Well,member's.what can I say other than...for sure.
Yea, gotta have it.
Means selling my Mallett, but so it goes.
Gotta a few connections left at GM, plus my GM retirement, and time like most everything else, marches on.
Wife ain't happy, say's I don't need it and what's the reason for it she asked me.............Simple I replied.cause I want it, end of story.
Just one of those ANOTHER toy.
There's a bigger reason ya all, and don't be fooled............GM's got alot at stake. Racing has ALWAYS been behind the door's.....but especially at Corvette Engineering. Management know's win on Sunday, sell on Monday.
The competition has all but waved the White Flag against the Vette.
Surprising enough, GM has kept the IMSA Vette's out there racing with all Compition giving up. But, rest assured, their regrouping their effort's behind closed door's.
The ZR1 allow's GM to raise the bar even higher now with the production of the ZR1. Their not going to get caught with their pant's down, and if this frustrates Porsche, Ferrari, Aston Martin, Saleen and all other manufactures, all the better.
IS having a ZR1 worth that to me? You bet it is.