• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Where Have All the Posters Gone

new poster here :D guess I can't be gone yet...BTW where did they go??

Yeah, people's interests will change. They get excited about their new car, log into a site and post a few, then fall into the "it's just a car" rut. Probably most that you see on the roads who don't wave have fallen into that category. Or else started out that way.

I'm sure every site would love to have 100 percent of their registered members being active participants, but it just doesn't work that way. It is normally a very VERY low percentage in every case I have ever seen.
Been a member for over 2 years..still lurking around but not as much time lately to play. I think that might be the case with some of the other members.:twocents:
Hey Rich,

I know that you tried to get this thread back on track, ...but to be honest, I thought it was an interesting read! There haven't been many of those lately! Maybe the way this thread ventured off into past issues on CF will be interesting to some of our other members and perk a few of them up. :thumbsup:

And Yellow, please don't take this as a bitch or complaint, but from a guy that happens to be red/green color blind (which is not uncommon amongst males), your posts are very difficult for me to read. :ack2: The red font against the dark background of the page tends to blur for me and makes your post difficult to read. So, when I see your posts I try to read them, but if you post a lot, like lately, it makes it hard for me to get through them. I would rather not pass over anyones posts. If you must post in a color, I can read Jim's posts in yellow and I don't think he has registered a trademark on that color font. :thumbsup:

Been a member for over 2 years..still lurking around but not as much time lately to play. I think that might be the case with some of the other members.:twocents:

I,ve been around but almost never post. Check almost daily.
Enjoy all the info & everybodys views, but for me to post like Shadow, I,d have to quit my job.
Really guys, the only thing you need to worry about concerning this site is if I get the feeling that it has been abandoned completely and decide to use the vBulletin license for some other hare brained site I want to start up. As long as I feel this site is being useful to at least a handful of people, I'll keep it around.
WoW, I thought I would ask a serious question about where some of the old posters have gone and what it has turned into. This was the first Corvette Forum I signed onto is is currently one of two that I visit. I've always felt this was my home as I met a lot of great people here, and some I hope, I can say are good friends.
During my brief membership here, I've defended this forum against those whom I felt threatened Corvette Forum. My belief system drives me to be a very outspoken person. I speak my mind and have good grounds to say what I say. I don't start rumors and trust my references of information.
The above has been stated in regards to this post and some things I, as well as others have posted. I made a statement that I believed to be true. I followed the facts and came up with a conclusion. I approached someone with my concerns seeking documentation of the facts I presented them. After weighing all the input, I decided to make a post stating what my conclusion was. I was defending the onslaught of attacks from a couple of members who because of there position on another Corvette Forum come here to degrade this small site and telling Rich and everyone else what they should be doing.
I was approached and took down my accusation as a courtesy to Corvette Florida. Now I'm being asked to make a formal apology to the people who attacked this forum and it's membership. I will not apologize now or in the future for things I've said that I hold as truths. Rich Z, I was defending the Corvette Florida and if you would believe or trust the intruders more then C5Rick, so be it. They have won another battle.
I posted a while got 5 reponses couple of times but i will continue to post .By the way this is the only corvette forum I visit. and sent my money also:lmao::lmao: when I get the relief tax money Ill become a level 2 Im broke right now :lmao::lmao:
Wow, what seemed like a simple enough statement sure drew a lot of fire! I was going to say, I too have noticed a "slow down" on this and other sites I visit regularly (although I am not speaking of other Corvette sites, I don't go to any others except for how to information) and I've wondered why. I can only attribute it to warmer weather, and longer days. I personally have not been on here as much as I was a year ago, but I'm back on 12 hour shifts now and I've been remodeling my house when time and money permit. I seem to be out of the loop as to the other issues "discussed" here by pewter99 and Shadow and, quite frankly, I like it that way. I think this is a laid back, friendly site that lacks a great deal of "commercialism", but I'm OK with that. I haven't met anyone that post on this site other than Rich, but I don't go to the shows or meets because my Vette is a work in progress and it's not ready for extensive travel or showing. I feel as though I know some of you and you all seem to be a friendly, caring group of nice folks that share at least one common interest. What more could you ask for? Occasionally someone will have a difference of opinion and will make a remark that may raise someone's dander, ( I was a little hard on coolassbrad myself I suppose) but no harm, no foul. It's nice to have a site that you can speak your mind on (within reason) without fear of being blackballed.

And that's all I have to say about it!:crazy03:
WoW, I thought I would ask a serious question about where some of the old posters have gone and what it has turned into. This was the first Corvette Forum I signed onto is is currently one of two that I visit. I've always felt this was my home as I met a lot of great people here, and some I hope, I can say are good friends.
During my brief membership here, I've defended this forum against those whom I felt threatened Corvette Forum. My belief system drives me to be a very outspoken person. I speak my mind and have good grounds to say what I say. I don't start rumors and trust my references of information.
The above has been stated in regards to this post and some things I, as well as others have posted. I made a statement that I believed to be true. I followed the facts and came up with a conclusion. I approached someone with my concerns seeking documentation of the facts I presented them. After weighing all the input, I decided to make a post stating what my conclusion was. I was defending the onslaught of attacks from a couple of members who because of there position on another Corvette Forum come here to degrade this small site and telling Rich and everyone else what they should be doing.
I was approached and took down my accusation as a courtesy to Corvette Florida. Now I'm being asked to make a formal apology to the people who attacked this forum and it's membership. I will not apologize now or in the future for things I've said that I hold as truths. Rich Z, I was defending the Corvette Florida and if you would believe or trust the intruders more then C5Rick, so be it. They have won another battle.

