• Got the Contributing Memberships stuff finally worked out and made up a thread as a sort of "How-To" to help people figure out how to participate. So if you need help figuring it out, here's the thread you need to take a look at -> http://www.corvetteflorida.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3581 Thank you, everyone! Rich Z.

Where Have All the Posters Gone

I've been reading and posting here for little over a year. I would log on and there was always new threads in about all the topic's/ Sub-Forums.
There was always plenty of responses.
New members are joining daily, but the activity doesn't appear to be what it was. I notice a few members who were very active, don't post much anymore and a lot of the new members don't post.
I for one don't post as much, except for in the Event and Happenings Forum because of the issue I have with timing out. I've even notice myself going to Corvette Forum more and even posting there :eek:.
Is this lack of posts a figment of my imagination or is it happening?
Rick, I agree with you about the "timing out/slow resopnse" part. It's sometimes frustrating trying to post and not being able. I understand that Rich has other issues pulling him in multiple directions and can't devote 100% of his time to the site, but that doesn't lessen the frustration factor. HOWEVER........ it is what it is, and I'll keep coming back because I like the site AND the people who make it up!
I guess what this thread is bringing out into the open is that this site cannot survive and grow without the participation of all the members. Everyone can't rely on everyone else to pull the load and help make this site attractive and interesting for all the members. Everyone has to help in that respect.

Yeah, not everyone has something to talk about, but heck, you don't have to have headline news for it to be interesting to at least someone else here. I put a generic Florida forum here for a reason. To give members a place to talk about just something in general about this state we live in, no matter what it is. Got a great restaurant in your area that you love to frequent? Well tell people about it. Maybe someone else visiting the area would like to know about it, and wouldn't otherwise. If someone hadn't posted about O'Steens in St. Augustine, I certainly would never have learned about it. Now it is a MUST whenever we go to that area.

One thing I think would be a tremendous draw for this site would be to keep the calendar at the bottom of the main page uptodate and filled with every event of interest so if for no other reason, members know they can drop in here at any time and see a FULL and complete listing of all shows and events for the next 90 days in an easy to read format. If someone were to also post a thread about the event in the Events and Shows forum, they could put a link in the calendar entry directly to that thread so people could click on it and then hopefully get involved in the discussion about that event. I don't know how many events I may have been interested in going to that I didn't simply because I didn't know anything about it. How many others are in that same boat? Events can die on the vine too, from lack of participation, so why not use what is offered here to benefit everyone?

And why aren't the individual local club forums used more regularly? They are offered an interactive 24/7 available meeting place here on this site and yet it goes largely unused. I had really hoped that all of the Florida based Corvette clubs would see the benefit of having an open forum where there could be a lot of cross fertilization between the various clubs to help ALL of them grow in membership and participation. Heck, someone in Pensacola WILL drive to Jacksonville or Tampa or Miami if they see the club in those areas putting on something really of interest. And if they see how active a club is they may even become a long distance paid member simply because they want to be a part of what looks like a real fun and INVOLVED group of Corvette enthusiasts. But YOU have to make the effort. Waiting for the other guy to do it for you just isn't the way to make things happen.

It's really not hard to get involved and help this site, and along with it everything related to Corvettes in Florida, to grow. But it just won't happen if the 2,000+ registered members we have here just take a back seat and hope that the dozen "regulars" keep it all going.

Way too many sites fail simply because the membership loses interest and visits slow down and eventually stop completely because there is nothing new from the last time they visited. That can most certainly happen here. There are a handful of members trying hard to keep that from happening, but we could certainly use some more help.........
Drama Much?

well...not that anyone here gives a f*** about my opinion but when you narrow your scope of membership to one state and sponsor no events and have few supporting vendors whats to bring anyone here??? Since you don't want to run it as a business and like the small scale thats what you got. There are other small forums that have alot of activity but they sponsor/hold events and have vendors.

