to see 10 vettes in a row just going for a stroll.:wavey: :wavey: