• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Was anyone suprised?

I really think my fellow "young" voters really didnt do thier homework into Obama's policies and what the guy is really all about. It seems they just with what the media said about Bush and from there thier opinions turned on the republicans.

Hell that probably goes for most other voters too.
I really think my fellow "young" voters really didnt do thier homework into Obama's policies and what the guy is really all about. It seems they just with what the media said about Bush and from there thier opinions turned on the republicans.

Hell that probably goes for most other voters too.

HA! You're a funny man. In reality, if you have enough intelligence to be worthy of having an opinion, you'd know what he really thinks. He doesn't hide it very well.

1) Joe the plumber, and what happened to him after he made Obama expose #3
2) That local news caster he cut all contact with because she asked Biden a tough question or two
3) "Spreading the wealth"
4) Everything else he said and then took back because "he didn't mean it"

All the people too stupid to form their own opinion fall into the sheeple category. They will go for the name they hear the most ($800 million campaign for Obama), the one the media supports (even O-Reilly protected Obama), or the one who promises the most free stuff to "them" (gov't insurance, redistribution of wealth). Obama had the tri-fecta in this matter, so he won the dumb vote. And we all know that stupidity is the majority in America today, so he naturally had an advantage. Add in votes for his race and party, and you have more than 50%. Then there are those who chose to vote for him for whatever other reason...
I almost voted for Obama because I just worship Oprah.:hehehe:

I hope that Obama does a Great job as President!! Because if he does we'll all benefit, and if he doesn't we're all going to suffer.

But I have a feeling that we're going to have a lot to talk about for the next four years!:nonod:
The dems have the whole shooting match now, we have no choice but to see what they do with it.
I dont think we can pull out of Iraq immediately, 2011 is the planned pull out date, Im guessing it will take at least that long.

I agree,,, and it is convienently timed with the re-election campaign he will be conducting. I can see it now,,, "I got us out of the war that Bush started, re-elect me".

Little do people realize that the BS laws Clinton put into place forcing lenders and banks to extend credit to people with poor credit caused the housing and economy slump. The laws made the lenders do it or else loose licensing and possibly be charged with crimes of discrimination. The buble grew until it finally burst while W was in office. I know W has some problems, but the economy and housing is DIRECTLY related to laws Clinton made.
The problem appears to be that those who do not wish to make that effort, feel that the best they can achieve is to bring down everyone else to their own level so no one will notice the difference.

The motto of the Democratic party. Don't strive to reach the bar, lower it so everyone can make it.
I really think my fellow "young" voters really didnt do thier homework into Obama's policies and what the guy is really all about. It seems they just with what the media said about Bush and from there thier opinions turned on the republicans.

Hell that probably goes for most other voters too.

I have to totally agree but for different reasons. I think it has to do more with that fact that they bought the rhetoric, hook, line and sinker.

Most young people today are so damn stupid they can't even tell you what 2+2 is or even spell properly cause of all the stupid texting. I guarantee that most of those kids in those crowds celebrating couldn't even tell you why they voted for him. Kids today don't care about education. Instead they care about getting high, living on the internet and not working for anything. Sounds like a ripe culture to implement Socialism. Dumb people down. Sheople, just like FloridaZ said. We're looking at a generation of Sheople.

Z06Rocket, what you are referring to is the Community Reinvestment Act which was actually enacted by Jimmy Carter back in 1977. It was revised by the Clinton Administration in 1995 because it was deemed as "not effective enough." It is the law that forced banks to give loans to people who shouldn't have them and it was backed by, you guessed it, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The aformentioned told the banks like Nike, "Just do it! We'll guarantee the loans. And I'm sure it could've swallowed thousands of bad loans and it did. But millions of bad loans???? Look at us now!!!!!:thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:
Great point about Obama's campaign. McCains' was just pitiful. I dont know if its because of race that he had to tread lightly, If he just didnt have it in him or what, but it was pathetic.

And yes, Oprah is the end all be all. A car for you, and you and you. Then Obama will fill the tank and pay your mortage. . . .
Great point about Obama's campaign. McCains' was just pitiful. I dont know if its because of race that he had to tread lightly, If he just didnt have it in him or what, but it was pathetic.

And yes, Oprah is the end all be all. A car for you, and you and you. Then Obama will fill the tank and pay your mortage. . . .

Although I reapect the Mac, the simple fact is he has no charisma and he sucks as a public speaker:thumbsdown:

Elections, for many, are popularity contests. Who looks or sounds the best.

Unfortunately, "O" wins hands down in both categories.

Add telling the people (that actually think and listen) what they want to hear, appealing to the economy geeks, 8 years of Bush's BS, and a little race, ok, a lot of race, and you have the recipe for a winning election....despite any facts or issues that may be glaringly obvious:nonod:

We have 4 years of him for now, let's see what he does?

if he does the "right" things, he'll have 4 solid and potentially 4 more (it's the 2nd term that concerns me most).

If he screws things up, he has two (2) before the change. The last 2 will be lame duck.
Although I reapect the Mac, the simple fact is he has no charisma and he sucks as a public speaker:thumbsdown:

Elections, for many, are popularity contests. Who looks or sounds the best.

Unfortunately, "O" wins hands down in both categories.

Add telling the people (that actually think and listen) what they want to hear, appealing to the economy geeks, 8 years of Bush's BS, and a little race, ok, a lot of race, and you have the recipe for a winning election....despite any facts or issues that may be glaringly obvious:nonod:

We have 4 years of him for now, let's see what he does?

if he does the "right" things, he'll have 4 solid and potentially 4 more (it's the 2nd term that concerns me most).