WOW....my first time back on the forum in awhile (work and school keeping me busy) only to find the drama witnessed above. If you haven't figured it out yet, we (the members) are very happy with the way this forum is run. We aren't on here for the quantity of the site, but for the quality all of the members that we have met over the past two years we consider our friends....they are what makes this site appealing to us. My husband was a member of CF when he first bought his vette, and quickly realized that the bashing, backbiting and other divisive actions taken on that forum were not for him. He found a place that was more to his liking, where the members were more about friendship, than whether you spelled correctly, used proper grammar....... and the general disregard for other peoples feelings, causing a feeding frenzy on the poor soul who forgot to spell check. :NoNo:

I know for the members they already know what place I am referring to, but for the individuals that seem to have a problem understanding, I can spell it out for you.......CORVETTEFLORIDA.COM
If you haven't figured it out yet, we (the members) are very happy with the way this forum is run. We aren't on here for the quantity of the site, but for the quality all of the members that we have met over the past two years we consider our friends....they are what makes this site appealing to us.

Then why was this question asked by a member here?
Then why was this question asked by a member here?


I did not get the impression that the original post by C5Rick was because he was unhappy with the way the site was run, but just a question about where all the posters had gone. He did mention that he has a problem with "timing out", but I don't believe that has anything to do with how the site is setup or administered, or we would all have those issues, ...and I do not. My guess is that Rick has an issue between the site and his ISP, but that is just a guess.

I do think that Rick asked a valid question, which in essence was, ..where is everyone? Well, here is my take. This site is geographic specific, so we only have a couple thousand members that have signed up to participate. I am a firm believer of the 20/80 rule, and that is 20 percent of the people do 80 percent of the work in any organization. Just look at your local Corvette clubs, Kiwanis, Knights of Columbus, Masons, etc, etc. We have a society that would prefer to sit back and watch others do the work. Under perfect conditions, that would leave a maximum of about 400 people to do the majority of the posting. BUT, that assumes that the total registered users still visit the site. I think that is an unreasonable assumption for any site like this. I have no idea how many people signed up and no longer visit this site because, it was not there cup of tea, they signed up to see if they could sell something to the members and have since left, they sold their Vette and moved on to other things, etc. So, the actual number of people that will post on this site is not huge. And just between us, that is fine with me. In the couple of years this site has existed, I can count on one hand the number of controversial or difficult posts we have had between members, which includes the Bozo that sold Rich his Z. I guess I just prefer this sort of environment.

I think people slowing down there involvement on a site is typical for all sites , even the big ones but it is harder to tell with them because since they are not geographically specific they will have a much larger base to draw members from and there is always someone posting from somewhere.

I found this site shortly after Rich launched it, I was in Maryland planning to retire and move to Florida and was looking to find other Corvette people in a region I was not familiar with. I was not looking for another site to provide me with technical information, or national events. Plus, I was not happy with the attitudes of a lot of people I bumped into over at CF. Now, that does not mean that everyone over there have attitudes, just enough that it was not as comfortable a site for me. I still go over there occasionally, but not often. I have the same username and avatar there as I do here. Anyway, I found this site at CF and for that I am grateful to them.

So, maybe the lack of posters is the time of year. Kids getting out of school, families planning vacations, work demands, summer blahs, whatever. I know I will have my grand kids visiting for the next couple of weeks and that will limit how much time I will have to visit or post on the four Corvette sites (CorvetteFlorida, Z06 Forum, Z16 Forum, and CF) that I frequent. Stuff happens. If in a few months, the participation has not changed, then maybe someone could claim that their is a systemic problem, but it is way too early for anyone to suggest that situation exists now. Just my opinion.

Anyway, I am grateful for C5Rick for starting this thread, because it has given some of us something new to read, post and think about. Thanks Rick!

..I found this site shortly after Rich launched it, I was in Maryland planning to retire and move to Florida and was looking to find other Corvette people in a region I was not familiar with. I was not looking for another site to provide me with technical information, or national events. Plus, I was not happy with the attitudes of a lot of people I bumped into over at CF. Now, that does not mean that everyone over there have attitudes, just enough that it was not as comfortable a site for me. I still go over there occasionally, but not often. I have the same username and avatar there as I do here. Anyway, I found this site at CF and for that I am grateful to them.

I found this site 04-28-2006 when there were maybe 50 members.
Yes, I found it through CF. I told several members about it. I also found the national motorcycle forum on CF. Then I joined a local motorcycle forum. Yes there are people from CF on both of these sites too. There are even some people from here on the local motorcycle forum.

Sorry you had issues with some that you bumped into on CF (I seem to have those issues here). I must say there are more people I have met on CF, than any other board, that I know I can call on whenever I need them. They are very giving people and will go out of their way. It is a family. I have also found this with TBV (my corvette club), who has a section here. I must say I have not found that here. I am not saying this is a bad place, because it appears some have found that here, and I am glad.