Rick, I do appreciate people being defensive towards this site and attempting to grapple with persons they perceive as being on the attack towards what we are trying to establish here. But I cannot let such appreciation blind me when something takes place which I perceive to be ill conceived and unwarranted based on available known facts at the time. Your post was an implied accusation of wrong doing towards another member which while not illegal by any means, some may consider as being unethical, if true. My request to you was, in fact, to prove such accusations, and if not able to prove it, then publicly apologize for jumping to a conclusion with your implications.

Sorry, but I just try to not take sides, no matter who is involved. My job as administrator to this site is to be fair to everyone, no matter what my personal feelings are, and let the facts guide my decisions as administrator, devoid of emotional or favoritism leaning influences. Quite honestly, if my own mother came on here making what appear to be baseless accusations, I would have to treat her exactly in the same manner. Even if it meant she would beat my ass later on.....

As for your belief in what you hold as being the truth, please bear in mind that you can possibly be mistaken, and as such, it is far better to know the truth from FACTS beforehand, rather than making premature statements based on assumptions and suppositions rooted on opinions. It is my preference that such things will be rare and if and when voiced, there will be black and white facts available to support such claims. At this point, it is my opinion that no such facts actually exist to be presented.

Oh and as for the "battle" comment, there is not going to be any battle here about anything. Nobody will win a damned thing in such an altercation, so it just will NOT take place here. You just cannot have a battle without two sides fighting. I am not passive by nature, but there are some things where the best policy is to just let the adversarial opponents wear themselves out all by themselves. If what they state is the truth, then we will use that as a basis for discussion to try to make things better. The truth is not damaging if it can be used to correct something that is broken. If it is not the truth, then that will certainly become self evident all on its own when the truth is presented in rebuttal.
So in a nut shell, this site is BY and FOR Florida Corvette enthusiasts and as such I personally welcome everyone, without a required toll booth, to discuss items of interest, whether personal or commercial in nature, to this target audience.

So is my sunpass of no use here. Darn :rofl1:

Late response i know, im slow at reading through threads.
I posted a while got 5 reponses couple of times but i will continue to post .By the way this is the only corvette forum I visit. and sent my money also:lmao::lmao: when I get the relief tax money Ill become a level 2 Im broke right now :lmao::lmao:

:wavey: Angel
"All corvette owners are broke ;)"
And Yellow, please don't take this as a bitch or complaint, but from a guy that happens to be red/green color blind (which is not uncommon amongst males), your posts are very difficult for me to read. :ack2: The red font against the dark background of the page tends to blur for me and makes your post difficult to read. So, when I see your posts I try to read them, but if you post a lot, like lately, it makes it hard for me to get through them. I would rather not pass over anyones posts. If you must post in a color, I can read Jim's posts in yellow and I don't think he has registered a trademark on that color font. :thumbsup:


Oh...no offense taken...:thumbsup:
I am self employed, but my typing skills (and computer) are sorely lacking.
I would also have to take a english composition class.

:lmao::lmao::lmao:I type so much for work that every time I sit down at the computer, I thank "old lady Nettles" for all her ball busting in typing class:lmao::lmao:

Yep, took typing class 'cause other that home ec, thats where all the ladies were and home ec was full:rofl1::rofl1: (ah, to be a kid again):D

And yep, creative writing, public speacking and multiple language arts classes later.....

Shoulda seen some of my police reports:lmao::lmao:
:and sponsor no events and have few supporting vendors whats to bring anyone here???

This is MY prefered site to visit for info about things/people/events in Florida, and I try to check in at least 2 times a day. I read most of the posts, but don't post very often (I prefer to reply by PM) as I don't want to sound like I'm a complete idiot since I've only been a Corvette owner for about 2 years.
I will admit to being maybe 5/8ths of an idiot though :lmao:

As for sponsoring events........

I expect to be flamed a bit over this post, but I'm OK with that. EACH-AND-EVERY member of this forum that I've had the pleasure of meeting, has been extremely friendly and has given me reason to expect that they would help me out with anything I asked for, and what more do I need or want. I know that disagreements are sometimes unavoidable (talk to my brothers :yesnod:) but disagreements are part of life and part of growing.
I don't think this site was intended to be a do everything for everyone site. I can find information on CAC about things/places/events in the Southeast, but for me, this site provides MUCH MORE info about "things Florida", and THAT'S why I keep coming back day after day.
Just my 2 cents (piasters for you Vietnam Vets out there) worth.
Andy Anderson