If he screws things up, he has two (2) before the change. The last 2 will be lame duck.

Anyone else think it's a coincidence that the stock market crashed two days in a row after Lord Barry was elected?
Anyone else think it's a coincidence that the stock market crashed two days in a row after Lord Barry was elected?

Well yeah..... When there is talk of taxing HEAVILY the "rich" and "rich" may be defined as making $125K+ per year, yeah, that makes people REAL nervous. That basically means MOST business owners. Tell someone that their reward for working harder is going to be having to pay MORE to support those who don't work at all, well yeah, they are going to be thinking "wtf? Why should I work this hard then?".......... :shrug01:

So when the baby boomers are all going to start looking REAL HARD at early retirement, what is THAT going to do to Social Security?
Z06Rocket, what you are referring to is the Community Reinvestment Act which was actually enacted by Jimmy Carter back in 1977. It was revised by the Clinton Administration in 1995 because it was deemed as "not effective enough." It is the law that forced banks to give loans to people who shouldn't have them and it was backed by, you guessed it, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The aformentioned told the banks like Nike, "Just do it! We'll guarantee the loans. And I'm sure it could've swallowed thousands of bad loans and it did. But millions of bad loans???? Look at us now!!!!!:thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

You are right on the money. I retired from (at the time) one of the top five banks in the country. We had a department whose sole responsibility was to keep track of CRA mortgages. We were told which communities were under the CRA mandate and we had to, HAD TO, lend money for mortgages even though we knew that chances of payments being made were slim and none.
If we didn't follow their guidelines, we had the Federal Government all over us in addition to ACORN.
Excellent point with the small buisness owners. Of that $125k, a small buisness owner wont take that home- It all goes out in expenses.

Yeah it looks like you've taken in a lot on paper, but after insurance, employees etc, its far less. Obviously the line of work will vary what you keep and spend, but the point is the same.

Anyone want to get into his global warming policies?
Actually, I believe the best situation we could have in Washington DC would be to have a republican house, a democrat senate, and an independent president. That way almost NOTHING would be passed as new laws. Which is just fine with me. If you have a body of self professed demi-gods who have nothing else to do but to pass laws against us "little people", making that process as difficult and painful for them as possible would be best for us.

When they run out of REAL issues to pass laws against, then they have to make up crap....... :rolleyes:
I think that it's funny when they see their role as controlling us, when they are meant to work for us. Sad kind of funny though.

And I'm with you Rich... no new law is a good law. The way I see it is that every law is a restriction of a freedom of some sort.
Anyone else think it's a coincidence that the stock market crashed two days in a row after Lord Barry was elected?

Not really. The market has been so volitile in recent months for so many reasons that this doesn't surprise or concern me.

If it stays down, that would be a problem.
Not really. The market has been so volitile in recent months for so many reasons that this doesn't surprise or concern me.

If it stays down, that would be a problem.

Yeah but if you noticed for the two weeks prior to the election as the polls narrowed and it was looking like the possibilty that McCain was going to pull it off, the markets somewhat stabalized.

It's like RichZ said, why should I put my money into a volatile market because you tell me I should and then also tell me you are going to tax the s#!t outta me when it does go up and I make some money.:thumbsdown: Hippy f@(king liberals!!!!!!:thumbsdown: It scares the crap outta me thinking of one party who has literally lost it's mind moving way to the far-left (socialist) is going to have that much power. It never works. If Repubs can't take back either the House or Senate in 2010, then it's see ya later for me. The only thing worse then living in a socialist society is living in a socialist society that amount of time plus one day.

I'll take FloridaZ with me to the Far East and live out my dream by starting my own stripclub. U.S. Navy Seamen and Marines, no cover!:thumbsup:
Yeah but if you noticed for the two weeks prior to the election as the polls narrowed and it was looking like the possibilty that McCain was going to pull it off, the markets somewhat stabalized.

It's like RichZ said, why should I put my money into a volatile market because you tell me I should and then also tell me you are going to tax the s#!t outta me when it does go up and I make some money.:thumbsdown: Hippy f@(king liberals!!!!!!:thumbsdown: It scares the crap outta me thinking of one party who has literally lost it's mind moving way to the far-left (socialist) is going to have that much power. It never works. If Repubs can't take back either the House or Senate in 2010, then it's see ya later for me. The only thing worse then living in a socialist society is living in a socialist society that amount of time plus one day.

I'll take FloridaZ with me to the Far East and live out my dream by starting my own stripclub. U.S. Navy Seamen and Marines, no cover!:thumbsup:

Hey beotch!! Wait for me!!!!:wavey:

As far as the stock market though, I have to respectfully disagree.
Although I'm not a daily stock watcher, I do try to keep up with the market through other sources.

They never really stabilized for any length of time. They took short bouts, then dropped like a rock for one reason or another, then bounced like a rubber ball again.

I agree that too much power in one party is a problem and I don't care what party it is.

I was reading his website earlier. Some real radical crap going on over there. It gives little incentive for a person to want to go out and work hard or try to get ahead, and almost none for a business to want to try to grow:NoNo:

If he gets his way untethered (no pun intended please), I won't be that far behind you....but I'm probably headed south......carribean south, probably an english, spanish or french held territory....won't need a vette, just a dune buggy:yesnod::D
Yeah, Connie and I have talked off and on about just cashing out everything and hitting the road. Hmm, an enclave of ex-CorvetteFlorida USA refugees. :thumbsup: Just sitting on a beach somewhere trading lies about how fast we used to drive our vettes.
Costa Rica's a nice place.

How about the way McCain and Palin were just torn apart by the media. Its rather sad the way Republicans are portrayed by the media.