Wow this thread turned off course. Rich please remove my posts (not many) and my membership of this site. This offers nothing that I find useful, even for a local member.
Wow this is an interesting thread.
It dragged my ass out from lurking. :lmao:

I guess that is a good thing. :D

Anyway, Shadow, don't let this forum stuff get to you buddy. It really isn't worth getting all worked up over it. When we founded "Valley Girls" (I love that! :lmao:) I knew that some folks would either love the site or not like it at all. Each forum cannot cater to everyone's needs, period. People join, post, and sometimes leave for whatever reason. Does it concern me? Yes it does, but I learned not to let it bother me much. As for me in regards to this site, I do lurk this site and read the information here but my drive bys here are fast as I have to attend to the Valley Girls :crazy03: (we do have babes :D) and other duties during the day and night. But I haven't forgotten this site one bit. It is a great site and keep it alive. It serves its purpose and it is nicely designed. Keep up the good work.

Wow this thread turned off course. Rich please remove my posts (not many) and my membership of this site. This offers nothing that I find useful, even for a local member.

There is one thing we cannot stand is these Grandstanding Goodbye posts such as this. I don't get posts like this. If you don't like it send a pm to the moderators you don't want to be a member here anymore or at least address your concerns instead of leaving the site. There is no need to make drama out of it and really is inappropriate. The site founders work very hard to keep sites like this alive. To terminate your membership based on ONE thread is ridiculous especially in a section marked as a "ranting room." What the hell do you think you will find in here? Grow up for crying out loud. We do get members like this from time to time who get upset over stupid shit. We simply say adios and wish them luck. The funny thing is MANY end up coming back, first as lurkers, and then they post again. My guess is you will be back, just like the others. We use this to say goodbye to those that wish to make themselves attention whores with Grandstanding Goodbye posts. :D


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Hey what the hell happened to the feeling up the leg post from vett boy at the Valley meet? I wanted to respond to that and it is gone? :crazy03: :lmao:

Are we deleting posts here for some reason? :NoNo:
Hey what the hell happened to the feeling up the leg post from vett boy at the Valley meet? I wanted to respond to that and it is gone? :crazy03: :lmao:

Are we deleting posts here for some reason? :NoNo:
Darn,I must of missed it Psycho!!:thumbsup:
Darn,I must of missed it Psycho!!:thumbsup:
Yep...you missed it alright...:lmao:

I was still trying to digest this thread and speaking of meets I read this.

Shadow;61468[B said:
None[/B] of them provide me with the friendships I've made here:thumbsup:nor do they provide me with the ability to actually meet many of the members through out the year.

Sorry, pal, but I have to call BS on this one. :NoNo: :toetap05:

You were indeed provided to opportunity to meet up. We even discussed this on the phone. You were worth my time to meet up as you helped me find some awesome specialty car insurance. You told me when you were going to be here and said you would call. Never heard from you. After your trip after I ripped you a new one and you explained why you couldn't meet as the timing was bad and I accepted that and excused you for this.

But, I won't accept the fact that you were not given the opportunity to meet up with someone other sites such as the Valley. Many of us have met up. Your statement is false and you should consider to retract it a bit in my opinion.
If a member wants to leave this site, then don't let the door hit their backside when leaving. I like this site!

I have never let any online forum get to me, or make me want to go home with my ball!
How did we go from post #1, where are all the posters to post # 77? Maybe we should all take a big breath go back to first post and read it again...

BTW, Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there...
Hey what the hell happened to the feeling up the leg post from vett boy at the Valley meet? I wanted to respond to that and it is gone? :crazy03: :lmao:

Are we deleting posts here for some reason? :NoNo:

Sorry but no, that is not policy on this site. Regular members CAN edit and delete their own post for up to 30 days after they posted it on this site. At least in most sections.

Here's all I know about that post you referred to:

This message has been deleted by vett boy. Reason: request
Wow this thread turned off course. Rich please remove my posts (not many) and my membership of this site. This offers nothing that I find useful, even for a local member.

Sorry but no. You are welcome to come back or not to this site, but I don't delete accounts and screw up threads a member has participated in by removing those posts.

I must say that I find the timing of your last couple of posts rather intriguing, however...... :rolleyes: